7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 1) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
$78.35 $97.94
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 2) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
$78.35 $97.94
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 3) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
$78.35 $97.94
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 4) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
$78.35 $97.94
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 5) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
$78.35 $97.94
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 6) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
$78.35 $97.94
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 7) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. $78.35 $97.94
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 8) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
$78.35 $97.94
Mountain Ranger Military 550 Paracord Anglican Rosary $130.65 $163.31
The Lava Moonstone 108 Zen Mala Tassel Necklace
$156.79 $195.99
The Ivory Cross Silver Pearl Earrings $52.21 $65.26
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 9) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
$78.35 $97.94
GODS OF OLYMPUS - ZEUS (English Version)
$7.62 $16.23
The Rose Quartz Orthodox Rosary
$139.36 $174.20
The Starry Night Orthodox Rosary
$148.08 $185.10
Blue Wings Military 550 Anglican Paracord Rosary
$130.65 $163.31
Made of radiating triple-A high quality Howlite gemstone beads; which are completely cleansed and purified.
Second, its cross: made of stainless unbreakable silver with our Christ's Crucifixion that also symbolizes to never lose faith and to never give up due to adversity.
Third, the Military 550 Paracord 33 Beads Rosary (Ver. 2) has been officially blessed by the church - bringing with it the blessings of the heavens.
Next, the specific handmade rosary has been made by experts and during its creation process, protective prayers were used for each bead and is also tightly knotted.
Moreover, the 33 beads pattern symbolizes the years of our Christ.
Finally, the Military 550 Anglican 33 Beads Rosary (Ver. 2) is a rosary that is made to last.
It is a very durable and strong Paracord Rosary specifically designed for mountain rangers, for climbers and hiking, for medics, for the military individuals, for people on heavy duty, for first responders, for outdoorsmen.
Orthodox Style Rosary
Base Materials:
Triple-A high quality Howlite beads and the Holy Sigil Stainless Silver Cross
ca 30 cm --- Cross: ca 6 cm
Howlite beads:
14 X 8 mm
This design is Copyright by DeMar © 2022
PS: If you would like to have another cross in your Rosary instead of the default one – during your order please specify the number of the cross that you would like to switch with.
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Whereas gold is the metal of the sun, silver is the metal of the moon. Like the moon and water, silver is reflective and used to mirror the soul bringing people calm and balance. Silver is used to 'draw down the moon' during lunar ceremonies, giving the wearer use of the moons energy and protecting them from negativity. Silver's connection to the spiritual life is mostly seen in traditional cultures where people live in union and deep respect for the earth. For example, the Tibetans spiritual silver jewelry is often combined with gemstones and crystals which then resonate their healing vibrations more strongly. Another aspect of the silver natural healing belief is that wearing this jewelry brings the wearer more in tune with the vibrations and flow of the universe. It is the metal of emotions, love and healing. Silver's properties are strongest during the new and full moon.
Silver Metaphysical Properties and Silver Mystical Properties
Silver in Healing Wearing silver jewelry is said to help heal and calm the mind, to help clear the lungs and throat, to increase circulation and purify the blood, to balance hormones and to slow the progression of degenerative brain diseases. Just wearing silver is said to help draw negative energy from the body to make way for positive energy. Any stone used for healing will benefit from being set into silver. Silver is a great conductor of energy, including magic. Any stone set in silver will be amplified and its energy more easily directed.
“The Calming Stone“ Howlite has a natural color of white with grey markings in the shape of a spider web. However, it is known to be found in white, blue and green due to the process of applying dye. Be sure not to mistaken Howlite for Turquoise, as they have a similar appearance. Howlite has can be identified by its appearance of natural “GREY” lines. It is the stone of calmness, comfort, knowledge, memory and progress. It helps relieve an overactive mind. Some say that holding a piece of Howlite has the same effect as spending an hour at a spa. It has the ability to heal mentally, physically and emotionally. Added Note: This stone can help the special need children and all the crystal/rainbow children. Have them wear it as jewelry, place under/inside their pillow or have them wear it in their pocket. CHAKRA(S): THROAT/THIRD EYE/CROWN Energy Vibration: 2
Why Would You Use Howlite? Howlite is a stone of awareness.
If you want to achieve a better understanding of yourself, of people, of the world, and of life itself, Howlite should be your go-to stone!
It will give you the gift of wisdom and enlightenment. It can help you connect to higher realms and remove the veils that are blocking the truths in your life.
Howlite is a great tool to have during meditation because it can help you focus your mind. It can promote serenity of mind and remove any kind of distracting thought. It will help you get rid of your stress and anxiety because Howlite is also a powerful calming stone. This stone will also work in giving you the strength to let go of unhealthy attachments and old emotional pains. It can help you process your emotions so that they can give you peace, happiness, and contentment in all aspects of your life. Howlite is a wonder stone that can effectively calm your upset or harried state of mind. It can soften or remove your anger, your aggressiveness, and your being unreasonable. It will eliminate selfishness and thoughtlessness. It will help you stop being overly critical about yourself, too. The energies of Howlite will strengthen your positive character traits. Your strengths will be your driving force, and your weaknesses will be your inspiration to become better! When you have a stone like Howlite working for you, you can also expect to overcome your difficulties in communication. You will be able to express what you want to say more freely and more effectively. Howlite can heighten your creativity and boost your desire for self-expression. It’s definitely a great stone to have if you’re seeking inspiration or motivation!
Howlite, Healing and Health The energies of Howlite can provide support in healing different physical and mental conditions. It can help cure insomnia when you use it as a gem elixir before going to bed. It can also act as a pain reliever for cramps and other forms of physical pains. It has been known to aid in the treatment of anxiety disorders and other stress-related illnesses. It’s also good for the bones and can help with bone-related diseases or conditions, like osteoporosis. Howlite can balance your calcium levels and help in the proper distribution of much-need nutrients. Howlite is good for the endocrine and circulatory system. It can also boost your skin health! It’s a great memory enhancer and mood stabilizer. It can also improve your learning abilities, especially if you’re suffering from ADHD.
Howlite, Luck and Wealth When it comes to wealth and abundance, Howlite can help you by improving your focus and concentration. It can make you zero in on your money goals and find creative ways to make them happen. The energies of Howlite will also inspire you to generate new and wonderful ideas. It will keep you feeling inspired until you make progress. It will give you all the support that you need to attract wealth, luck, abundance, and prosperity!
Howlite and Love The energies of Howlite will teach you the value of patience. Not everything will go your way, and not everything will happen the way you want it to. When that happens, you need to demonstrate maturity, wisdom, and understanding. It may not be yours for the moment, but it doesn’t mean that it will never be! Howlite can help you get rid of your frustrations, your rage, your pain, and your fears. It will help you feel more self-assured and more at peace with what’s happening in your life. This stone has a calming effect on strong emotions, which is very beneficial if you are in a relationship and don’t always see eye to eye with your partner. When you are too angry or too hurt, you can do or say things that can damage your relationship beyond repair.
The energies of Howlite can help you stay calm and rational, and it will help you fight fair without slinging mud at each other or digging up the past every time.
It will help you disagree without being hurtful, and it will make you more open to reaching a compromise together. Howlite can help you stay relaxed even when you let yourself go with the person you love. It will show you how not to be so tightly wound up that you forget to have fun! It will also give you the courage to go after what you want in the name of love. It will help you overcome your fears in love so that you will truly become happy. Howlite can guard you against self-doubt. It will reassure you that it’s okay to relinquish control in your relationship when needed. It can clear communication and strengthen your reasoning. It can also encourage emotional expression. The energies of Howlite will make you more aware about what’s happening around you. They will inspire you to become more compassionate and selfless. Howlite can help you become more fearless when it comes to your choices and decisions. It will help you release negative emotions and any kind of emotional baggage. Most importantly, Howlite will give you a peaceful mindset and strengthen your commitment to your partner and your relationship. Note: Howlite is a soft stone that can easily be scratched. It’s very vulnerable to chemical cleaners, and even acidic perspiration. Always use lukewarm and soapy water to clean your Howlite jewelry. Dry it with a soft cloth or a piece of cotton to remove any soap or water residue. If you have a dyed Howlite, don’t immerse it in soapy water. Make sure that you wrap your Howlite jewelry in a soft cloth and store it in a box or pouch where it will not get scratched, bumped, or crushed.
What is the quality of your beads? The quality of our beads could best be described as AAA pure-grade high-quality custom-made beads. All of our customers realize immediately the high quality of our beads once they receive one of our items. As a matter of fact, you can take one of our items (in this case our Rosary) and place it next to any Rosary or jewelry you want. You will immediately realize why our items, and Rosaries, stand out from the rest.
Where do you get your Crucifixes and Medals? In short: they are imported straight from Italy and Rome.
How long does it take for a Rosary to be shipped? 7 to 10 business days – in many occasions the timeframe may be sooner.
Are DeMar® Rosaries already blessed? If you belong to any other catholic church besides the Latin Church (like Protestantism, Anglican Communion etc) leave a note during your order so as to send your Rosary to the respective Church to receive its blessing.
How long are the rosaries? We always post the length of each Rosary in the product description.
How should I utilize my Rosary? Please know that rosaries should not be worn as a fashion item. Rosaries, even rosaries made of paracord, should be handled reverently and worn only prayerfully and as a reminder of faith.
Is my rosary waterproof? Yes. Nevertheless, keep in mind the following: If your rosary gets wet, it is advised that you dry it off as much as you can with a towel and then to let it dry in a cool dark spot. Similarly, if your rosary is dunked in water, it is best to let it dry in a cool environment to prevent minor shrinkage.
Do you sell products to wholesalers? No. Currently, we sell our products solely through our official only store and occasionally, some of our products, can be acquired through our Etsy shop. Nevertheless, the full spectrum of our items can only be found on our official online store. Do we exclude any collaboration? No, but the nature of our items is unique and they cannot be mass-produced. Every item has to go through certain steps which makes mass-production difficult.
What is the Guarantee of AGR®, and DeMar®? It’s for life! As Ancient Greece Reloaded, and DeMar, we take great pride in the quality of our items and our creations. Thus, and most probably, we are the only ones around the world that can make the following claim: our guarantee is for life! Thus, if you have any issue with one of our items and needs repair, we will do it for you. Contact Us and we will guide you through the entire process: |