7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 1) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 2) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 3) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 4) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 5) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 6) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 7) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 8) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
The Pan Cuff Bracelet made of 100% pure and solid 925 Silver
71.92€ 89.90€
The Triple Line Black Onyx Necklace
183.92€ 229.90€
The Ivory Cross Silver Pearl Earrings 47.92€ 59.90€
The White Pearl Necklace 135.92€ 169.90€
The Black Onyx Rosary Necklace 119.92€ 149.90€
The Purple Sunrise Anglican Rosary
119.92€ 149.90€
The Monastic Military 550 Catholic Paracord 5 Decade Rosary
119.92€ 149.90€
The Black Polygon 5 decade Catholic Rosary
199.92€ 249.90€
Hercules' Might - Bracelet
Hercules' Might is a special bracelet which is designed to aid you in all of your endeavours. It utilizes simultaneously both defence and attack spells!
As the name suggests, Hercules' Might, is meant to help you to overcome all adversity and to successfully accomplish all of your goals; be it in the business area, be in IT or media enterprises, be it in accumulating power and wealth, be it in receiving recognition and fame, be it in the sphere of leadership, to increase your intuition and to clear your mind so as to make wise and accurate decisions.
What is more, in the spiritual realm, Hercules' Might invokes the powers of light to either dispel darkness - coming against you - or to safeguard you if your intention is to enter the forbidden plains. Furthermore, Hercules' Might is infused with energy spells to help the awakening, and the growth, of your chakras and your spiritual faculties.
Advanced Description:
Before we begin, allow us to give you just one example, to help you understand, of how Hercules' Might has been created:
Hercules' Might invokes the powers of 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7.
7 – focuses on the lunar energy and workings related to intuition and wisdom.
6 - focuses on your ascension towards the spiritual realm.
5 - focuses on the faculties of the 5 elements
3 - focuses on connecting the physical, mental and spiritual realms.
2 - focuses on the balance of all aspects.
1 - focuses to the universal life force that binds us all.
Going one step further:
From a mystical standpoint Hercules' Might combines the powers of light and darkness (for more details click on the relevant tabs).
The power of Colours:
Black and Silver (for more details click on the tab called "Mysteries").
The power of Numbers:
1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 (for more details click on the "Mysteries" tab).
Enchantments – Energy Infusion:
During the entire creation process, protection chants and protection spells are utilized so as to additionally infuse the bracelet’s gemstones with specific types of energies. Consequently, Hercules' Might turns into the absolute protection for you.
Three Initial Key Points on Protection:
Firstly, know that love is the greatest protector. Protection involves utilizing love in as purer form as possible, for with love you can effectively construct a brick wall around you that negative forces cannot penetrate. Furthermore, negative entities cannot stand when positive vibrations hold strong because they start to polarize toward the positive (they turn positive), and that's the last thing they want. So, always approach protection with the highest intent in love and light, because using negative emotion will act like a magnet for further darkness to feed upon. For example, if you shout back at an angry person then the argument escalates. Behave calmly and with love toward an angry person and they will likely calm down. The negative energy diffuses and dissipates.
Secondly, know that in higher realms of existence (that's higher densities and within time-space) thoughts become reality. Thought-forms can be created through visualization such as walls or protective bubbles of light, doorways for negative entities to leave though, or in-streaming healing energy into your body. All these have a high probability of manifesting through your strong intent and effective visualization - they manifest on the other side and are used in this physical reality seen through your third eye.
Thirdly, also know that coupled with visualization; intention (or belief) is key - they work together to create thought forms and manifestations that can be used for spiritual protection. For example, you visualize a glowing white protective orb around you and your intention is for it to protect you from negative forces. Without the intention, the visualization is merely a pretty orb - you must assign it a purpose.
As a Side Note:
If you want to go completely Overkill against all negativity (etheric and negative astral entities, toxic people, to boost your energies in a significant manner, to influence the Karma of your life and to step into the fields of clairvoyant... combine our bracelets with our orgonites and witness it all).
Please Notice:
Our bracelets and orgonites are to protect and to support, in their endeavours, people that have not succumbed into the “dark side”. For instance, if you are a toxic person than the spells and charms will turn against you and protect the ones that are meant to be protected by them.
About the Quality of our products:
We use quality materials in our products (i.e. bracelets) such as a good grade of genuine natural gemstones and stainless-steel wire and clasps. Because our jewelry is not manufactured, we take the time to give you excellent beading and inspection. We keep you in mind as we design our products so the finished product is both durable and beautiful.
Finding your size and ordering a specific size:
To find your size lay a loose cord around your wrist and then lay on a flat ruler.
Consequently, if you wish for a specific size send us a message (or a note) when you order.
Write Review
Why Authentic – Production Process
The most important question that arises is: what differentiates our bracelets from the rest? The bracelets that you will find here are special for a plethora of reasons, which are: One: They are only handmade. Two: Their construction and assembling process is based on the Ancient Greek Mysteries. Three: They combine Ancient knowledge with the contemporary arts of protection. Four: Whenever a bracelet is created, it is done through protection chants and protection spells. Five: Specific gemstones are used for each bracelet so as to evoke specific effects. Six: The types of stones, the colour of the stones and the number of the stones, that are used for each bracelet, have a specific purpose. Nothings is done randomly! Seven: In order for “energy infusion” to occur, a specific and long process has to be initiated. Consequently, you can wear one or a combination of bracelets. Eight: All spells, chants, energy infusions, enchanting, invocations etc., are done during specific days, specific times, inside specific magical circles and by following a highly advanced esoteric procedure. And all that is done for each bracelet separately! We DO NOT cut any corners when it comes to energy infusion; and that is why we can make the claim of being totally authentic! Nine: For each bracelet to be completed / produced, it takes a lot of time; and that is, because specific steps have to be followed (if by any chance you happen to be a Wicca or Occult scientist… than, you are aware about the long process). Ten: If a bracelet is stored, until it can be send to you, it is stored inside specific magical spheres (if you are advanced in this area of expertise… than you understand what we are referring to). Eleven: Our know-how is based on over 30 years (!!!) of research and personal experience, and experimentation, of all the effects our bracelets can have. Twelve: We always follow up the order of our bracelets and are always available to our customers and to answer all of their questions (for that, go to our forum and under the section of “E-shop” you can ask us all relevant questions). Thirteen: Gradually, we will add articles - in our forums - that will allow you to attain a deeper understanding of our bracelets; and what makes them so special.
“Stone of Self-Mastery”
Chakra(s): Root, Solar Plexus and Third-Eye Energy Vibration: 6
Energy: Protection Healing Grounding
Protection: Captures and Grounds Psychic Attack Protects against Adversaries Protects against Black Magick Blocks negative influences.
Stimulates: Grounding All The Senses Inner-Strength Concentration Self-Mastery Self-Discipline Intuition
Metaphysical Properties:
Healing Properties:
The Myth:
The myth of the origin of onyx says that the goddess Venus was resting on the banks of the Indus River. As she slept, Cupid used the point of one of his enchanted arrows to give her a manicure. The parings of her nails then fell into the waters of the sacred river. Since the nails were of heavenly origin, they sank to the river bottom and were metamorphosed into onyx.
In Ancient Times: Onyx is a protective stone worn when facing adversaries in battles of conflicts of all kinds, or while hurrying down a dark street late at night. In classical ceremonial magic, the image of the head of the god Mars or a figure of the hero Hercules was engraved on onyx and carried for courage. Indians and Persians believed that wearing onyx protected them from the evil eye, and that placing onyx on the stomach of a pregnant woman in labor would reduce the labor pain and bring on earlier delivery.
Effects: Onyx is not only used for protection, but also as defense against negativity consciously directed towards you. It has also been used to reduce uncontrollable sexual impulses. The close union and yet strong contrast between the layers of black and white in some varities of onyx may suggest its connection with romance. In India, Gemologists recommend Onyx as a protective measure for harmonious relationships, thus keeping away any probability of disturbances or differences between the couple. Onyx as a birthstone provides the structure and authority you crave. It can help you be the master of your destiny and strengthen your confidence. It provides support in difficult times and centers your energy in times of mental or physical stress. It also offers the gift of wise decisions.
Mystical Power of Onyx (general): Throughout history, onyx has been thought to bring powers of protection, defensive magic, and the reduction of sexual desires. It has also been thought to reinforce the knowledge that there is no death, aiding in the understanding of the wheel of birth, death and rebirth. It brings about the knowledge that separation is an illusion and reunion will come. It aids psychic contact with those who have died, facilitates séances and mediumship, brings messages from the dead, and aids past-life and between-lives regression work. It helps future life progressions, and prevents and removes spirit possessions. Contemporary authors say the onyx brings increased vigor, strength, stamina, and self control. It alleviates worry, tension, and nervousness and eliminates confusion and nightmares. It is used to provide glimpses of that which is ‘beyond’ and activates one’s memory of one’s roots and reality. Medicinal applications include the treatment of bone marrow diseases, teeth, foot, blood and bone problems, and soft tissue disorders. It is also believed to aid in ailments such as epilepsy or glaucoma and is known to have powers to rectify damage done to cells.
Mystical Power of the Black Onyx (specific): The Black Onyx seems like a gift from the gods to us… it can help you live a more fulfilling life! The Onyx is a type of chalcedony that’s part of the quartz family. It was a popular stone for the Greeks. They believed that the Onyx stone came from the fingernails of the Goddess Venus. It is a powerful stone with plenty of positive attributes. First, it is a grounding and centering stone. It will balance you mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Second, it is a strengthening stone that will assist you in tasks where you feel challenged and weak. Third, it will ease your fears where they are the strongest. Fourth, it will banish negativity. Fifth, it will rejuvenate you when you have run out of energy. Finally, it will attract positive energy and bring you happiness. When you wear a Black Onyx Bracelet, it will inspire self-control, confidence, fidelity to your partner. It enhances your meditation and dreams. It will give you confidence in your career, like in interviews and presentations. The Black Onyx will work according to your heart’s desire. The Black Onyx is also believed to have healing powers and to heal teeth, bones, feet, and blood disorders. Place it on your body and feel the healing take place. Use the Black Onyx to charge water to treat skin ailments like fungal infections and sunburns, and also wounds and rashes. Just pat it on the affected area and use an Onyx water compress at night. Here’s just some of the benefits you will get, when having the Black Onyx near you:
If you use Hecate’s Eye constantly for chanting, protection and enhancements; or feel that your energies are constantly under attack… then, every week, you should discharge the Onyx by placing it under running water. If you’ve used it for a long time without doing so, bury it in the earth overnight at least once a month to regenerate its energies (preferably inside a sealed wooden box and on dry days). To conclude: wearing Hecate's Eye, placing it on your altar, or using it during rituals allows you access to all the benefits that have been mentioned here.
The Power of Colors:
Black: Grounding, wisdom, learning, protection, safety, reversing, uncrossing, unhexing, repelling black magick, banishing negativity, releasing, shapeshifting, defense, scrying, pride. Black absorbs and hides and creates confusion and chaos, new beginnings, knowledge of hidden things, is the container of light, one of the most powerful color. Use black for the self-control, time and patience. Black is also a good color to use to bring discord and confusion within the enemy. It can also be used for protection, wrap negative energy, breaking barriers and blocks, reverse and destroy negative thought forms. It 's better if applied to others. Black controls the base chakra, the planet Saturn, the earth element and the original religions, it means new beginning. Satanic alchemy, black represents the step into the void of meditation and transformation.
Silver: Feminine divinity, stability, psychic awareness, intuition, dreams, victory, meditation, communication, moon magick, gambling luck. Develops psychic abilities to neutralize the situation, repels destructive forces, working with the powers of goddesses. The Moon rules silver. House and the immediate vicinity, imagination, memory, mental awareness / dreams, spirituality, meditation. For psychological purposes, meditative / hypnotic. The Moon rules silver. Silver rules the third eye.
The power of Numbers:
1: Connected to the universal life force that binds us all. One is considered a source, and because any number multiplied by one equals itself, it’s a grounding number. In Tarot, one is represented by The Magician, who takes control of his own environment, and gains personal power by manipulating that which is around him.
Related to polarity and duality. Think of balance – the yin and yang, light and dark, god and goddess. Two represents one of each thing, side by side. The second chakra connects to relationships – and not just with other people, but how we relate to our jobs, our stuff, our money, and so forth.
Often seen as the most magical number in many traditions. Connected to the triple goddess, the realms of land, sea and sky, or the physical, mental and spiritual needs of mankind. In some magical systems, three is a symbol of action and interaction, while in others it means just the opposite – passiveness and neutrality.
5: In some traditions, five is equivalent to the four elements plus the addition of spirit as a fifth element. It’s also symbolic of the five human senses, the points of the pentagram, and in Christianity, the wounds of Christ. Five is sometimes considered a bit chaotic, as found in some interpretations of the Tarot, in which the five indicates struggle.
6: 7: Related to lunar energy, connected to the moon, femininity, and workings related to intuition and wisdom. Thought forms and consciousness are represented by the number seven.
Three Initial Key Points on Protection: Firstly, know that love is the greatest protector. Protection involves utilizing love in as purer form as possible, for with love you can effectively construct a brick wall around you that negative forces cannot penetrate. Furthermore, negative entities cannot stand when positive vibrations hold strong because they start to polarize toward the positive (they turn positive), and that's the last thing they want. So, always approach protection with the highest intent in love and light, because using negative emotion will act like a magnet for further darkness to feed upon. For example, if you shout back at an angry person then the argument escalates. Behave calmly and with love toward an angry person and they will likely calm down. The negative energy diffuses and dissipates. Secondly, know that in higher realms of existence (that's higher densities and within time-space) thoughts become reality. Thought-forms can be created through visualization such as walls or protective bubbles of light, doorways for negative entities to leave though, or in-streaming healing energy into your body. All these have a high probability of manifesting through your strong intent and effective visualization - they manifest on the other side and are used in this physical reality seen through your third eye. Thirdly, also know that coupled with visualization; intention (or belief) is key - they work together to create thought forms and manifestations that can be used for spiritual protection. For example, you visualize a glowing white protective orb around you and your intention is for it to protect you from negative forces. Without the intention, the visualization is merely a pretty orb - you must assign it a purpose.
If you want to learn more about the Mythology of Hercules, click on the link below and it will open the relevant page of Ancient Greece Reloaded: |