7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 1) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 2) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
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7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 3) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 4) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 5) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 6) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 7) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 8) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
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The Opalite Volcanic Black Onyx Necklace is a necklace that is aimed at two directions simultaneously: increasing your wealth and power as well as in supporting your energies that are geared towards love and your own well being.
To accomplish such a feat a very delicate combination of materials has been utilized while all of the gemstones have been extensively cleansed and purified.
Designed for all occasions, you can now garner the powerful energies by wearing the necklace on a daily basis.
Soothing, balanced and powerful.
Stones - Cleansed and Purified:
Base Materials:
Triple-A high quality Black Onyx, Turquoise and 925 Vintage Antique Opalite Silver Pendant.
Dimensions (adjustable):
ca 64 cm to 84 cm
8 mm and 10 mm.
Opalite Pendant:
49 X 16 X 10 mm
This design is Copyright by DeMar © 2022
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Whereas gold is the metal of the sun, silver is the metal of the moon. Like the moon and water, silver is reflective and used to mirror the soul bringing people calm and balance. Silver is used to 'draw down the moon' during lunar ceremonies, giving the wearer use of the moons energy and protecting them from negativity. Silver's connection to the spiritual life is mostly seen in traditional cultures where people live in union and deep respect for the earth. For example, the Tibetans spiritual silver jewelry is often combined with gemstones and crystals which then resonate their healing vibrations more strongly. Another aspect of the silver natural healing belief is that wearing this jewelry brings the wearer more in tune with the vibrations and flow of the universe. It is the metal of emotions, love and healing. Silver's properties are strongest during the new and full moon.
Silver Metaphysical Properties and Silver Mystical Properties
Silver in Healing Wearing silver jewelry is said to help heal and calm the mind, to help clear the lungs and throat, to increase circulation and purify the blood, to balance hormones and to slow the progression of degenerative brain diseases. Just wearing silver is said to help draw negative energy from the body to make way for positive energy. Any stone used for healing will benefit from being set into silver. Silver is a great conductor of energy, including magic. Any stone set in silver will be amplified and its energy more easily directed.
“Stone of Self-Mastery”
Chakra(s): Root, Solar Plexus and Third-Eye Energy Vibration: 6
Energy: Protection Healing Grounding
Protection: Captures and Grounds Psychic Attack Protects against Adversaries Protects against Black Magick Blocks negative influences.
Stimulates: Grounding All The Senses Inner-Strength Concentration Self-Mastery Self-Discipline Intuition
Metaphysical Properties:
Healing Properties:
The Myth:
The myth of the origin of onyx says that the goddess Venus was resting on the banks of the Indus River. As she slept, Cupid used the point of one of his enchanted arrows to give her a manicure. The parings of her nails then fell into the waters of the sacred river. Since the nails were of heavenly origin, they sank to the river bottom and were metamorphosed into onyx.
In Ancient Times: Onyx is a protective stone worn when facing adversaries in battles of conflicts of all kinds, or while hurrying down a dark street late at night. In classical ceremonial magic, the image of the head of the god Mars or a figure of the hero Hercules was engraved on onyx and carried for courage. Indians and Persians believed that wearing onyx protected them from the evil eye, and that placing onyx on the stomach of a pregnant woman in labor would reduce the labor pain and bring on earlier delivery.
Effects: Onyx is not only used for protection, but also as defense against negativity consciously directed towards you. It has also been used to reduce uncontrollable sexual impulses. The close union and yet strong contrast between the layers of black and white in some varities of onyx may suggest its connection with romance. In India, Gemologists recommend Onyx as a protective measure for harmonious relationships, thus keeping away any probability of disturbances or differences between the couple. Onyx as a birthstone provides the structure and authority you crave. It can help you be the master of your destiny and strengthen your confidence. It provides support in difficult times and centers your energy in times of mental or physical stress. It also offers the gift of wise decisions.
Mystical Power of Onyx (general): Throughout history, onyx has been thought to bring powers of protection, defensive magic, and the reduction of sexual desires. It has also been thought to reinforce the knowledge that there is no death, aiding in the understanding of the wheel of birth, death and rebirth. It brings about the knowledge that separation is an illusion and reunion will come. It aids psychic contact with those who have died, facilitates séances and mediumship, brings messages from the dead, and aids past-life and between-lives regression work. It helps future life progressions, and prevents and removes spirit possessions. Contemporary authors say the onyx brings increased vigor, strength, stamina, and self control. It alleviates worry, tension, and nervousness and eliminates confusion and nightmares. It is used to provide glimpses of that which is ‘beyond’ and activates one’s memory of one’s roots and reality. Medicinal applications include the treatment of bone marrow diseases, teeth, foot, blood and bone problems, and soft tissue disorders. It is also believed to aid in ailments such as epilepsy or glaucoma and is known to have powers to rectify damage done to cells.
Mystical Power of the Black Onyx (specific): The Black Onyx seems like a gift from the gods to us… it can help you live a more fulfilling life! The Onyx is a type of chalcedony that’s part of the quartz family. It was a popular stone for the Greeks. They believed that the Onyx stone came from the fingernails of the Goddess Venus. It is a powerful stone with plenty of positive attributes. First, it is a grounding and centering stone. It will balance you mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Second, it is a strengthening stone that will assist you in tasks where you feel challenged and weak. Third, it will ease your fears where they are the strongest. Fourth, it will banish negativity. Fifth, it will rejuvenate you when you have run out of energy. Finally, it will attract positive energy and bring you happiness. When you wear a Black Onyx Bracelet, it will inspire self-control, confidence, fidelity to your partner. It enhances your meditation and dreams. It will give you confidence in your career, like in interviews and presentations. The Black Onyx will work according to your heart’s desire. The Black Onyx is also believed to have healing powers and to heal teeth, bones, feet, and blood disorders. Place it on your body and feel the healing take place. Use the Black Onyx to charge water to treat skin ailments like fungal infections and sunburns, and also wounds and rashes. Just pat it on the affected area and use an Onyx water compress at night. Here’s just some of the benefits you will get, when having the Black Onyx near you:
If you use Hecate’s Eye constantly for chanting, protection and enhancements; or feel that your energies are constantly under attack… then, every week, you should discharge the Onyx by placing it under running water. If you’ve used it for a long time without doing so, bury it in the earth overnight at least once a month to regenerate its energies (preferably inside a sealed wooden box and on dry days). To conclude: wearing Hecate's Eye, placing it on your altar, or using it during rituals allows you access to all the benefits that have been mentioned here.
“Stone of Purification”
Chakra(s): ThroatThymusThird Eye Energy Vibration: 1 Energy:
Metaphysical Properties:
In color psychology, turquoise controls and heals the emotions creating emotional balance and stability. In the process it can appear to be on an emotional roller coaster, up and down, until it balances itself. A combination of blue and a small amount of yellow, it fits in on the color scale between green and blue. It radiates the peace, calm and tranquility of blue and the balance and growth of green with the uplifting energy of yellow. This is a color that recharges our spirits during times of mental stress and tiredness, alleviating feelings of loneliness. You only have to focus on the color turquoise, whether on a wall or clothing and you feel instant calm and gentle invigoration, ready to face the world again! It is a great color to have around you, particularly in an emergency, as it helps with clear thinking and decision-making. It assists in the development of organizational and management skills. It influences rather than preaching and demanding. This is a good color to aid concentration and clarity of thought for public speakers as it calms the nervous system, gives control over speech and expression, and builds confidence. Print your speech notes on turquoise and every time you glance down you will feel the effects of the color. It heightens levels of creativity and sensitivity; it is good at multi-tasking, becoming bored if forced to focus on one thing only. Sometimes thinking can become scattered if surrounded by too much of this balancing color. Turquoise encourages inner healing through its ability to enhance empathy and caring. It heightens our intuitive ability and opens the door to spiritual growth. It is the color of the evolved soul. The color turquoise can also be self-centered, tuning in to its own needs above all others. At the same time, it can help us to build our self-esteem and to love ourselves, which in turn supports our ability to love others unconditionally. At its most extreme it can be boastful and narcissistic. Although it is self-sufficient, it fears being alone and can become aloof and unapproachable when this occurs, making the situation worse. Turquoise has strong powers of observation and perception and can be quite discriminating. It has the ability to identify the way forward, the way to success, balancing the pros and cons, the right and wrong, of any situation. It is a good color to use when you are stuck in a rut and don't know which way to move. This is a color that can sometimes be impractical and idealistic and remote from emotional reactions, appearing excessively cool, calm and collected. Too much of this color in your life may give you an overactive mind and create emotional imbalance, making you either over-emotional or non-emotional. Too little turquoise in your life may cause you to withhold your emotions, resulting in secrecy and confusion about your direction in life. From a negative perspective, the meaning of the color turquoise relates to being either over-emotional or non-emotional, lacking communication skills, being unreliable and deceptive.
Personality Color Turquoise While you may not exhibit all the personality traits of a personality color turquoise as listed here, if this is your favorite color you will find yourself somewhere in the description. You may also find you exhibit some of the negative traits, particularly when you are stressed.
If Your Favorite Color is Turquoise
If this is your favorite color, you are friendly and approachable, easy to communicate with. You are compassionate, empathetic and caring. You have a heightened sense of creativity and sensitivity. You speak from the heart and love sharing your inner most thoughts. As a personality color turquoise you usually have highly developed intuitive abilities. You seek spiritual fulfillment, and you are often an evolved or 'old' soul. You are trying to create balance in your life as you swing emotionally from one direction to the other. Although presenting a cool and calm exterior, and appearing to be stable and balanced, beneath the surface you may be in chaos, on an emotional roller coaster ride. With a personality color turquoise, you are self-sufficient, with good self esteem and an ability to love and care for yourself. You are a clear thinker and good decision maker. You have good organizational and management skills. With a personality color turquoise, you make a good boss, as you tend to influence others rather than be bossy and demanding. You are confident and find public speaking to be easy - with your ability to focus and concentrate on the most important things and your capacity for clarity of thought, communication comes easy to you. You are good at multi-tasking - focusing on one thing at a time bores you. You have strong powers of perception and can be selective and discerning, balancing the pros and cons of any situation, then identifying the best way forward. Your thinking can become scattered at times, particularly when you try to accomplish too much at once. This can overtire you and you become emotionally out of balance. You can be self-centered, tuning in to your own needs to the exclusion of the needs of others. You can be boastful and narcissistic, appearing egotistical and conceited. You fear being alone and can become aloof and unapproachable when this occurs, making the situation even worse. You can be impractical and idealistic with an overactive mind creating emotional imbalance - you need turquoise to bring you back into balance. If operating from a negative perspective, you may lack communication skills, have difficulty in expressing yourself, including your emotions, be unreliable and deceptive, have creative blocks, or be either over emotional or non-emotional. You may be naturally drawn to turquoise when you are suffering emotional stress as it is the color that controls and heals the emotions - this may be a temporary choice of a favorite color turquoise. Positive and Negative Traits Positive keywords include communication, clarity of thought, balance and harmony, idealism, calmness, creativity, compassion, healing and self-sufficiency. Negative keywords include boastfulness, secrecy, unreliability and reticence, fence-sitting, aloofness, deception and off-handedness.
The Color Turquoise Represents Communication: This color represents open communication from and between the heart and the spoken word. It relates to the electronic age and the world of computers, and communication on a large scale. Emotional Control: Being the mid color between the extremes of red and violet, turquoise is the color of balance, for the emotions, thoughts and speech. Self-Sufficiency: It has the ability to tune into its own needs and find the way to success.
Effects of the Color Turquoise Clarity of Thought: It enhances the ability to focus and concentrate, assisting with clear thinking and decision-making, and the development of good organizational skills. Calming: It is calming yet invigorating, restoring depleted energies. Non-emotional: A negative effect of turquoise is that it can cause people to be too aloof and to hide their emotional reactions.
Turquoise in Business In using turquoise in business applications you need to understand the traits, qualities and mood of the color along with the psychological meaning. The messages the color sends to your customer base can have a major impact on your business success. Psychologically, turquoise represents clarity of thought and communication. It inspires self-expression, encouraging people to tune into their own needs. Physiologically, turquoise calms the emotions and recharges the spirit, invigorating depleted energy levels and inspiring positive thought. Turquoise is a beneficial color for any business related to communication, including teachers, trainers, public speakers, media communication and computer technology. Turquoise is a good color for health clinics and practitioners as it balances the emotions and calms the spirit. Using turquoise for cleaning products is ideal as it reflects cleanliness and purity without being too sterile. Too much turquoise creates indecision as people swing between the blue energy and the yellow energy that comprises turquoise. Balance it with either some red, pink, magenta or purple.
Keywords for Turquoise: Positive Color Meanings in Business:
Negative Color Meanings in Business:
Using Turquoise in Business Turquoise is suitable for use in any business involved in media communication, teaching, public speaking or computers. It aids self-expression, clarity of thought and logical thinking. Turquoise works well with businesses promoting water, whether it be pure water filtration companies, pool cleaning businesses, or water sports. It has an innovative quality and appeal for sports related businesses and combines well with red, orange or yellow for these types of businesses. Turquoise is suitable for both the male and female market and for all ages. Combined with pale pink, lavender or pale lemon, turquoise has a feminine energy, ideal for the fashion or beauty market, gift or home wares stores. |