7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 1) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
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7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 2) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
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7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 3) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
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7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 4) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
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7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 5) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
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7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 6) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
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7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 7) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 8) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
The Black Nails 5 Decade Catholic Rosary (V2)
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The Crucifix Prayer Knotted 5 Decade Rosary 103.92€ 129.90€
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The Designer Dark 5 Decade Catholic Rosary
159.92€ 199.90€
A unique one decade rosary that is shaped around the base of red and black; representing the colors of the Cardinal and the seriousness of one's pure faith and responsibility towards others.
Created purely from Black Onyx, Red Corals and a gemstone black cross, the rosary is meant to accompany you during your darkest hours and to strengthen your faith.
Additional Uses:
When time is not a luxury of yours and yet you wish to dedicate a prayer, a one decade rosary is what you need to have at your disposal.
Moreover, you can use it as a talisman by placing it in your car, in your bag, in your suitcase, in your office desk, in your house or around your wrist.
1 Decade Rosary
Prayer Beads:
10 (1 decade)
1 bead representing our Holy Father
Base Materials:
Triple-A high quality Black Onyx gemstones, Red Coral as well as a gemstones' handmade Cross.
ca 23 cm --- Cross: ca 4 cm
Black Onyx beads:
8 mm and 10 mm
Red Coral beads:
4 mm
This design is Copyright by DeMar © 2019
Write Review
“Stone of Self-Mastery”
Chakra(s): Root, Solar Plexus and Third-Eye Energy Vibration: 6
Energy: Protection Healing Grounding
Protection: Captures and Grounds Psychic Attack Protects against Adversaries Protects against Black Magick Blocks negative influences.
Stimulates: Grounding All The Senses Inner-Strength Concentration Self-Mastery Self-Discipline Intuition
Metaphysical Properties:
Healing Properties:
The Myth:
The myth of the origin of onyx says that the goddess Venus was resting on the banks of the Indus River. As she slept, Cupid used the point of one of his enchanted arrows to give her a manicure. The parings of her nails then fell into the waters of the sacred river. Since the nails were of heavenly origin, they sank to the river bottom and were metamorphosed into onyx.
In Ancient Times: Onyx is a protective stone worn when facing adversaries in battles of conflicts of all kinds, or while hurrying down a dark street late at night. In classical ceremonial magic, the image of the head of the god Mars or a figure of the hero Hercules was engraved on onyx and carried for courage. Indians and Persians believed that wearing onyx protected them from the evil eye, and that placing onyx on the stomach of a pregnant woman in labor would reduce the labor pain and bring on earlier delivery.
Effects: Onyx is not only used for protection, but also as defense against negativity consciously directed towards you. It has also been used to reduce uncontrollable sexual impulses. The close union and yet strong contrast between the layers of black and white in some varities of onyx may suggest its connection with romance. In India, Gemologists recommend Onyx as a protective measure for harmonious relationships, thus keeping away any probability of disturbances or differences between the couple. Onyx as a birthstone provides the structure and authority you crave. It can help you be the master of your destiny and strengthen your confidence. It provides support in difficult times and centers your energy in times of mental or physical stress. It also offers the gift of wise decisions.
Mystical Power of Onyx (general): Throughout history, onyx has been thought to bring powers of protection, defensive magic, and the reduction of sexual desires. It has also been thought to reinforce the knowledge that there is no death, aiding in the understanding of the wheel of birth, death and rebirth. It brings about the knowledge that separation is an illusion and reunion will come. It aids psychic contact with those who have died, facilitates séances and mediumship, brings messages from the dead, and aids past-life and between-lives regression work. It helps future life progressions, and prevents and removes spirit possessions. Contemporary authors say the onyx brings increased vigor, strength, stamina, and self control. It alleviates worry, tension, and nervousness and eliminates confusion and nightmares. It is used to provide glimpses of that which is ‘beyond’ and activates one’s memory of one’s roots and reality. Medicinal applications include the treatment of bone marrow diseases, teeth, foot, blood and bone problems, and soft tissue disorders. It is also believed to aid in ailments such as epilepsy or glaucoma and is known to have powers to rectify damage done to cells.
Mystical Power of the Black Onyx (specific): The Black Onyx seems like a gift from the gods to us… it can help you live a more fulfilling life! The Onyx is a type of chalcedony that’s part of the quartz family. It was a popular stone for the Greeks. They believed that the Onyx stone came from the fingernails of the Goddess Venus. It is a powerful stone with plenty of positive attributes. First, it is a grounding and centering stone. It will balance you mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Second, it is a strengthening stone that will assist you in tasks where you feel challenged and weak. Third, it will ease your fears where they are the strongest. Fourth, it will banish negativity. Fifth, it will rejuvenate you when you have run out of energy. Finally, it will attract positive energy and bring you happiness. When you wear a Black Onyx Bracelet, it will inspire self-control, confidence, fidelity to your partner. It enhances your meditation and dreams. It will give you confidence in your career, like in interviews and presentations. The Black Onyx will work according to your heart’s desire. The Black Onyx is also believed to have healing powers and to heal teeth, bones, feet, and blood disorders. Place it on your body and feel the healing take place. Use the Black Onyx to charge water to treat skin ailments like fungal infections and sunburns, and also wounds and rashes. Just pat it on the affected area and use an Onyx water compress at night. Here’s just some of the benefits you will get, when having the Black Onyx near you:
If you use Hecate’s Eye constantly for chanting, protection and enhancements; or feel that your energies are constantly under attack… then, every week, you should discharge the Onyx by placing it under running water. If you’ve used it for a long time without doing so, bury it in the earth overnight at least once a month to regenerate its energies (preferably inside a sealed wooden box and on dry days). To conclude: wearing Hecate's Eye, placing it on your altar, or using it during rituals allows you access to all the benefits that have been mentioned here.
Coral Properties Coral can be found in a range of colors, which can be red, brown, black, and blue. Red is the most sought-after color of Coral, and only two types of Coral can be made into jewelry. These are corallium japonicum and corallium rubrum. Coral was once believed to be a plant, but it’s actually made up of polyps. The accumulated skeletal masses from these polyps are what create Corals. Coral can be found in the waters of Africa and Japan, and off the coast of the South Pacific and Australia.
Why Would You Use Coral? Just like Azurite, Coral is known as the stone of peace and transformation. It’s also called Sea Garden because of how much it looks like a plant. When you work with ocean energies, such as this stone holds, you will receive protection from negativity and evil influences. Red Corals, will help you release unhealthy thoughts and emotions. It will help you dispel any ugliness or weakness that you may feel so that your inner self will transform anew! Coral will support you in your period of change and transformation. It will show you how you should value the past but not hesitate to embrace the future. You should never say no to having a beautiful new world and accepting the challenges that this new world can offer! It will make you realize that it’s in your struggles and hardships that you will find the best kind of lessons and experiences. Coral will also remind you that you need to swim life’s oceans if you wish to see what’s out there in the horizon. Catch as many waves as you can and open yourself to new experiences! The energies of Coral will deter any kind of negative thought. It will promote honesty, truthfulness, and positivity. It will encourage you to have a more positive outlook on life, even when you are going through your own difficulties. Coral will remind you to form healthy and balanced opinions about different matters. The energies of this stone will also remind you to be inventive and creative when it comes to different situations and resolving your personal or professional issues. The healing energies of Coral also vary depending on the Coral’s hues, but it has a lot of energy that will prevent you from wallowing in depression. It will also assist in purging the toxins and purifying your body, especially if you combine it with Rhodonite. This stone is aware that the currents of life will push you to harsh and unhealthy environments. It will give you the strength to stand your ground and fight the tendency to just drift and become lost at sea.
How Will Coral Help You? Coral, Healing and Health Coral is a stone that has protective healing energies for women and children. It can help with issues associated with the circulatory system. It can also help with strengthening the bones and nourishing the blood. It can give support to the nervous system as well. Opal and Coral can be beneficial in treating facial eruptions, such as acne. It can also help with other skin diseases. This stone is known to work as a protective shield and defend against wounds, cuts, bruises, and other injuries. It can also work in improving blood purification. It promotes good mental health and physical well-being. It can treat depression and dispel languidness by revitalizing the body and mind. The energies of Coral can enhance tissue generation. It can also relieve tension and help with nutrient deficiency. It’s known to boost the digestive processes and regulate cholesterol. It can enhance the production and the absorption of niacin as well. Coral is said to be beneficial in treating lung difficulties.
Coral and Wealth Coral can be a very beneficial stone to have, especially if you’re going through financial troubles. This stone can help you get out of debt and achieve financial independence. It will show you how you can manage your finances and boost your savings, even without a substantial increase in your income. The energies of this stone will make you recognize financial opportunities and stay away from ventures that sound too good to be true. Coral will also encourage you to make use of your God-given talents to improve your financial status and to be more responsible with your money decisions. It will protect you from ill fortune. This stone will strengthen your ability to invest and divest when necessary!
Coral, Love and Relationships Coral will help you eliminate uncontrollable emotions that can lead to obsessions. This stone will give you the power to overcome your relationship challenges and always be a step ahead of people who have less than honorable intentions for you. It will give you the courage to face your rivals and get past your hindrances. The energies of this stone will also dispel the lethargy that you’re going through with your partner or your relationship. Coral will give you the endurance to keep your promises and to come through for your significant other when they need you. Coral will inspire you to conquer your fears and be bolder in your choices. It will not do you good to be so safe or scared all the time. Life is simply not meant to be lived that way! This stone will also help you control your anger, impatience, annoyance, and frustration. This powerful healing stone will help you avoid disagreements and fights, especially those which are of a petty nature. It will encourage an open and honest communication, and it will remind you to put yourself in the other person’s shoes for a better perspective. If you and your significant other are going through a rough patch, Coral will keep the bond strong. It will remove your tendencies to assign blame or become resentful. Instead, it will encourage you to exert more effort to get to the root cause of the problem. It will sweeten relationships that have become dull, passionless, and loveless. This stone will also help you in forgiving the sins of the past so that you can truly move forward and make a new beginning. Coral will encourage you to work on your marriage compatibility and discover new things that you and your partner are compatible with. It will strengthen the love that you share and help you work on the aspects of your relationship that are weak or struggling. This stone will restore the harmony in your heart. It will quiet your emotions and remove the fear and tension that you’re feeling. It will also clear your judgment, resentment, and frustrations at being told what to do.
How to Use Coral for the Best Results When used as a charm, Coral will help with women who are struggling with fertility. Wearing a piece of Coral is also said to protect women from widowhood. When worn on the body or placed inside the home, it can help in warding off bad spirits and negative energies. The energies of Coral are also perfectly suited to the land. Place it on any piece of land that has become stagnant or lagging and you will soon experience a richness in this space. Coral should not be worn with perfume because harsh chemicals can have an effect on the appearance of your Coral jewelry. Make sure that you also shield it from strong, bright lights and hard blows.
The Best Combination to use with Coral Coral is a very effective stone in getting rid of compulsiveness and quitting bad addictions. It will be very potent when combined with Labradorite, Herkimer Diamond, Dumortierite, Botswana Agate, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Obsidian, or Nebula Stone. It can also be a good stone in relieving allergies, especially when you pair it with Carnelian, Moldovite, Garnet, Brecciated Jasper, Aventurine, and Apatite. It can also have healing effects on the bladder when you combine it with Orange Moss Agate, Amber, Orange Kyanite, Bloodstone, Morrisonite Jasper, Green Calcite, or Hessonite. Coral’s energies will also improve the functions of the circulatory system and strengthen the blood and the blood vessels. You can wear it with Fire Agate, Garnet, Malachite, Red Jasper, Tiger Iron, Hematite, or Copper.
If you wish to boost your intellect, you can also wear Coral with Celestite, Rose Quartz, Emerald, Ametrine, Chalcedony, Pyrite, or Spinel. If you wish to attract love or strengthen the love that you have, Coral will be very effective when paired with Selenite, Amber, Ruby, Emerald, Rhodochrosite, Kunzite, Rose Quartz, Jade, Pink Tourmaline, Lapis Lazuli, Pink Calcite, or Moonstone.
Final Thoughts on the Power of Coral Coral will evoke romance, passion, and strength in your life and in your relationships. It’s a stone that symbolizes joy, abundance, protection, and prosperity. It will help you understand your own purpose in this world and the reason behind everything that happens in your life. This stone will focus your energies on the pursuit of your goals. It will protect you from despondency and depression, and it will get rid of your frustrations and resentments. The energies of this stone will encourage creativity, visualization, and balance. It’s a stone of optimism, and Coral will encourage you to see the bright side of life! |
Paracord Rosaries and Rosaries Our paracord Rosaries are exclusively made for military personnel. What is more, the Rosaries have features that make them strong enough for everyday carry even in harsh conditions (aka, active duty).
Please keep in mind: Paracord Rosaries are made to last and are essentially unbreakable. Meaning that: be careful how and when you wear them so as to not get choked; like in areas or activities in where the rosary could become entangled. Our Guarantee: As Ancient Greece Reloaded, and DeMar, we take great pride in the quality of our items and our creations. Thus, and most probably, we are the only ones around the world that can make the following claim: our guarantee is for life!
Thus, if you have any issue with one of our items and needs repair, we will do it for you. Contact Us and we will guide you through the entire process: |
What is the quality of your beads? The quality of our beads could best be described as AAA pure-grade high-quality custom-made beads. All of our customers realize immediately the high quality of our beads once they receive one of our items. As a matter of fact, you can take one of our items (in this case our Rosary) and place it next to any Rosary or jewelry you want. You will immediately realize why our items, and Rosaries, stand out from the rest.
Where do you get your Crucifixes and Medals? In short: they are imported straight from Italy and Rome.
How long does it take for a Rosary to be shipped? 7 to 10 business days – in many occasions the timeframe may be sooner.
Are DeMar® Rosaries already blessed? If you belong to any other catholic church besides the Latin Church (like Protestantism, Anglican Communion etc) leave a note during your order so as to send your Rosary to the respective Church to receive its blessing.
How long are the rosaries? We always post the length of each Rosary in the product description.
How should I utilize my Rosary? Please know that rosaries should not be worn as a fashion item. Rosaries, even rosaries made of paracord, should be handled reverently and worn only prayerfully and as a reminder of faith.
Is my rosary waterproof? Yes. Nevertheless, keep in mind the following: If your rosary gets wet, it is advised that you dry it off as much as you can with a towel and then to let it dry in a cool dark spot. Similarly, if your rosary is dunked in water, it is best to let it dry in a cool environment to prevent minor shrinkage.
Do you sell products to wholesalers? No. Currently, we sell our products solely through our official only store and occasionally, some of our products, can be acquired through our Etsy shop. Nevertheless, the full spectrum of our items can only be found on our official online store. Do we exclude any collaboration? No, but the nature of our items is unique and they cannot be mass-produced. Every item has to go through certain steps which makes mass-production difficult.
What is the Guarantee of AGR®, and DeMar®? It’s for life! As Ancient Greece Reloaded, and DeMar, we take great pride in the quality of our items and our creations. Thus, and most probably, we are the only ones around the world that can make the following claim: our guarantee is for life! Thus, if you have any issue with one of our items and needs repair, we will do it for you. Contact Us and we will guide you through the entire process: |
By default, your Rosary, before being shipped to you, it is sent directly to the Catholic Church to be officially blessed. Once the Catholic Church has decided that your Rosary is ready, we will ship it to you (we will always keep you posted about every step of the process). If you belong to any other catholic church besides the Latin Church (like Protestantism, Anglican Communion etc) leave a note during your order so as to send your Rosary to the respective Church to receive its blessing. Or you can directly contact us through here: Click Here to Contact Us |