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OrgonSabre - The Orgone Sabre with the Tesla Coil

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The OrgonSabre: 

The Orgone-Sabre (aka OrgonSabre) is an Orgone that you can carry with you either inside a bag or a coat etc.

The OrgonSabre is more aggressive in attacking the DOR energies, compared to the pocket Orgone, and adds to the OR protection together with the other Orgones (like, when wearing a pendant).

The main purpose of the OrgonSabre is to act, or to be more precise – to form a protective shield around you. Like an energy umbrella it will engulf you entirely.

This is also why, the OrgonSabre reaches its maximum output when you carry it while wearing one of our Orgone pendants.

What the OrgonSabre does:
Due to its aggressive nature (against negativity) it practically slashes through any negativity and all DOR energies around you (be it the 3-dimensional plane or the astral planes).

It is a very powerful Orgone especially if you know how to direct the flows of energy.

Even if you do not know how to do it... the OrgonSabre will strengthen your energy (and your energy flow)... vitality is at hand! The ultimate protector!

It shields you from any type of etheric and astral beings (Voladores included).

It clears the mind, which in turn allows you to see things clearly, and is ideal for either your job, for making tough decisions or for the astral plane. Due to its nature, it transforms the DOR energy into OR in a an aggressive manner (negativity, toxic people included, will practically run away from you).

You will enter the field/sphere of joy! That in turn will allow you to always see the positive side of things… that means that you will never give up in your endeavours because you will know that you can accomplish anything.

5G & EMF block

It blocks anything that can cloud your thoughts, that stresses you or feeds on your fears.

It supports your mental defenses and increases your mental and physical vitality.

It helps you to adjust to new circumstances and to constantly come up with new ideas. How come? Because thoughts are a form of energy and our Orgones are designed to boost this energy (and your energies).

It shields your emotions from toxic people.


Orgone Drink Charger - the Orgone that Cleanses Water

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The Drink Water Charger - Orgone:
The Drink Water Charger is used to charge the drinking water and therefore, transforming clear water into living water. Place on top of the Charger a glass of water (preferably: the “cup should be made” of glass or plastic but never of metal!!!).

The time of the charging can take from 10 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the flows of energy in your area. The taste of water becomes lighter (etheric you could say) and fresh; something that you will experience immediately.

It clears anything toxic in a very high degree; but also, it decreases the surface tension of the water. Which means that, when the surface tension of the water decreases than it can easier be absorbed by your body’s cells; hence, the water’s “ingredients” are efficiently absorbed leading to a healthier outcome.

The Advantages of the Drink Charger MWO and of Living Water:
It soothes the pain and the “burns” in your stomach.

It helps in losing weight.

It is beneficial for your heart.

It is a source of OR energy.

It clears the whole body from toxins.

It supports in a very beneficial manner your (sports) activities.

It is very beneficial for the health and beauty of your skin.

It balances the smell during the menstrual period (obviously, this applies only to females).

It soothes headaches.

It decreases the danger of kidney stone.

Always Remember: do not put any type of Orgone close to alcohol (i.e. beer or whisky) because it will charge these “drinks” with positive orgonic energy. Meaning that it will alter the substance, and taste, of these drinks and instead of drinking, let us say a beer, after roughly an hour you will be drinking a “watered beer”.

The Drink Water Charger can be used, to effectively charge: water, tea, coffee, chocolate etc. You will taste the difference almost immediately.


Orgone Pendulum Pendant - The other side

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Can the Orgone Pendulum Pendant be used as an orgonite pendant?Yes!Does the Orgone Pendulum Pendant work as a pendulum so as to give you the answers that you so much desire by bringing you in touch with the Other-Side?Definitely Yes! OK, let us take everything step by step.As a Pendant:The Orgone Pendulum Pendant’s prime use, is the one of a Pendulum!Consequently, who would use it as a pendant?Due to the fact that our other Orgone Pendants are very strong and they will sky-rock your vibrational levels; some people find it sometimes difficult to receive such amounts of OR energies.Consequently, they may be in need of something subtler; and the Orgone Pendulum Pendant does exactly that: it allows you to receive the OR energy in a subtler way. This also means that your vibrations rise slower and more gently.On the other hand, if you firmly believe that you can receive, and sustain, such immense amounts of OR energies, why don’t you try one of our Orgone pendants? As a Pendulum:This is the Orgone Pendulum Pendant’s prime use and for what it was designed for!!!Have you ever imagined, or tried, to access the Other-Side so as to receive accurate answers to your questions?Be it about love, enterprise, friendships etc… did you receive your answers in a 100% accurate level?Are you active as a Medium, as a Wiccan, as a Seeker or as someone that seeks a way to tap into the Other-Side and get the much-desired answers?This is exactly what the Orgone Pendulum Pendant does!*** Just to be on the safe side: The Orgone Pendulum is designed for your use only! So, don’t go around by telling people that you are able to answer their questions – like a rip off medium!  

How does the Orgone Pendulum Pendant work?The Orgone Pendulum Pendant approaches the entire subject in a twofold manner.On the one hand, it penetrates the Other-Side; hence, bringing you in touch with the Spiritual World. On top of that, it draws to it the “spiritual energy” that can provide you with the answers that you seek.On the other hand, because the Pendulum also utilizes the OR power it also brings you in touch with your Higher-Self.So, what does this mean?Long story short, it kicks-down the doors that separate our plane with the Other Planes and allows you to get the answers that you so much desire! “Programming” the Orgone Pendulum Pendant:So as to utilize successfully the Orgone Pendulum Pendant you will have to go through a “programming” process.Keep in mind guys, this is NOT some pendulum that you buy in the market etc. This pendulum is the real-deal and due to the fact that you will penetrate the Other-Side; you will have to “program” your pendulum correctly!Moreover: the more you will infuse the pendulum with your energies the deeper you will proceed in the Other-World.That means, that if you will ever get scared of what you will actually draw towards you, what you must do is to create your barrier/protection. To accomplish that, you will have to create an Orgone-Energy-Grid by using various of our Orgones simultaneously; and that, in a specific manner. Assuming that you will get to that level, contact us immediately to receive the specific instructions.

To summarize:By using the pendulum, you will not move to the other side – like it happens when utilizing… let us say, our pendants; nor will you perform any type of astral projection.What the pendulum does is to act as a hook to the other side, and because of this created rip, will you be able to actually use the pendulum.

Regarding the “programming process” we have written a specific step-by-step guide, for the ones that are seriously interested in using a real orgonic-pendulum and by opening the powers of the ancient arts of the Pendulums. You can find the guide, in our Forum, by following the link (URL) below:Programming the Pendulum PendantFinally, we have also written a complete (beginners) guide for all of our Orgones, that we have made public so far; and you can find it by following the link (URL) below:The Complete Guide about our Authentic Orgones  (Please Note: Due to the fact that our authentic Orgones are highly effective, in our product description we provide you with JUST the basic materials but we do not mention the rest of the materials that have been used, nor the techniques, for obvious reasons).


Orgone - the Large Orgone energy Pyramid

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Orgone Pyramid (Large)
The Orgone pyramids are practically used to create a positive energy field around you and your environment (in the form of an energy grid). In this respect they block all negativity... to be more precise, the pyramids transform all negativity into positive energy POR (Possitive Orgone); and that, among other things include: toxic people, astral beings, thoughtforms and so forth.

Notice: The area that a pyramid can cover is specific (the specific pyramid can cover roughly 30 to 35 square meters). Meaning that, if you can afford to buy only one than place it close to the area of the house, or office, in which you usually are located in. On the other hand, if you can afford to buy multiple pyramids, before doing so, contact us through the forums and we will tell you how many you will need, where to place them and how to place them (with the exception if you already know how to use them).

What The Orgone Pyramid does:
The Pyramid- Orgone transforms all negative energy into positive POR (Possitive Orgone) energy; and distributes that energy to all directions.

It can be used for both your house (apartment etc) and your office.

By utilizing a group of pyramids, together, they create an all-encompassing energy-grid that covers the entire house or office. Consequently, it blogs all negativity (toxic people included). Even if a toxic person enters your area than this person will not be able to stand the positive energies and, pretty quickly, he/she will find an excuse to leave the area.

The large pyramid can be combined with the “Cheops Emblem of Ether (Orginite Pyramid)” and the “Etherion - the QUINTUPLE MWO Pyramid” so as to create an effective energy grid.

You will experience calmness, positiveness and vitality.

5G & EMF block. 

If you feel nervous or stressed, touch the sides of the pyramid and breath slowly. The pyramid will do the rest for you and it will disperse all negativity.

Place it next to your bed and henceforth, you will be able to sleep peacefully and without nightmares. 


Orgone Silver Pendant - the Tear of the Moon

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The tear of the Moon - The Silver Pendant:
This is a very strong Orgone... This pendant not only protects your "etheric" body but it also goes as far as penetrating the higher astral planes.

In other words, you are practically fighting it out against negative existences from the astral planes that so far were harming you as well as feeding on you. The difference however is that now you are wearing the silver pendant which shoots like a bullet and tears these existences apart!

Understand this: The specific Orgone is designed solely for warriors... that want to actively fight off astral beings.

The way this Orgone influences energies and the way it releases various types of "energy charges"; well, it is not meant for the ordinary but for fighters !

Before we continue with the product description, there is one more thing that you need to know... namely, the backstory.

The Backstory:Originally, we created an Orgone with the purpose of aggressively attacking any negative entity that entered the Orgone's area of influence; as well as to aggressively transform the negative energy DOR to OR. The results were astonishing!

In other words, it was designed to take the initiative and to attack against any form of negative entity, and energy, before that energy would even touch your etheric body.

However, if people with low vibrational levels would wear it (i.e. they have not been exposed to the authentic Orgones before, they were uninitiated in matters of energy control etc.), in most cases, it did lead that person to energy-overloading.

Consequently, we redesigned the original Orgone and created the following two: The Silver Orgone (Pendant) and the MWO Pendant with a double wave oscillator.

So, what’s the difference? In short:

The Silver Orgone Pendant has been designed to protect you, and to attack the negative energies, but in more subtle ways (usually suited for people that have never been exposed to authentic Orgones before).

The MWO Pendant with the double wave oscillator is practically… the strongest authentic Orgone that currently exists in the world!!! As a matter of fact, it is even more aggressive than the original one. Nevertheless, due to its design (among other things), energy overloading has been “fine-tuned” … in other terms, the backlash – towards the person wearing it - has been neutralized (mostly suitable for people with advanced experience in energy control, for people that have been “exposed” to the authentic Orgones before, for people that want to aggressively fight against astral-etheric beings, like Wicca, Occult scientists etc.).

Nevertheless, keep in mind that the MWO Pendant with the double wave oscillator, is the strongest among all Orgones  and it is so powerful that it can practically penetrate all astral and etheric planes (with the only exception being the highest plane of all… which is solely reserved for the power… known as God; there, nothing manages to enter).

Finally, and for the records, there is only one Orgone that surpasses the power of the MWO Pendant with the double wave oscillator (the creators call it: “the nuke”) … but it can only be constructed on-site; and that is why we do not sell it here.

What The Silver Pendant does:
It affects the Etheric fields as an Etheric converter

5G & EMF block

It blocks all toxic energies against you (toxic people included)

It transforms any deadly DOR energy into a chaotic one, and converts it back into the living energy of OR.

It increases the power of EROS in your life (be careful with the term-meaning of EROS).

It brings you in contact with your Totemic self (if you know how to do it)!

You can control your Totemic Power

You can utilize your Totemic Self

You can come in contact with Earth’s higher knowledge, aka the Akashic Records (if you know how to do it… this pendant practically kicks down the doors for you).

It increases drastically your Intuition.

You will be able to uncover the flows of energy, inside your body and be able to utilize them accordingly.

It increases the memory and, if you know how to do it, you can access into your cells’ memory.

Conscious dreaming, and acting in it, becomes respectively easy (see Hippocrates or Shamans).

It allows you to “enter” parallel universes (can be done with a specific form of meditation).

No more confusion in your life.

It allows you to draw out your inner world and making your dreams come true (well… that requires that you do have an inner world)

You will be able to explore new endeavours without fear and you will be filled with passion (since you will be revitalized).

You will be able to draw out and to use your Double!


Orgone Golden Pendant - The Golden Touch

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The Golden Orgone:

Use the power of Gold for for strengthening and directing the energies.

It is a very powerful Orgone especially if you know how to direct the flows of energy.

5G & EMF block

Even if you do not know how to do it... this pendant will strengthen your energy (and your energy flow)... vitality is at hand! The ultimate protector!

It shields you from any type of etheric and astral beings (Voladores included).

It clears the mind, which in turn allows you to see things clearly, and is ideal for either your job, for making tough decisions or for the astral plane. That is because the specific Orgone has no corners hence, it transforms the DOR energy into OR in a more harmonic manner (in contrast to the pyramids… which are meant for more drastic measures).

You will enter the field/sphere of joy! That in turn will allow you to always see the positive side of things… that means that you will never give up in your endeavours because you will know that you can accomplish anything.

Use the Golden Pendant to energize or to activate your chakras and experience the change.

It blocks anything that can cloud your thoughts, that stresses you or feeds on your fears.

It supports your mental defenses and increases your mental and physical vitality.

It helps you to adjust to new circumstances and to constantly come up with new ideas. How come? Because thoughts are a form of energy and the Orgones boost this energy.

It shields your emotions from toxic people.

Base Materials
Orgone pendant with flakes of gold, gold plated (24K) MWO by Lakhovsky, chemically pure bronze beads, containing an SBB copper coil for strengthening and directing the energy. Iron oxide powder, selenite powder, smoky quartz powder, black tourmaline powder, white quartz crystals, Ormus, lapis lazuli, blue fluorite and citrine. The base of the pendant contains an mwo wave oscillator that transforms non-harmonious frequencies to harmonious frequencies.

(Please Note: in our product description we did use the term “base materials”. The key word is “base”, deriving from basic. Nevertheless, your Orgones include more materials and techniques in them that we do not mention for obvious reasons!)

Diameter bottom: 3.3 cm - Height: 1.5 cm

ca: 35 gr

This design is Copyright by AGR © 2018


Orgone - Black Shield, the Pocket Orgone

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The Black Shield Pendant and What it does:
The Black Shield orgonite is a personal orgonite for the pocket. Due to its dual/double oscillator it acts in a fractal manner; hence it boosts the orgonic energy.

It is always carried in the left pocket (as the ancient ones were carrying their shields) and NOT to be touched anything of metal nature (i.e. keys). As a matter of fact, no organite should be close to anything of metal nature since it decreases its effect.

For your house:Due to its small size it can be placed virtually everywhere even in places where the “eye does not reach”. Nevertheless, keep in mind that due to its small size it creates an energy-grid (influencing a specific small area) hence, it is recommended to be used in conjunction with other orgonites.

For the Office:You can place the specific orgonite between you and your PC/laptop… preferably between 30 cm to 40 cm. What you will realize is that you will not get tired anymore.

What is more, if you wear a pendant and combine it with the Black Shield pocket orgonite you will be able to produce more work, to be more efficient and to always keep a clear mind (something that you will realize by yourself).

It supports your mental defenses and increases your mental and physical vitality.

It helps you to adjust to new circumstances and to constantly come up with new ideas. How come? Because thoughts are a form of energy and the orgonites boost this energy.

It shields your emotions from toxic people.

5G & EMF block.

It supports your peace of mind, helps you to concentrate and supports active meditation.

It alters the sense of time which brings the following result for you: you will practically stop experiencing things like “so much to do but not enough time for it”.

If you possess attributes like: telepathy, intuition, astral projection or foresight… it practically sky-rocks all these faculties of yours.

It shields you from any type of etheric and astral beings (Voladores included). If you also know how to actively participate in this type of fight… in this case you will be in possession of the absolute shield.

It clears the mind, which in turn allows you to see things clearly, and is ideal for either your job, for making tough decisions or for the astral plane. That is because the specific orgonite has no corners hence, it transforms the DOR energy into OR in a more harmonic manner (in contrast to the pyramids… which are meant for more drastic measures).

You will enter the field/sphere of joy! That in turn will allow you to always see the positive side of things… that means that you will never give up in your endeavours because you will know that you can accomplish anything.

Use the Black Shield to energize or to activate your chakras and experience the change.

It blocks anything that can cloud your thoughts, that stresses you or feeds on your fears.

If you are a healer, and know how to heal by utilizing your energies, you can use the Black Shield orgonite to boost your own energies and to increase the healing effects.

For the Car:place one orgonite Quadruple MWO on your dashboard, two “Black Shield”, one at each side of your car-doors and two Quadruple MWO in your trunk. From experience we have observed that you will be able to avoid accidents. When accidents may happen, they will usually happen in-front of you and in a distance that varies from 5 kilometres to 100 meters.


Orgone Pendant - The powerful Blue Dragon

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The Blue Dragon Pendant:
This is a the strongest Orgone pendant in the world... This pendant not only protects your "etheric" body but it also goes as far as penetrating the higher astral planes.

In other words, you are practically fighting it out against negative existences from the astral planes that so far were harming you as well as feeding on you.

The difference however is that now you are wearing the Blue Dragon which shoots like a Dragon and tears these existences apart!

Understand this: The specific Orgone is designed solely for warriors... that want to actively fight off astral beings.

The way this Orgone influences energies and the way it releases various types of "energy charges"; well, it is not meant for the ordinary but for fighters !

Before we continue with the product description, there is one more thing that you need to know... namely, the backstory.

The Backstory:Originally, we created an Orgone with the purpose of aggressively attacking any negative entity that entered the Orgone's area of influence; as well as to aggressively transform the negative energy DOR to OR. The results were astonishing!

In other words, it was designed to take the initiative and to attack against any form of negative entity, and energy, before that energy would even touch your etheric body.

However, if people with low vibrational levels would wear it (i.e. they have not been exposed to the authentic Orgones before, they were uninitiated in matters of energy control etc.), in most cases, it did lead that person to energy-overloading.

Consequently, we redesigned the original Orgone and created the following two: The Silver Orgone (Pendant) and the MWO Pendant with a double wave oscillator.

So, what’s the difference? In short:

The Silver Orgone Pendant has been designed to protect you, and to attack the negative energies, but in more subtle ways (usually suited for people that have never been exposed to authentic Orgones before).

The Blue Dragon MWO Pendant with the double wave oscillator is practically… the strongest authentic Orgone that currently exists in the world!!!As a matter of fact, it is even more aggressive than the original one. Nevertheless, due to its design (among other things), energy overloading has been “fine-tuned” … in other terms, the backlash – towards the person wearing it - has been neutralized (mostly suitable for people with advanced experience in energy control, for people that have been “exposed” to the authentic Orgones before, for people that want to aggressively fight against astral-etheric beings, like Wicca, Occult scientists etc.).

Nevertheless, keep in mind that the MWO Pendant with the double wave oscillator, is the strongest among all Orgones and it is so powerful that it can practically penetrate the astral and etheric planes.

Finally, and for the records, there is only one Orgone that surpasses the power of the blue Dragon Pendant (the creators call it: “the nuke”) … but it can only be constructed on-site; and that is why we do not sell it here.

What The Blue Dragon Pendant does:
It affects the Etheric fields as an Etheric converter

5G & EMF block

It blocks all toxic energies against you (toxic people included)

It transforms any deadly DOR energy into a chaotic one, and converts it back into the living energy of OR.

It increases the power of EROS in your life (be careful with the term-meaning of EROS).

It brings you in contact with your Totemic self (if you know how to do it)!

You can control your Totemic Power

You can utilize your Totemic Self

You can come in contact with Earth’s higher knowledge, aka the Akashic Records (if you know how to do it… this pendant practically kicks down the doors for you).

It increases drastically your Intuition.

You will be able to uncover the flows of energy, inside your body and be able to utilize them accordingly.

It increases the memory and, if you know how to do it, you can access into your cells’ memory.

Conscious dreaming, and acting in it, becomes respectively easy (see Hippocrates or Shamans).

It allows you to “enter” parallel universes (can be done with a specific form of meditation).

No more confusion in your life.

It allows you to draw out your inner world and making your dreams come true (well… that requires that you do have an inner world)

You will be able to explore new endeavours without fear and you will be filled with passion (since you will be revitalized).

You will be able to draw out and to use your Double!

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