7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 1) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 2) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 3) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 4) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 5) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 6) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 7) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 8) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 7) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
The Lion Cuff Bracelet made of 100% pure and solid 925 Silver
71.92€ 89.90€
The Black Crow Catholic Rosary
135.92€ 169.90€
The Crucifix Lava Knotted 5 Decade Rosary
103.92€ 129.90€
The Opalite Volcanic Black Onyx Necklace
143.92€ 179.90€
The Carnelian Heart Knotted Anglican Rosary 103.92€ 129.90€
The Meander Cuff Bracelet made of 100% pure and solid 925 Silver 71.92€ 89.90€
Necronomicon Bracelet (The Dark Energy) - Zweite Seele
199.92€ 249.90€
The Imperial Rosary is a very unique radiating 5 Decade Catholic Rosary that is based on the foundation of gemstones that focus on clarity, compassion, inner peace, balance and love (all stones have been purified and cleansed).
On top of that, the beautiful Imperial rosary is created with a combination of high end natural materials so as to bring forth the radiating holy light of the Heavens.
Moreover, the rosary has been officially blessed by the church.
Finally, the Imperial Rosary supports your own stability, clarity and inner-peace.
If you are looking for an elite line radiating rosary that differentiates itself from the rest, a rosary that will fully support the focus of your prayers, the Imperial Rosary is the one that you are definitely looking for.
Rosary Necklace:
Base Materials:
Triple-A high quality Imperial Jasper, Natural Regalite, Natural Garnet, 925 Silver, Stainless gold brass, Swarovski crystals and a beautiful Meander Cross.
ca 45 cm (completely open 90 cm) --- Cross: ca 4 cm
4 mm, 8 mm and 14 mm
This design is Copyright by DeMar © 2020
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Whereas gold is the metal of the sun, silver is the metal of the moon. Like the moon and water, silver is reflective and used to mirror the soul bringing people calm and balance. Silver is used to 'draw down the moon' during lunar ceremonies, giving the wearer use of the moons energy and protecting them from negativity. Silver's connection to the spiritual life is mostly seen in traditional cultures where people live in union and deep respect for the earth. For example, the Tibetans spiritual silver jewelry is often combined with gemstones and crystals which then resonate their healing vibrations more strongly. Another aspect of the silver natural healing belief is that wearing this jewelry brings the wearer more in tune with the vibrations and flow of the universe. It is the metal of emotions, love and healing. Silver's properties are strongest during the new and full moon.
Silver Metaphysical Properties and Silver Mystical Properties
Silver in Healing Wearing silver jewelry is said to help heal and calm the mind, to help clear the lungs and throat, to increase circulation and purify the blood, to balance hormones and to slow the progression of degenerative brain diseases. Just wearing silver is said to help draw negative energy from the body to make way for positive energy. Any stone used for healing will benefit from being set into silver. Silver is a great conductor of energy, including magic. Any stone set in silver will be amplified and its energy more easily directed.
Jasper is a type of quartz with powerful nurturing properties. It has many varieties and is very versatile. Use Jasper for protection, internal stability, and level-headedness.
General Info Jasper is a form of fine-grained (ie, opaque) chalcedony quartz that has many colors and types to its name. It is common, found across the world. Its most commonly known attribute is its nurturing protective energies, though different types of jasper impart unique attributes. Jasper's chemical formula is SiO2. It has a Mohs hardness of 6.5-7. Other names for Jasper include The Supreme Nurterer and the Nurturing Stone.
History and Folklore Jasper was a popular stone across the ancient world. Its name can be traced through multiple languages, such as the French jaspre meaning 'spotted or speckled stone'. Some claim the name is Hebrew. Egyptians used jasper as healing amulets. Some medicine men of the First Nation tribes of North America used jasper to attract rain. Historically, jasper has agricultural associations, which may be related to its prosperous energies, as successful harvests often determined those things.
Associations Jasper can be used to align all chakras, but different colors have different chakra associations, generally by color. All forms of Jasper are tied to Earth. Jasper's strong, rooting energy comes from this.
Magical Attributes Many of Jasper's magical attributes focus on its protective energies and keep its user safe. It can make astral travel easier, providing a strong cord back to the tangible realm, and make projection work easier. Jasper can be used to combat the Evil Eye, and makes an excellent talisman. Carry to alleviate stress or increase beauty, internal or external.
Healing Attributes Physically, Jasper is said to help with internal tissue regeneration and numerous digestive organ problems. Emotionally, Jasper is balancing and peaceful. It can aid in times of grief and help users cope. It can ease mental disturbances and trauma, evening out the mind and heart. Even in the most difficult times, Jasper can help to find tranquility and calm. Jasper also can aid grief, since it brings peace to endings of all kinds.
Types of Jasper Red - This type ranges from red to reddish-orange, and generally has thin, jagged black lines running through it. It is tied to the Root chakra. Red jasper pertains to justice and fairness, as well as controlled passion and responsibility. It is insightful and stabilizing. Yellow - This type can be any shade of yellow, and generally has veins of brown. It is tied to the [Plexus] chakra. Yellow jasper is a stress reliever and a social stone that can help build up confidence and security. It can also fight depression and other internal negativity, and is known to protect travellers. Leopardskin - This type is generally spotted or dappled in browns and greys. It is tied to the Root chakra. Leopardskin jasper is heavily associated with animals and helps with self-healing. It has a strong relation to shamanic journeying. Flint - This type is generally dull brown or grey with varying layers. Flint has been used to make cutting tools since ancient times, and is thus excellent for cutting off ties with toxic things. It brings a balanced and stable mindset, as well as a boost to physical health. |
Jasper Meanings and Properties The Jasper Stone is a variety of Chalcedony. It’s an opaque stone that’s usually brown in color, but it also comes in grey, blue, white, purple, green, pink, red, orange, and yellow. Its name is derived from the Latin ‘iaspidem’, or the Old French ‘jaspre’. The name Jasper means spotted or speckled stone. This is because it sometimes has mineral, ash, or sediment material. Jasper Stone is found all over the world, but most comes from India and Australia.
Why Would You Use Jasper Stone? The Jasper Stone is known as the Nurturing Stone. Having it in your life will feel like having a best friend by your side because it will sustain you during times of stress. It will bring you peacefulness, happiness, and completeness. It will give your confidence a boost, and it will get rid of all your irrational fears. The Jasper Stone is a stone of gentleness, comfort, and relaxation. It will be very beneficial for people who are experiencing burnout from work or from something personal. Having this stone in your life will also help you achieve a healthy balance in all aspects. It will stop you from feeling like you’re giving too much and not receiving enough in return. The energies of this stone can warm your soul, clear your mind, and unload what’s in your heart. It will also give protection and help you deal with negative energies. In case you didn’t know it yet, the Jasper Stone is also known as the Makeup Stone. Expect your beauty to radiate!
How Will Jasper Stone Help You? Jasper, Healing and Health In the physical realm, the Jasper Stone has a variety of uses that can help in the healing of the body. For starters, it’s considered a highly restorative stone for the deteriorating tissues of the internal organs. It’s also known to be very effective in treating disorders related to the stomach, liver, bladder, spleen, and kidneys. The Jasper Stone can aid in regulating the body’s mineral content, such as manganese, zinc, sulfur, and iron. It’s also a good stone to have when you have digestive problems. It’s very beneficial when it comes to nose bleeds because it can staunch the blood flow. The healing energies of this stone are also helpful in reducing hemorrhoids, soothing epilepsy, and in easing the pains connected to gout.
Spiritual and Psychic Properties Psychically, jasper is used to assist with astral travel. It brings a gentle but unassailable protection to the traveler and the silver cord. It is also a powerful protection stone in general and can be used in protection magic, in talismans and other places you want a strong but gentle protection. In some cultures, particularly Native American, jasper is traditionally used for rain making. Jasper is used for bringing beauty, into life and specific situations. Beauty brought by jasper can be striking inner beauty as well as external beauty. This is gaining it the name “make up stone” for the way it can bring beauty to people outside as well as inside. Jasper balances yin/yang energies. This is helpful in many areas of life and can bring healing, peace, and ease.
Jasper for Luck and Wealth The Jasper Stone carries energies of motivation and determination. No matter what it is you’re working on, you will always have that extra boost of energy, especially when you’re starting to feel the tiredness creeping in. This stone will help you keep focused. No matter what distractions there may be in your life, you can easily put all your attention on your financial goals.
The Jasper Stone also carries with it energies of prosperity. If you work hard for something that you want, you will achieve it sooner rather than later.
It will give you the ability to think quickly on your feet. It will help you smooth out your mental processes so that you will be able to see the pros and cons and come to the best decision. It can also help curb your desires so that you will not make a bad decision or end up in a dangerous situation. The Jasper Stone can enhance your organizational abilities. It can stimulate your imagination to come up with new ideas, and then help you transform those ideas into something concrete! Having a Jasper Stone can help you achieve a balanced relationship that is filled with love, happiness, support. There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship, but that doesn’t mean that you will just surrender the fight and disappear when the going gets tough! Sometimes when you’re just too stressed out, you take it out on your partner, or you make a big deal out of the smallest things. The energies of the Jasper Stone can give you the relaxation and tranquillity that you need when the pressures of life become too much. Jasper Stone can help you achieve a feeling of calmness. It will ground you and help you keep a lid on your emotions so that you don’t end up doing something that you will regret. When it comes to intimacy, Jasper Stone can help you prolong your sexual pleasure! Even if you have a lot of things on your mind, and even if you feel like you’re physically not up for some lovemaking, you will still be able to enjoy doing it with your loved one. You will be fully in the moment because the energies of the Jasper Stone will help you connect on a physical and emotional level. Feelings of restlessness and dissatisfaction will be assuaged. You will be awash with feelings of stability, security, and contentment. No problem will be too big or too insurmountable. No pain will be so painful that it will make you lose yourself and all that you value or believe in. This stone will envelope you with feelings of warmth, safety, and security. When you feel like everything is not going as it should, instead of falling apart and thinking about what a mess you are, you will simply focus on all the other things that are going great for you. You will never stop feeling or being nurtured, and this will help you find your own path to emotional healing. Jasper Stone will encourage honesty, trust, and faithfulness in your relationship. It will not feel forced, and it will be just what your relationship needs!
The energies of this stone will give you the courage to face your challenges and tackle your problems.
All the endings or closures that you wish to have will be given to you, and you will not feel like you’ve been left hanging. This stone will bring peace to your life even if you have to end a romance or a relationship. It will give you the courage to accept your reality without feeling like it’s the end of the world. It’s very powerful in healing any kind of emotional trauma. It can heal your broken heart and ease the pain that comes with it. It will replace your pain with tranquillity and contentment so that you will open your heart again to love when love knocks at your door!
How to Use the Jasper Stone for the Best Results It’s good Feng Shui to wear the Jasper Stone as jewelry or to put it as decoration around your home. It’s known to provide cures in the body and in the home, especially if you have a specific issue or problem that you want to address. It’s the perfect stone to have inside your home when you want to have more energy and vitality, as well as peace and harmony. You can place a Jasper Stone in the southwest part if you want to attract love or enhance your marriage. If you want to wear it as jewelry, make sure that you wear it closest to your first, second, and third chakras. The Jasper Stone is perfect as necklaces, bracelets, rings, and even belts. Wearing them on a regular basis will help ground you while surrounding yourself with positivity. Sit in silence while holding your Jasper Stone in your hands. Visualize your intentions and let your body feel the stone’s energies. Carry them with you in your purse or place them in your favorite spaces at home! |
Garnet in Ancient Lore and Legend Garnets were employed as inlaid stones in Celtic and Anglo-Saxon jewelry. Garnets the color of fire were also called Carbuncles (from fire-coals), and the Hebrew name for the carbuncle was Bareketh (flashing stone) or Barak (lightning). It was a stone in the breastplate of the High Priest. Eastern legends assert that a carbuncle was suspended by Noah, in the Ark, to diffuse light. The Greeks called the carbuncle the Lamp Stone and it was said, if hung around the neck, to give the power of seeing in the dark. Greek mythology speaks of Garnet as a stone that can, through divine influence, heal emotional rifts between lovers. A Warrior's Stone, Garnet served as a talisman in the Crusades for both the Christians and their Muslim enemies. The Merovingians brought garnets from faraway Ceylon (Sri Lanka) through the Silk Road, combining it with amber from the Baltic to create magnificent jewels. Since these two stones balanced each other, one warm, one cold, some see the source of the Frankish civilization in this combination, the amber tempering the warrior-like fieriness of the Germanic people. Low libido and sexual disorders were credited to be relieved by the application of Garnet directly to the genital organs. Princess Palatine discovered her husband, the brother of King Louis XIV, applying garnets on his body in this way. Though he asked her not to reveal this to anyone, she instead told the whole court and wrote about it in her many famous letters. Garnet is a conqueror's stone. Legend has it that a garnet ornamented Don Juan's ring. The well-formed image of a lion, if engraved on a garnet, will cure the wearer of all diseases, protect and preserve his honor and health, and guard him from all perils in traveling. Some Asiatic tribes used red garnets as bullets for sling bows because they pierced their victims quickly and were well hidden when they mingled with the blood. At other times they were placed in wounds to encourage clotting of the blood. The tribes continued to use them later as bullets in firearms, assuming the blood-colored stone would inflict a more deadly wound than a leaden bullet. Such were used by the rebellious Hanzas, in 1892, during their hostilities with the British troops on the Kashmir frontier, and many of these precious missiles were preserved as curiosities.
Introduction to the Meaning and Uses of Garnet Garnet is found the world over, and though commonly known to be red, it is in fact found in a variety of colors and chemical formulas, each with its own set of spiritual properties. Legends and folklore place garnet among the most ancient of talismans. Not only was it prized as an ornamental jewel, but its strong curative powers and protective energies made it invaluable. Garnet is also known for its utilization of creative energy. It grounds spirit forces within the body and helps in the ability to work lovingly on the physical plane. Yet Garnet is a sensual stone. It represents primordial fire, the creation of the world out of chaos, purification and love. It is a stone of strong, intense feelings. The distinctive title Garnet is derived from the Latin name Granatum, a pomegranate, because of the resemblance the granular varieties of Garnet bears to the seeds of that fruit. Garnets vary in size from a grain of sand to the size of an apple. According to the Roman historian Pliny, the large dull-colored "Carbunculus of India" (a variety of Garnet) used to be hollowed out into vessels which would hold as much as a pint. Garnets were used in the former Czechoslovakia as far back as the Bronze Age, and in Egypt more than five thousand years ago. They were used in Sumeria around 2100 B.C. and in Sweden between 1000 and 2000 B.C. They were also popular in ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. According to the Talmud, the only light on Noah's ark was provided by a large Garnet. In Europe during the Middle Ages, Garnet was used to enhance truth, faith and constancy, and to dispel melancholy. As a Warrior's Stone, Garnet served as a talisman in the Crusades for both the Christians and their Muslim enemies. Garnet is said to have been one of the twelve stones in the Breastplate of the High Priest, and has been used as a sacred stone by the Native American Indians, the South American Indians, the Aztecs, the African tribal elders, and the Mayans. It acts with speed to expand one's awareness due to the flash of lightening contained within, and enhances one's internal fire to bring creative powers to implementation. Garnets whose color suggested that of blood, were not only believed to confer invulnerability from wounds, but some Asiatic tribes launched garnets from their sling bows, and later as bullets, the principle being the blood-colored stone would inflict a more deadly wound than a leaden bullet. Such were used by the rebellious Hanzas, in 1892, during their hostilities with the British troops on the Kashmir frontier, and many of these precious missiles were preserved as curiosities. Today, Garnet is not only worn ornamentally as a beautiful gem, but is used widely in industrial markets, from watch gears and scientific instruments to sandpaper and abrasives.
Garnet Introduction Garnet has been used to reduce body toxins, purify vital organs and blood, and assists in assimilation of vitamins and minerals. Emotionally it provides a protective and calming influence during use and is thought to heal melancholy and depression, strengthening the survival instinct, and bringing courage and hope into critical situations. Garnet balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate, and can inspire love and balance the sex drive. Garnet is considered a lucky stone, for love, success, and for business relationships. It helps you let go of old behavior patterns and boosts self-confidence. All Garnets honor Sekhmet, the Egyptian Goddess of War, and is the traditional birthstone of those born in January. It is the stone of those born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius, and as an Enhancer Strengthener crystal, it has been worn for centuries as a protective and powerful talisman. The legends of Garnet are vast and colorful. |
Garnet Associations Chakras - Base Chakra, Heart Chakra Birthstone - January Zodiac - Aries, Leo, Virgo Planet – Mars Element – Fire Vibration - Number 2 Typical colours - Most often seen in red, but available in virtually all colours, including: pink, green, orange, yellow, brown and black
Garnet is thought to have medicinal abilities to reduce body toxins. At times stones were placed in wounds to help heal by encouraging the clotting of the blood. Garnet regenerates the body, stimulating metabolism. It treats spinal and cellular disorders, purifies the blood, heart and lungs, and regenerates DNA. It assists assimilation of minerals and vitamins, including iodine, calcium, magnesium, and Vitamins A, D, and E. Garnet can alleviate acne, low libido, and disturbances in the cardiac rhythm (except for arterial hypertension, which Garnet can even aggravate). It has been reported to relieve rheumatic and arthritic pain and some psychological illnesses.
Garnet Emotional Healing Energy Garnet provides a protective influence and a calming stable vitality during use. It is thought to heal emotional problems. Placed under a pillow, Garnet is reputed to alleviate bad dreams. Medicine men used it to cure mental depression. Garnet is useful to have in a crisis, particularly in situations where there seems to be no way out or where life has fragmented. It fortifies, activates, and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope into those situations. Crisis is turned into challenge under Garnet's influence and promotes mutual assistance in times of trouble. Garnet can act as a strong help to balance the energy system, stimulate desires and uplift your attitude. As a balancer stone, Garnet can prevent fears of insecurity and even money losses. They're lucky stones: lucky for love, success, and for goals. Use Garnet to increase your positivity and popularity, thus enhancing your personal self-esteem. As an energy stone, it can encourage success in business and business relationships. It is a wonderful executive gem, especially for women. Square cut garnets are particularly useful in bringing success in business matters. Garnet has even been credited with aiding widows in finding a new husband. After mourning for too long, Garnet helps to regain the spirit, calming sadness and emotional pain, helping those who have gone through great despair get back on their feet and become seductive again. Perhaps the same could be true for widowers as well.
Garnet Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy Garnet cleanses and reenergizes the chakras. It revitalizes, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. It inspires love and devotion, balancing the sex drive and alleviating emotional disharmony. Red Garnet in particular stimulates the kundalini energy and aids sexual potency. It stimulates from both the Base and Crown chakras to provide for free flow of movement via the spinal column and the inner pathway of light, distributing the appropriate amount of energy to each portion of the body. Garnet has a strong link with the pituitary gland and can stimulate expanded awareness and past-life recall. It activates other crystals, amplifying their effect.
Garnet Divination Dreams of garnet signify the solution of a mystery.
Garnet Spiritual Energy Garnet sharpens your perceptions of yourself and other people. It dissolves ingrained behavior patterns that are no longer serving you, and helps you let go of obsolete ideas. Garnet removes inhibitions and taboos, opening up the heart and bestowing self-confidence. Garnet is also known as a Stone of Commitment - to purpose, to others, and to oneself. Its loving powers reflect the attributes of devotion and understanding. It both monitors and adjusts the flow of energy to provide for a balanced energy field around the physical body and alignment of the emotional and intellectual bodies.
Garnet Goddess All Garnets honor Sekhmet, the Egyptian Goddess of War. She is the most powerful goddess of Lower Egypt, and is usually depicted with the head of a lion and the body of a beautiful woman. Some garnets honor other Goddesses as well. |
Physical Energy Properties: Regalite helps with the alignment of the physical body.
Emotional Energy Properties: Regalite helps to find clarity, compassion, inner peace, and love. It helps with the alignment of the physical and light bodies and is an excellent crystal for emotional soothing. It gives support during times of stress, bringing a sense of completeness and tranquillity. Its energy properties are amongst the most soothing for calming anxiety and depression. It connects you with the energy of the ocean, bringing great joy and tranquillity. It shows you everything you need to be happy and at ease within yourself. It brings you back to your natural state of being, removing layers of anxiety, depression and stress.
Spiritual Energy Properties: Regalite helps with dream recall and shamanic journeying. It is great for the soul.
Chakras: Base
Blue Regalite: Blue Regalite is a grounding, strengthening stone that promotes stability, clarity, and inner-peace, making it ideal for encouraging compassion, contentment, and tranquillity.
History: Also known as Sea Sediment Jasper or Aqua Terra Jasper.
Source: Africa
Variations, Rarity and Value: It is a natural jasper material from Africa that has a lustre that resembles natural Turquoise.
How to use it: Use Regalite for meditation. Place on the heart and visualize yourself lying on a beach or beside the ocean to help connect you with nature. Hold a piece of the stone to help bring you happiness and recharge you with soothing energy. Wear a Regalite bracelet, or necklace, to help ease emotional stress. |
What is the quality of your beads? The quality of our beads could best be described as AAA pure-grade high-quality custom-made beads. All of our customers realize immediately the high quality of our beads once they receive one of our items. As a matter of fact, you can take one of our items (in this case our Rosary) and place it next to any Rosary or jewelry you want. You will immediately realize why our items, and Rosaries, stand out from the rest.
Where do you get your Crucifixes and Medals? In short: they are imported straight from Italy and Rome.
How long does it take for a Rosary to be shipped? 7 to 10 business days – in many occasions the timeframe may be sooner.
Are DeMar® Rosaries already blessed? If you belong to any other catholic church besides the Latin Church (like Protestantism, Anglican Communion etc) leave a note during your order so as to send your Rosary to the respective Church to receive its blessing.
How long are the rosaries? We always post the length of each Rosary in the product description.
How should I utilize my Rosary? Please know that rosaries should not be worn as a fashion item. Rosaries, even rosaries made of paracord, should be handled reverently and worn only prayerfully and as a reminder of faith.
Is my rosary waterproof? Yes. Nevertheless, keep in mind the following: If your rosary gets wet, it is advised that you dry it off as much as you can with a towel and then to let it dry in a cool dark spot. Similarly, if your rosary is dunked in water, it is best to let it dry in a cool environment to prevent minor shrinkage.
Do you sell products to wholesalers? No. Currently, we sell our products solely through our official only store and occasionally, some of our products, can be acquired through our Etsy shop. Nevertheless, the full spectrum of our items can only be found on our official online store. Do we exclude any collaboration? No, but the nature of our items is unique and they cannot be mass-produced. Every item has to go through certain steps which makes mass-production difficult.
What is the Guarantee of AGR®, and DeMar®? It’s for life! As Ancient Greece Reloaded, and DeMar, we take great pride in the quality of our items and our creations. Thus, and most probably, we are the only ones around the world that can make the following claim: our guarantee is for life! Thus, if you have any issue with one of our items and needs repair, we will do it for you. Contact Us and we will guide you through the entire process: |
By default, your Rosary, before being shipped to you, it is sent directly to the Catholic Church to be officially blessed. Once the Catholic Church has decided that your Rosary is ready, we will ship it to you (we will always keep you posted about every step of the process). If you belong to any other catholic church besides the Latin Church (like Protestantism, Anglican Communion etc) leave a note during your order so as to send your Rosary to the respective Church to receive its blessing. Or you can directly contact us through here: Click Here to Contact Us |