
Hercules' Might - Invoke the Strength of a 1000

€149.90 (EUR)
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Published By ThaGod - Global Mod

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  •  StatusCurrently unavailable.
  •  TypeNew


(Please Note: The bracelet is Handmade and of high quality! The Design and the creation of the bracelet is exclusively done by DeMar).

*** The Item has been Sold Out and is currently Unavailable! ***


Hercules' Might - Bracelet

Hercules' Might is a special bracelet which is designed to aid you in all of your endeavours. It utilizes simultaneously both defence and attack spells!

As the name suggests, Hercules' Might, is meant to help you to overcome all adversity and to successfully accomplish all of your goals; be it in the business area, be in IT or media enterprises, be it in accumulating power and wealth, be it in receiving recognition and fame, be it in the sphere of leadership, to increase your intuition and to clear your mind so as to make wise and accurate decisions.

What is more, in the spiritual realm, Hercules' Might invokes the powers of light to either dispel darkness - coming against you - or to safeguard you if your intention is to enter the forbidden plains. Furthermore, Hercules' Might is infused with energy spells to help the awakening, and the growth, of your chakras and your spiritual faculties.

Advanced Description:

Before we begin, allow us to give you just one example, to help you understand, of how Hercules' Might has been created:

Hercules' Might invokes the powers of 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7.

7 – focuses on the lunar energy and workings related to intuition and wisdom.

6 - focuses on your ascension towards the spiritual realm.

5 - focuses on the faculties of the 5 elements

3 - focuses on connecting the physical, mental and spiritual realms.

2 - focuses on the balance of all aspects.

1 - focuses to the universal life force that binds us all.

Going one step further:

From a mystical standpoint Hercules' Might combines the powers of light and darkness (for more details click on the relevant tabs).

The power of Colours:

Black and Silver (for more details click on the tab called "Mysteries").

The power of Numbers:

1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 (for more details click on the "Mysteries" tab).

Enchantments – Energy Infusion:

During the entire creation process, protection chants and protection spells are utilized so as to additionally infuse the bracelet’s gemstones with specific types of energies. Consequently, Hercules' Might turns into the absolute protection for you.

Three Initial Key Points on Protection:

Firstly, know that love is the greatest protector. Protection involves utilizing love in as purer form as possible, for with love you can effectively construct a brick wall around you that negative forces cannot penetrate. Furthermore, negative entities cannot stand when positive vibrations hold strong because they start to polarize toward the positive (they turn positive), and that's the last thing they want. So, always approach protection with the highest intent in love and light, because using negative emotion will act like a magnet for further darkness to feed upon. For example, if you shout back at an angry person then the argument escalates. Behave calmly and with love toward an angry person and they will likely calm down. The negative energy diffuses and dissipates.

Secondly, know that in higher realms of existence (that's higher densities and within time-space) thoughts become reality. Thought-forms can be created through visualization such as walls or protective bubbles of light, doorways for negative entities to leave though, or in-streaming healing energy into your body. All these have a high probability of manifesting through your strong intent and effective visualization - they manifest on the other side and are used in this physical reality seen through your third eye.

Thirdly, also know that coupled with visualization; intention (or belief) is key - they work together to create thought forms and manifestations that can be used for spiritual protection. For example, you visualize a glowing white protective orb around you and your intention is for it to protect you from negative forces. Without the intention, the visualization is merely a pretty orb - you must assign it a purpose.

As a Side Note:

If you want to go completely Overkill against all negativity (etheric and negative astral entities, toxic people, to boost your energies in a significant manner, to influence the Karma of your life and to step into the fields of clairvoyant... combine our bracelets with our orgonites and witness it all).

Please Notice:

Our bracelets and orgonites are to protect and to support, in their endeavours, people that have not succumbed into the “dark side”. For instance, if you are a toxic person than the spells and charms will turn against you and protect the ones that are meant to be protected by them.

About the Quality of our products:
We use quality materials in our products (i.e. bracelets) such as a good grade of genuine natural gemstones and stainless-steel wire and clasps. Because our jewelry is not manufactured, we take the time to give you excellent beading and inspection. We keep you in mind as we design our products so the finished product is both durable and beautiful.

Finding your size and ordering a specific size:
To find your size lay a loose cord around your wrist and then lay on a flat ruler.
Consequently, if you wish for a specific size send us a message (or a note) when you order.

For the full item description, please visit the following URL – leading to our official online store:

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