7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 1) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 2) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
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7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 3) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
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7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 4) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
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7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 5) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
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7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 6) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 7) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 8) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
The Skull Cross 5 Decade Catholic Rosary
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The Natural Dragon Pocket Rosary is an exclusive, special and very powerful Rosary.
Inspired by the traditional Christian Rosaries that prevailed throughout the Christian history in combination with the spiritual golden aura and its radiating beauty.
The Pocket Rosary of Nature is an elite line rosary that is meant to guide you through your prayers and to always be with you; be in your car, your pocket, your back and so forth.
Shaped in the holy Mt Athos, completed in the famous Mt Pelion and blessed directly by the Church.
It has been created for individuals that have to take upon missions (high-risk and covert) missions and require their existence to remain concealed.
In regards to the beads. Pure Natural Black Wood Lace Stone, Dragon Blood and pure Hematite gemstones have been utilized for its creation; completely cleansed and purified.
Second, its cross medal: made of 304 golden stainless unbreakable steel with Saint Benedict as its main point (both sides have symbols on them) that also symbolize to never lose faith and to never give up due to adversity.
Third, the Rosary has been officially blessed by the church - bringing with it the blessings of the heavens.
Next, the specific handmade rosary has been made by experts and during its creation protective prayers were used for each bead and is tightly knotted.
The Natural Dragon Pocket Rosary is a unique, beautiful and elegant rosary destined to support your prayers.
Pocket / Car - Rosary:
Created in Mt Athos and completed in Mt Pelion (Two of the most powerful holy grounds)
Base Materials:
Triple-A high quality Natural Black Wood Lace Stone, Dragon Blood and Hematite gemstones; and 304 Golden Stainless Steel Cross Medal of St Benedict and has been blessed by the church.
ca 47 cm --- Cross: ca 2.5 cm
4 mm, 8 mm and 10 mm
This design is Copyright by DeMar © 2021
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“The Blood Stone”
Hematite balances the meridians within the whole body, as it is great for physical healing, along with providing one with a mental and spiritual well-being. It stimulates the mind while protecting, grounding and balancing.
Chakra(s): All, Especially The Root Chakra Zodiac: Aries/Aquarius Birthstone: December/March Planet: Mars/Mercury Energy Vibration: 9 ENERGY:
In Ancient Rome, hematite was a popular stone for decorative purposes. Jewellery, weapons, and even armour decorated with hematite were traded widely. The dark colour was thought to be especially intimidating or protective. Hematite stones are opaque, not the strongest of stones (it has a 5-6 on the Mohs hardness scale), and they have a strong metallic lustre. When found in nature, it will be rough and red, but once polished, it takes on a beautiful, mirror-like sheen, which makes it extremely popular in semi-precious jewellery. Just like Amethyst, this stone’s energy is earthy, and it is one of the best stones that you can use to harness the power of the element of earth to lend you strength and dispel negativity. If you are interested in learning how to use hematite’s power, simply read on!
Why Would You Use Hematite Crystals-Stones? Hematite’s powerfully earthy energy means that it can be used for almost any project that involves the power of the element of earth. Earth is the element that rules the physical world, money, practical thinking, and decision making. As I’m sure you can imagine, this makes the powers of earth extremely popular and beneficial! Thinking in a solid, logical way that will also improve your material and financial life is a pretty positive way to go through life. Specifically, hematite is a good stone for organizing one’s thoughts and developing logical thinking skills. This is a useful stone for improving your skills in subjects such as mathematics, argumentation and debate, or problem-solving. If you’re put off by the idea of a stone benefiting “logical” thinking, and worried that it might negatively impact your creativity, fear not! In fact, logical thinking is a prerequisite for creative thinking. The most creative thinkers, from painters like Picasso to scientists like Einstein, or even young children, are actually the most ruthless appliers of logic. They apply logic so rigorously that they come very quickly to conclusions or ideas that other people would dismiss as “crazy.” In other words, if you feel that your creative thinking is stagnant and you want some more, then applying hematite to improve your logical thinking skills is the best thing you can possibly do for yourself! It also has strong emotional benefits, because, as many dark-coloured stones do, hematite dispels negativity and “purifies” the emotional realm. It balances its user’s self-esteem and self-vision by sweeping away all the negativity that so often clouds our understanding of ourselves. By using hematite, you make way for more positive energy to enter into your life. Hematite’s main property could be described as “grounding.” If you tend to have a “flighty” mind, prone to distraction, lack of focus, or anxiety, or even if you feel that you have a strong imagination, but that it’s impacting you negatively, this could be the perfect stone for you. It won’t “kill” your imagination – quite the opposite, as described above! – but it will give you an increased ability to focus your mind in a productive way, rather than becoming psychically distracted.
How Will Hematite Help You? Hematite can benefit you in multiple different fields of your life. It is best known for its positive effects in business and career fields, but it can also be helpful in your romantic relationships, your family life, your spiritual development, and your general perspective towards yourself.
Hematite and Wealth First, let’s tackle hematite’s role in your career. Because of its connection to the element of earth, this is one of the best stones you can use for its financial benefits. Remember, earth is the element that rules money – why do you think American money is green? If you’re seeking a promotion, a raise, or maybe a whole different job that will benefit you from a financial perspective, hematite is a great stone to incorporate into your life. Its power will not only make people see you in a more positive way, but also give you the skills of strong logical thinking and practicality that are so rare and valuable in most career fields.
Hematite, Love and Relationships When it comes to interpersonal relationships – whether romantic, familial, or just friendly or social – this is the perfect stone for keeping you far away from “drama.” While some people seem to attract fusses like magnets, hematite will repel all that unnecessary, negative, attention-seeking behaviour. From a spiritual and emotional perspective, hematite is a good stone for fostering gratitude for what you have. Appreciating what you have in the here and now is one of the single healthiest things that you can do for your mind and spirit.
Hematite and Healing I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention hematite’s history as a physically healing stone. Hematite has been used for centuries in medicine for a very good reason – it contains iron! Iron deficiency is the cause of many health problems, so it’s only natural that an iron-containing stone would be touted for its healing properties. Hematite has been said to have positive effects on the heart and the circulatory system. It can also ease symptoms that are exacerbated by stress or anxiety, due to its grounding properties. Remember, however: crystology is never an acceptable substitute for professional medical attention! Never use any stone as a replacement for seeing a qualified doctor or medical professional. Furthermore, it should be noted that, due to hematite’s iron content, any sort of healing process that requires you to consume any quantity of the stone should be regarded with extreme caution and skepticism. Iron is an important micronutrient, and if you’re an Ancient Roman, then taking a hematite elixir might be a great way to get it, but it can quickly become toxic if you’re literally eating the metal. Get your iron nutrients from spinach or red meat instead, and save hematite for spiritual nutrition.
How to Use Hematite Crystals for the Best Results Because hematite is both very aesthetically pleasing and relatively inexpensive and common, hematite jewellery is quite easy to procure. As such, a nice range of hematite jewellery is a gery easy thing to collect. When you are preparing for a difficult confrontation (especially one that has to do with money), put on your hematite like armour! This strong, protective stone will keep you emotionally and spiritually safe, and it should be thought of as having that purpose. When you put it on, think of yourself like a knight in a movie putting on his armour before going into battle. This also applies if, for whatever reason, the “energy” of your house itself feels wrong. Many people who believe that their houses are haunted by traumatic memories would benefit from placing some hematite in the house to “suck out” the residual negative energies. If you are suffering from nightmares (or have a partner or child who is), place hematite under your (or their) bed or pillow in order to keep the negative energies that cause nightmares at bay. |
Dragon Blood Jasper is a member of the quartz family (chalcedony). It is a fantastically patterned gemstone with deep red tones of matrix joined with a combination of forest green hues. Dragon Blood Jasper is found only in western Australia. Local legend there says that the stone is the remains of deceased ancient dragons – the green being the skin and the red the blood.
Metaphysical Meaning: Enhances life force; healing; balance, opening of the third eye, explore past lives Source: Australia Mohs Hardness Scale: 7 Chakra: Heart Source: Australia Astrological: Leo Healing Qualities: Enhances Life Force, courage, strength and vitality. Brings joy to community interactions. Helps you achieve goals. Draws money and love to the wearer. Good for diagnosing illness and preventing illness. Physical: Good for nerves, bladder, spleen, stomach, kidneys, liver, bile ducts, mineral balance and sense of smell. Provides physical heart healing. Helps bronchitis, backache, cramps, colds, flu, jaundice and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Useful during fasting. Emotional / Spiritual: Grounds spiritual energy through the heart chakra. Forms a 3-foot (ca. 1 meter) barrier around the wearer for protection against negative people. A stone with a strong pattern of physical vitality, capable of bringing more energy into the auric field and the physical self. It calls forth the gentle strengths of love, forgiveness, and compassion - the only energies that can tame the inner dragon. Helps loneliness and keeps your spirits up. Good for yin/yang balance and the aura.
Robert Simmons writes: "Dragon Stone is a strengthener of the physical and etheric bodies, and it works very well for knitting the two of them together, when illness or other negative conditions have brought one's vitality down. Its influence assists the body in the spiritual purification of the blood, and of the cells. It is a wellspring of prana, and it can help one find one's inner ‘reset,' so that one's body and energy fields regain their resonance with a pattern of health, stability and emotional wellbeing. It works steadily rather than rapidly, like most Jaspers, although the exceptional potency of Dragon Stone makes it one of the most powerful and dynamic of the stones in this family”. It has been said that the best way of breaking an old habit is to introduce a new one. That is Dragon Stone's special talent. If one has––through being buffeted by life's events, through confusion or fear, or through self-indulgence––fallen into unhealthy, debilitating patterns, Dragon Stone offers a strong, self-affirming template to follow. Emotionally, Dragon Stones helps one develop self-confidence, a stronger will, an open expression of feeling and affection, a willingness to help others for the greater good, and the persistence required to make real and effective change. Physically, it seems to aid endurance, and to inspire one to work hard to be well. This includes diet and exercise regimes for getting in shape. It also feels to me that it can aid those who are working to repattern one's cellular habits for regeneration and rejuvenation, all the way down to the DNA. The twisting, snakelike DNA molecule is, after all, something of a Dragon itself! Spiritually, Dragon Stone can inspire one to place one's self-serving tendencies into service of the well-being of the world. Yet it does not make one into a weak rule-follower. Rather, it encourages fierceness and loyalty to what seems in one's heart to be the Good, and it teaches one to protect and defend that Good with a power and strength one may never have known one even had! A dragon is not a domesticated animal. It is a wild, sentient journeyer among many realms––an excellent ally and a worthy opponent. To carry Dragon Stone is to invite such qualities into oneself.