Orgone Pendant - Golden Dragon Version 2

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  • Availability:
    In Stock
  • Model:
  • Manufacturer: AGR - Digital
  • *** Please Read before you place your Order for the Golden Dragon Orgone Pendant - Otherwise your order will be canceled !!! *** 

    Before you proceed in purchasing the Golden Dragon Version 2 Orgone Pendant there are mainly 3 things that need to be addressed (especially if it is your first time visiting AGR Online); which are:

    - what is the Golden Dragon orgone Pendant?

    - What is a Version 2 Orgone Pendant?

    - What is the actual price tag?

    1. What is the Golden Dragon? 

    In essence, the Golden Dragon is the upgraded and ultra powerful version of the Blue Dragon Orgone Pendant.

    If you do not know what the Blue Dragon is capable of, click on the link below and you can read all about the Blue Dragon:

    (Click Here): The Blue Dragon Orgone Pendant

    2. What is a version 2 orgone Pendant?

    If you are asking yourself the aforementioned question, it goes without saying that you have never read our guide. 

    For reference, you can acquire our full guide by following the link below:

    (Click Here): Authentic Orgones – The Full Guide

    That being said, we will follow a Q-A pattern so as to help you understand what orgone versions are, when referring to authentic orgones... so let us begin:

    Is there only one version of an authentic orgones?


    Usually authentic orgones have only one version.

    For example, if you create an authentic orgone pendant – let us call it "Pendant X" – this is the version of your authentic orgone pendant.

    What can be altered are some of its components which will allow "Pendant X" to focus more on a specific issue/area; that of course must be requested by the buyer.

    The above-mentioned process is known as "customization".

    Nevertheless, under specific circumstances an upgraded version of the existing "Pendant X" can be created.


    And this brings us to the following four questions:


    Why, how, when and how many?



    You can create an upgraded version of "Pendant X" by going through certain re-adjustments and through specific types of additional energy infusion.

    We are aware that the above answer may appear a little vague but by providing a more specific answer… would basically give away specific forbidden knowledge that, for the time being, we prefer to keep secret (partially, because it also has to do with our know-how).



    Because the wearer of "Pendant X" has now advanced to such a level that he/she desires, requires or needs a more powerful orgone to further extend his/her exploration of the unknown.



    This depends solely on the user: on how fast, and far, he/she has advanced and on the level of his/her self-awareness.


    How many:

    We have 7 versions of each of our orgones.

    Usually, the rest of the few groups that are able to create authentic orgones may go up to version 2, and a couple of them may make it up to level 3; but we are actually the only group that can create 7 different levels.


    Additional Clarifications:

    Q: Does it mean that version 1 is not powerful enough, so as for the user to perform what you guys describe in the product descriptions of your authentic orgones?

    A: On the contrary, they are powerful and are doing exactly what we describe.


    Q: Are there orgonites that fall in-between of a version, like version 1.5?

    A: Yes. They are generally the customized orgones that someone can request. Let us say for example that you want the Delphic Pendant, and on top of that, you require two more features that would serve your purpose. In this case, these two additional features would be incorporated into your Delphic Pendant; thus, turning the orgone pendant to what is known as a version 1.5 orgone pendant.


    Q: So why do you not give to the people a Version 2 from the get-go?

    A: Because you may never require a version 2 authentic orgone, because your vibrational levels are not high enough to handle Version 2 and thus, you will literally get knocked out (keep in mind that we are talking about authentic orgones here), because of the cost – version 2 of authentic orgones can cost a lot more than a version 1 orgone and so forth.

    3. Price Tag

    The actual price tag of the Golden Dragon is NOT the one that you see here (although you can get a hint by reading the specific section of our guide)!

    If you are truly interested in getting your hands on the Golden Dragon, and also want to know its actual price tag, than make your request by directly contacting us through the following link (aka, our contact form):

    (Click Here): Contact us directly and request the Golden Dragon

    *** Please Note: ONLY individuals that have created their official customer account, in AGR Online, can contact us and make the request for the Golden Dragon. 

    Overall, the Golden Dragon is an ultra powerful orgone pendant that is not meant for everyone but for the advanced individual in the fields of orgones or for an individual that requires a lot of protection or wants to affect directly matters of synchronicity! 


    Diameter bottom: 4.7 cm - Diameter top: 3 cm - Thickness: 2 cm



    ca: 70 gr


    Base Materials:

    Orgone pendant with the Delphic Epsilon, gold plated (24K) MWO by Lakhovsky, made of bronze in the front, and a MWO wave oscillator in the base that transforms non harmonious energies to harmonious, containing an SBB copper coil for strengthening and directing the energies. Additional materials, among others, include: Iron oxide powder, selenite powder, smoky quartz powder, black tourmaline powder, Ormus, clear quartz crystals, lapis lazuli, blue fluorite and citrine. Also includes copper, bronze and aluminium shavings. All materials that have been used are 100% chemical pure!!!


    Moreover, added are:

    Shavings of bronze, copper and aluminum, powder of blue color, crystals of lapis lazuli, citrine, clear quartz, pink quartz, amethyst, green and pink tourmaline.

    Pure Gold flakes and 100% chemical pure and 5G & EMF block.

    More Details about the MWO:

    In the center of the pendant the is a double copper coil that directs and energizes orgone energy.

    In the base of the pendant there is an MWO wave oscillator that transforms non harmonious energies to harmonious.

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    Orgones for the first time?


    To begin with, and to put it bluntly, here are a few facts for the uninitiated ones and regarding the topic of Orgones:

    What sets our Orgones apart from the rest is that… our Orgones are authentic... the real deal (continue reading and you will understand why)!

    Unfortunately, for people that come across the matter of Orgones, especially for the first time, they – obviously – have no idea how the entire process works and are attracted by something shiny etc.

    So, a plethora of “sellers” realized the above-mentioned fact and practically are selling to the unexperienced people shiny trash.

    What is more, the striking majority of Orgones that are out there are all literally fakes!

    Consequently, this circle spiralled out of control and the market has been flooded with fake products.

    Admittedly, they may be looking "beautiful" to you but still, they are not authentic; and in regards to the OR-DOR energies they accomplish literally nothing

    Our advice: Do not be impressed be shiny junk that will have zero effect on the etheric plane, the astral planes etc.


    What Orgones do:

    In one line: Orgones transform the negative energy (known as DOR) into positive energy (known as OR).


    In more detail:

    Orgones pull into them all negative energies, surrounding you and the environment around you, transform that energy into positive and afterwards, they channel the entire positive energy outwards.

    Consequently, Orgones transform everything into positive energy. This transformation affects you and the environment around you (i.e. plants) in the outmost positive manner. All negativity disappears; something that you will actually feel!

    Moreover, the effects of the Orgones do not just stop on the physical plane but penetrate all planes like, the etheric fields, the astral plane the higher spiritual planes and so forth.

    Consequently, according to what you want to achieve you utilize the specific Orgone or a combination of Orgones.

    Additional effects of Orgones:

    Neutralize the negative effects of EM fields.

    Energize water, food, minerals, etc.

    Harmonize/neutralize natural faults, such as Curry lines cross, Hartmann, etc.

    Globally strengthen the vitality of all living things: plants, animals, humans.


    Types of Orgones:

    Indeed, there are various types and classifications of Orgones; always, depending on what you want to accomplish. Among other types, there are the pyramids, the pendants etc.

    Nevertheless, keep in mind that the real Orgones are not this shinny junk that you see in the market because they have to follow specific rules of fractal blueprints, specific laws of energy (i.e. see Tesla) and specific rules of esoterism.

    For instance: placing Orgone-pyramids in specific locations inside your house, above specific materials, and by following what is known the forms of holy geometry, you will be able to create “a positive energy-grid”, that will surround your house or apartment (like a cocoon). That grid will not only recharge you, and fill you, with positive and healthy energy but it will also block all negativity… toxic people included!



    Orgones: The Process and the Production of Orgones… how it is done!


    One: orgones cannot be mass produced!

    Two: the real orgones cannot be pre-produced before an actual order occurs… the production process starts once you will issue the order!

    Three: it takes time to produce-construct a real orgone! That means that once you complete the order it can take from a couple of days to up a week for a real orgone to be created and to be send to you.

    Four: All materials that are used for our orgones are real… meaning, that if the materials of the orgone that you have ordered, among other things, also include gold, silver or copper; pure gold, pure silver or pure copper will be used!

    Five: The technology of the real orgones is mainly based on three aspects, a) on spiritual-esoteric matters, b) a fractal cosmos and c) on scientific inventions of the following three famous scientists: Wilhelm Reich, George Lakhovsky and Nikola Tesla (yes, you read correctly)!

    Six: In order to create a real orgone, its creator, has to be prepared to do so. Meaning, that the creator has to go through a process that combines the following things: fasting, meditation, specific type of energy charging and so forth. At this point, it should be apparent to you why it takes time for a real orgone to be produced.

    Seven: Our know-how is based on over 30 years (!!!) of research and personal experience, and experimentation, of all the effects that an orgone can have.

    Eight: We always follow up the order of an orgone and are always available to our customers… to guide them on how to use an orgone, where to place it and to answer all of their questions (for that, go to our forum and under the section of “E-shop” you can ask us all relevant questions).

    Nine: Gradually, we will add articles in our forums that will allow you a deeper understanding of all matters that surround the topic of orgones.

    Ten: Our advice: Buying a real, a true, orgone and implementing it into your life will have extraordinary positive effects on you and your surroundings. Therefore, do your research and learn to distinguish the real orgones among the plethora of fakes out there.



    We have written a complete guide about our Authentic Orgonites which you can access through our Forum for free (keep in mind that registration will be required for new visitors so as to enter the forums; registration is free and takes a couple of minutes).

    The URL for the specific Guide is:

    (Click Here): Complete Guide about our Authentic Orgonites