7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 1) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 2) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 3) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 4) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 5) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 6) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 7) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 8) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
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7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 2) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
Inspired by the traditional Orthodox Rosaries also known as κομποσκοίνια.
The Magnesite Orthodox Rosary (v. 33) is an elite line rosary that follows the 33 knots pattern.
Created in the holy Mt Athos, completed in the famous Mt Pelion and blessed directly by the Orthodox Church.
Shaped solely with top notch materials that are based on Magnesite and Tiger's Eye gemstones; and a stainless unbreakable silver Cross with our Christ's Crucifixion, that also symbolizes to never lose faith and to never give up due to adversity.
Moreover, the rosary has been officially blessed by the Orthodox church.
Next, the specific handmade rosary has been made by experts and during its creation protective prayers were used for each bead and the rosary is tightly knotted.
Finally, the Magnesite Orthodox Rosary supports your own stability, clarity and inner-peace.
Yes, Orthodox
Base Materials:
Triple-A high quality Magnesite and Tiger's Eye gemstones and a Silver Unbreakable Cross of our Christ's Crucifixion, that also symbolizes to never lose faith and to never give up due to adversity.
Total Length (from start to end point): ca 41cm
ca 5 cm, Silver Unbreakable Cross.
10 mm
This design is Copyright by DeMar © 2020design is Copyright by DeMar © 2024
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Whereas gold is the metal of the sun, silver is the metal of the moon. Like the moon and water, silver is reflective and used to mirror the soul bringing people calm and balance. Silver is used to 'draw down the moon' during lunar ceremonies, giving the wearer use of the moons energy and protecting them from negativity. Silver's connection to the spiritual life is mostly seen in traditional cultures where people live in union and deep respect for the earth. For example, the Tibetans spiritual silver jewelry is often combined with gemstones and crystals which then resonate their healing vibrations more strongly. Another aspect of the silver natural healing belief is that wearing this jewelry brings the wearer more in tune with the vibrations and flow of the universe. It is the metal of emotions, love and healing. Silver's properties are strongest during the new and full moon.
Silver Metaphysical Properties and Silver Mystical Properties
Silver in Healing Wearing silver jewelry is said to help heal and calm the mind, to help clear the lungs and throat, to increase circulation and purify the blood, to balance hormones and to slow the progression of degenerative brain diseases. Just wearing silver is said to help draw negative energy from the body to make way for positive energy. Any stone used for healing will benefit from being set into silver. Silver is a great conductor of energy, including magic. Any stone set in silver will be amplified and its energy more easily directed.
"Stone of The Mind" Tiger Eye is a smooth and gentle vibration that is great for centering, grounding and balancing. It is known to protect one from the ‘Evil Eye’, along with warding off evil spirits. Tiger Eye is a great stone to use when balancing and opening the lower three Chakras, which can stimulate a Kundalini Awakening. Keep this stone in your Aura for as long as you can each day to benefit greatly from its energy. Chakra(s): RootSacralSolar Plexus
Energy: 4 & 8
Metaphysical Properties:
Healing Properties:
The Tiger’s Eye Effects: The Tiger’s Eye is an ancient talisman, mysterious and powerful, revered and feared. An “all-seeing, an all-knowing eye”, thought to grant a wearer the ability to observe everything; even through closed doors. It brings stability and awareness while integrating the spiritual with the physical realms. It teaches balance between extremes, moving one out of the world of duality – right and wrong, good and bad, dark and light – and provides an understanding of the underlying unity behind apparent opposites. It brings a more practical and compassionate reasoning to one’s choices, and helps one to reflect (the) Spirit through each action taken in the world. Moreover, the Tiger’s Eye is ever vigilant, bringing sharpness to one’s inner vision and better understanding of the “cause and effect” of each situation. It encourages one to use their powers wisely, and allows scattered information to be brought together to a cohesive whole. The Tiger’s Eye is a stone that amplifies and boosts the energies of any quartz, crystal or stone. It brings harmony and balance, and can give you courage, strength of mind and self-confidence to tackle anything that will come your way. It will help you accomplishing your goals because your focus and creativity will be greatly enhanced. You will be filled with confidence and optimism, and all feelings of lack or being incomplete will be dispelled. It is traditionally used as an amulet to protect yourself from curses or any other kind of ill wishes. Furthermore, The Tiger’s Eye is a golden stone. It’s an excellent stone to have with you if you are looking to increase your wealth, to boost your money flow or to create more opportunities for growth and expansion. It can bring in abundance and prosperity to your life. It will bring good luck to you when you work hard and envision your success. It can amplify the energies that you give to your pursuits, which is why it will also attract the same amount of good luck back to you. Finally, the Tiger’s Eye will strengthen your willpower and your intentions towards success. |
OVERVIEW Magnesite brings a deep peace when you meditate and perform relaxation exercises. If placed on the third eye chakra, this stone will aid visualisation and imagery. It opens the heart chakra and stimulates heart felt love including love for yourself, which is necessary if you wish to wholeheartedly love others.
MAGNESITE AND PHYSICAL HEALTH Magnesite is a soft stone and carries the vibration of that softness. Use this stone for muscle relaxation, healthy evacuation of the large intestine and ease absorption and digestion of food. Magnesite contains a high level of magnesium and aids its absorption in the body. It detoxifies and neutralises body odour, acts as an antispasmodic, and treats menstrual, stomach, intestinal, and vascular cramps and the pain from gallbladder and kidney stones. Magnesite treats bone and teeth disorders and prevents epilepsy. It relieves headaches, especially migraines and slows blood clotting. Magnesite speeds up fat metabolism and disperses cholesterol, preventing arteriosclerosis and angina. It is a useful preventative for heart disease. It balances body temperature, lessens fevers and chills. Magnesite aids the body in releasing tension or stagnation. It is helpful for the bowels and can be used in instances of constipation. It is ideal for muscle spasms, muscle adhesion, and chronic muscular tension due to stress. It can help relieve overly sensitive skin, fascia or muscle tissue. It is a good support for the healing of fibroids and similar disorders.
MAGNESITE AND WEALTH Magnesite is an excellent stone to have if you wish to increase the luck, prosperity, and abundance in your life. It will keep all the distractions at bay, allowing you to fully focus on the things that you need to accomplish and the people you need to see. The energies of this stone will inspire you to relax and take a break when needed, and to visualize what you want to achieve when it comes to the financial aspect of your life.
MAGNESITE AND YOUR FEELINGS With its calming energy, magnesite balances your emotions so that you can get in touch with your true feelings. This stone helps you to clear out old emotional patterns. With this stone in hand, relax your emotional body, and move into a more acceptable place. Magnesite brings to the surface all forms of self-deceit. It helps to recognise unconscious thoughts and feelings and be able to explore the reasons for these. It creates a positive attitude to life, it helps egotistical people to be able to take a back seat when necessary and teaches you how to actively listen to others. Magnesite brings a calming effect to the emotions, promoting tolerance for emotional stress. It supports people who are nervous and fearful and helps them to overcome irritability and intolerance. It is especially helpful for those who are under excessive stress or who are unable to release control. It can help emotionally rigid individuals find fluidity and expression of their feelings. Its frequency promotes joy and emotional harmony. It can help one to feel safer and more supported by the Divine.
MAGNESITE AND THE MIND Magnesite is a perfect stone to relax your mind and release the tension of negative thought forms or mental energy. The brain like form of magnesite has a powerful effect on the mind, bringing the hemispheres into harmony and stimulating ideas and their application. Magnesite can be helpful in bringing unconditional love in situations where one person in a relationship is suffering from addictions. It helps you feel centred and allows you to stand by and allow the other person to be totally who they are without requiring them to change or being affected yourself in any way by their difficulties.
MAGNESITE AND THE SPIRIT Magnesite expands your intuition during channeling or other psychic practices to allow information to flow more easily through your consciousness. This white stone allows you to integrate or translate the messages from Ascended Masters, spirit guides and loved ones on the other side. It takes the edge off what otherwise might seem like an agitating insight. For purely transcendent experiences, it is difficult to beat the power of Magnesite. Its ability to activate the psychic senses and stimulate one’s capacity to receive and process information from the higher realms is an important gift. Magnesite helps you focus these abilities so the information received is clearer, more concise and more relevant to life. While it stimulates an ability to connect with guides and evolved entities, magnesite’s energy assists you in tuning in to the Akashic records and the information contained in the soul group consciousness of humanity.
MAGNESITE AND THE CHAKRAS Heart, Third Eye and the Crown |