- 7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 1) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
- 7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 2) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
- 7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 3) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
- 7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 4) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
- 7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 5) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
- 7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 6) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
- 7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 7) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
- 7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 8) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
- The Yin and Yang 5 Decade Catholic Ankh Rosary 159.92€ 199.90€
- The Jasper Dragon Vein Catholic Rosary 127.92€ 159.90€
- The Crucifix Cross Anglican Rosary 127.92€ 159.90€
- The Elegant Royal Garnet Necklace (V2) 135.92€ 169.90€
- Eternity - the Spiral Reiki Charm Bracelet 39.99€ 49.99€
- Oceanus Military 550 Paracord Rosary v33 119.92€ 149.90€
- The Anglican Rosary of Nature 119.92€ 149.90€
- The St Benedict 5 Decade Catholic Rosary 119.92€ 149.90€
The Blood Stone Velvet Leather Charm is a special Reiki charged charm that is designed around three principles:
- inner peace,
- good luck and
- balance of the Reiki energies around it.
Entirely Handmade, the Blood Stone Velvet Leather Charm is unique in every aspect.
Moreover, if you are a person that due to various circumstances in his or her life, experiences exhaustion or that something unexplainable does not go well...
Place the Charm on the back of your door, on your window or the wall (close to your desk) and let the energies of peace and balance come to you.
Base Materials
Natural Blood Stone - cleansed and purified
100% pure dark-brown Leather
100% pure leather dark-brown colored Stripes
Handmade Good luck Tassel
Handmade stainless copper-bronze wire to create the protective attributes of the Pentagram.
Size of beads:
8 mm
About the Pentagram:
If any of you relates the Pentagram with God or Evil, or Satanism, then that person has no idea what he or she is talking about!
You can go ahead and do some serious research of what the Pentagram truly stands for. Nevertheless, we will give you an advanced tip:
Pointing upwards, you draw energies from the sky-direction.
Pointing downwards, you draw energies from the chthonic-direction.
And so forth…
Think of it (we generalize here) of drawing energies from wind, or sky, elements or earthly elements.
It all depends on what you want to achieve.
For our current set of charms, we have the direction of the Pentagram pointing upwards!
This design is Copyright by DeMar © 2019
About the Quality of our products:
We use high quality materials in our products (i.e. bracelets, necklaces etc) such as a very good grade of genuine natural gemstones and stainless-steel wire and clasps. We always take the time to give you excellent beading and inspection. We keep you in mind as we design our products so the finished product is durable, of a very high quality and beautiful.
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Bloodstone Meaning If you've just been sucker punched in the heart by life and a series of unfortunate events, switch things up with Bloodstone, a powerhouse for restoring and rebuilding the mind and body. All stones have healing effects, but some are more epic than others, including Bloodstone properties, an essential healing tool for returning your spirit to its natural state of joy and vitality.
Bloodstone Healing Properties With an aesthetic as dark and earthy as the legends surrounding it, the healing crystal garnered a reputation of sacred power in the Middle Ages when the Bloodstone meaning was linked to the crucifixion of Christ. The legend holds the belief that the blood from His wounds dripped on the dark green earth, which turned it to stone. This ancient legend gave Bloodstone its name and also inspired the long-held belief in its exceptional wound healing powers. If you're feeling spiritually adrift, meditate with Bloodstone to stimulate the root chakra, the energy center that provides a sense of security and safety on the earth. Bloodstone properties work to guide your lost soul by helping you see change on the horizon and face the transformation with a renewed sense of resilience and vigor. In other words, it serves as a protective talisman that gives you strength and courage to brave the storm. Like the blood pumping through your circulatory system and to the heart, Bloodstone healing properties rock when it comes to regeneration of cells and tissue, making it a go-to for wound healing. The same goes for healing emotional wounds, which makes the Bloodstone stone meaning an essential part of your healing crystal first aid kit. Feeling especially moody? Bloodstone is also an effective mood stabilizer in the world of crystal healing. Bloodstone boosts the innate healing power inside you by quieting a preoccupied mind and refocusing your energy on repair and renewal of wounds you've collected over the years. Keep Bloodstone with you everywhere you go and take on the day with a renewed sense of confidence and inner strength. Bloodstone is also great for athletes. Here’s some fun historical trivia: The ancient Greeks and Romans often wore Bloodstone amulets during athletic competitions to boost endurance and increase physical strength. It also served as protection of injury and disease, a must-have during the pre-Penicillin era of ancient Greece and Rome. The ancients channeled the Bloodstone healing properties by dipping it in cold water and placing it on the body to aid circulation and promote healing. It also assists us with challenges ahead by grounding us to the life-giving elements of the earth. This is especially helpful if you’re the type to think ahead five steps instead of being in the moment. Calm the hamster wheel in your head with the stabilizing effects of Bloodstone properties, which help return us to the present by removing emotional blockages and clearing the root chakra, the main energy center of the body. If everything seems to be going wrong, meditate with the stone while saying this affirmation to yourself, "I welcome all challenges and will overcome them." Sit quietly with the Bloodstone and gaze deeply at it while repeating this inspiring mantra.
Bloodstone Meditation The best way to access the powerful and courageous vibes of Bloodstone is to create a sacred healing space free of clutter, to-do lists, cell phones, and anything else that might be a distraction. Make the environment ultra-comfy with a cushion, yoga mat, or blanket and set the mood with an aromatherapy lamp or scented candle. Before you begin your meditation practice, clear and cleanse the energy of the room with your favorite incense or sage smudge stick. Hold the Bloodstone crystal in your hand and set your intention while meditating, a powerful way to manifest its healing properties. If you have too much energy to mediate in a sedentary position, walking meditation is also an excellent way to replace negative thought patterns with more productive and creative ones that inspire action instead of paralysis. While holding the Bloodstone in your hand, walk through a forest or other beautiful and serene natural setting, and feel the Bloodstone helping to deepen and expand your connection to nature. |
"The Healing Metal"
[EXCELLENT CONDUCTOR OF ENERGY] Copper is known as the lucky metal, as well as the healing metal. It is the conductor of the spiritualist’s belief system. It conducts spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, crystals, auras, the mind and the spirit world. Copper is linked with the Divine and attributes to the Queen of Heaven. Any stone with Copper, in or around it, is said to have enhanced properties. Copper even enhances the energy of Silver and Gold.
Chemical Symbol: Cu Chakra(s): All, Especially the Root and Heart Element: Water Planet: Venus ZODIAC: Taurus/Libra/Sagittarius Birthstone: All ENERGY:
Copper/Bronze Properties Copper Properties Copper is a plentiful metal ore that ranges in color, from a gentle red-brown to a dark brick red. It has high electrical and thermal conductivity and also very malleable. Why Would You Use Copper? Copper is known to stimulate energy flow and enhance your psychic abilities. It’s an energy conductor that will move energies and amplify your thoughts. It will also help you in channeling and in communicating with higher dimensional beings. Copper can also ground and move wide array of vibrational frequencies from the spiritual realm to the physical realm. When used together with Petrified Wood, it will amplify your thoughts and send healing energies all over the body. It will also encourage you to achieve physical and emotional alignment. This will result in clearer thinking and less aggressive behavior. You will also enjoy a boost in your self-esteem. When someone is feeling agitated, angry, or distraught, your calming energies will help them calm down as well. Copper is a warming stone. It will help you release excess charges of anger or resentment. The mineral makeup of this stone will also balance the energies of the warm sun and the cool moon. It’s an excellent stone that will increase your ability to express yourself and accept your true emotions. Copper will make sure that your personal energy reserve is full so that you can be up for anything even at such short notice.
How Will Copper Help You? Copper, Healing and Health Copper has been used for healing and medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Ancient cultures made use of Copper as a healing mineral with healing properties beneficial to the internal and external bodies. Copper is the third most abundant trace mineral that can be found in the human body. It’s transported throughout the body with the help of proteins in the bloodstream. The liver and the human brain also contain the largest amount of copper. People need approximately 3 milligrams of copper each day in their diets. It can be used in the treatment of skin diseases and wounds. It can also be helpful with internal diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, anemia, and rheumatoid arthritis. Copper can be used to improve blood circulation, to increase overall physical energy, and to detoxify the body. It can also be used to ease joint stiffness and the discomforts of arthritis by opening the flow of blocked energies. It can increase physical energy and mental agility. It can also support the body’s natural healing process. It’s an essential component of melanin, which gives color to the eyes, hair, and skin. Copper is responsible for keeping the hair from turning grey or thinning out. It’s also needed to support lysyl oxidase enzyme which is used in synthesizing and maintaining bones and connective tissues. Copper also provides support to collagen and elastin productions. Copper can be very effective when used for issues associated with the stomach and intestines. When placed next to the skin, it soothes the pains of rheumatism, arthritis, and other inflammation problems. When there’s good blood circulation, there’s also a better blood flow, which can lessen any pain that the body is feeling. Copper is beneficial to the lungs because it can improve the oxygen exchange and filter out the pollutants. Mucous membranes and soft tissues retain more moisture and grow less susceptible to irritation.
Copper and Wealth Copper is known to be the giver of goodness and positivity and the bringer of good luck. It can also bring positive energies when acquiring properties and possessions. It can attract money, prosperity, and abundance. It can draw wealth to your home or your business when you place it in strategic spots. It will encourage you to take more initiative in your financial pursuits. It will make you more optimistic about your prospects and give you a sense of independence when it comes to making your own decisions. It will sharpen your intuition so that you will know how you should proceed when facing a financial crossroad.
Copper, Love and Relationships Copper is known as the “love metal” because it will help you open up to love energies and address any sexual imbalance. Whatever is ailing your relationship or your love life, Copper will help zero in on it and find the best solutions. Copper will help you combat laziness, passiveness, and lethargy in your relationship. It will remove all dissatisfaction that you may be feeling, and it will help you accept yourself for who you truly are. It will stimulate optimism, initiative, diplomacy, and independence in your relationship, just like Amazonite. It will teach you to be kinder and more responsible towards the person you love. Copper will also give you the understanding to release your restrictions that you have set within yourself when seeking love or creating the life that you want for yourself. It will make you more aware of the quality of your thoughts and emotions, and how you’re expressing them to the world. Copper energies will facilitate a better communication and connection with the person you love and invite more love, understanding, kindness, and forgiveness in your relationship. Copper will bring in more love into your life. If you’re single, you will find more worthwhile romantic pursuits that have the potential to be the real thing. If you’re in a relationship, you will also be able to breathe new life into a suffering relationship. You will be able to rekindle the passion and mend what’s broken. There will be more gentleness and tenderness, and there will be more fun and enjoyment between you and the person you love.
How to Use Copper for the Best Results Copper is used to promote good health and create calm and balance in your life and in your home. Use this stone to disperse negative energies in any room and to attract positive change in that space. Negative energies are absorbed by Copper. It can become dull over time when you use it all the time to treat negative energies. This is why you need to charge and cleanse your Copper on a regular basis to keep it powerful and vibrant.
Meditation with Copper Copper is often used to stimulate the flow of energies from the universe to your spiritual being. By meditating with Copper, you will be able to develop your psychic abilities and allow for an easy transfer of energies within yourself that will align your thoughts with your actions. This is a useful metal when it comes to meditating for the purpose of channeling your spirituality and contacting a higher dimension. With the energies of Copper, you will be able to connect with your guardian angels and call on them when you need their support and guidance. When used in pairing with Petrified Wood, Copper can boost your mental capacity and amplify positive thoughts that will heal your body and soul. In addition to bringing about an alignment of your physical and emotional energies, Copper will also clear up your mind and ensure that you stay calm and composed during chaotic times. It calls on you to maintain composure rather than exhibiting aggression because when you cater to negative thoughts, you are only inflicting harm upon yourself. Even in the hardest of times, Copper will give you the strength and stamina to stay hopeful of a better future. It brings with it a much-needed boost of self-confidence and calls on you to allow your self-esteem to grow because that will play a huge role in developing your personality. The energies of Copper will also make you realise that your blessings can help someone else out as well. When you exude soothing energies in your aura, you will be able to console someone who is angry and frustrated with life. Your peaceful demeanor will serve as an inspiration to them to be more optimistic in the face of hardships and this thought will warm up their soul as well as yours. Copper holds the balancing forces of the warmth of the sun and the calmness of the cool moon, which translates into a similar kind of balance within you when you meditate with it. The stone has an excellent ability to give you the confidence to express yourself more openly and effectively and admit to your true inner self. When you meditate with Copper, you will also feel energized to a great extent. All the energy that you receive from Copper will ensure that you are never too worn down to focus on yourself even after a hard day at work. It replenishes your reserves of personal energy and enables you to be bold in the face of a threat so that you can overcome it in the best possible way. The healing properties of Copper not just have emotional and physical implications, but they also mend your soul. When you feel positive on the inside, you will attract the positive forces of the universe. The energies of Copper will attract good things towards you. It is also believed to bring good luck and prosperity so that you can stay motivated to pursue your true desires and do what makes your soul feel alive.
Additional Things to keep in Mind There are many reasons why you should use Copper. It’s known as the lucky metal and the healing metal because of its many wonderful benefits. It acts as the conductor of your spiritual belief system. It will transport spiritual energies back and forth between you and the people in your life, between auras, between your stones and crystals, and between your mind and the spirit world. It will stimulate a powerful flow of energy and activate your inner vision. It will also infuse you with psychic energies that will aid your channeling work. Copper is very useful to have when you need to regain your balance, improve your communication, and kindle synchronicity. It will balance your chakras and meridians. When you connect Copper to other stones and crystals, it will create a smoother transmission of energies to you!