7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 1) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
$78.35 $97.94
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 2) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
$78.35 $97.94
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 3) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
$78.35 $97.94
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 4) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
$78.35 $97.94
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 5) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
$78.35 $97.94
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 6) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
$78.35 $97.94
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 7) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. $78.35 $97.94
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 8) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
$78.35 $97.94
The Silver Cross Necklace (Ver. 2) $104.50 $130.62
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 7) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. $78.35 $97.94
The Tigers Eye Pocket Rosary
$87.07 $108.84
Dark Aura - the Dark Energy Infused Charm Bracelet
$78.35 $97.94
The Anglican galvanized Nails Cross Rosary
$139.36 $174.20
Silver Cross (v2) - the Good Luck Vintage Charm $69.64 $87.05
The Skull Lava Knotted 5 Decade Rosary
$113.21 $141.52
The Red Pearl Choker Necklace $104.50 $130.62
The Skull Cross Dark Catholic Rosary is an exclusive, special and very powerful Rosary.
Inspired by the traditional Catholic Rosaries that prevailed throughout the Christian history.
Shaped in the holy Mt Athos, completed in the famous Mt Pelion and blessed directly by the Catholic Church.
It has been created for individuals that have to take upon missions (high-risk and covert) missions and require their existence to remain concealed.
In regards to the beads. The beads are triple-A high quality Dragon Blood and Black Lava Stones extracted directly from Mt Vesuvius; completely cleansed and purified.
Second, its cross: made of a stainless unbreakable steel Skull Cross symbolizing the eternal life and that our Christ dominates even death.
Third, the Skull Cross Dark Catholic Rosary has been officially blessed by the church - bringing with it the blessings of the heavens.
Next, the specific handmade rosary has been made by experts and during its creation protective prayers were used for each bead and is tightly knotted.
The Skull Cross Dark Catholic Rosary is a rosary that is made to last. It is a very durable and strong Rosary specifically designed for the military individuals, for people on heavy duty, for navy seals, for first responders or for outdoorsmen.
Rosary Necklace:
Base Materials:
Triple-A high quality Dragon Blood and Black Lava Stones extracted directly from Mt Vesuvius, Stainless Steel black Skull Cross.
ca 84 cm --- Cross: ca 7 cm
6 mm and 8 mm
This design is Copyright by DeMar © 2022
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Rock Specks Color: Black Type of stone: Basalt aka Lava Rock Hardness: 2 Chakra: Crown and Higher Crown Chakras Element: Fire & Earth Planet: Earth Numerological Number: 1 Astrological: Taurus & Cancer Magickal Uses: Dream work, Enhancing Creativity, Communication, Cleansing Negativity
Volcanic Lava Rock Mother Earth has indeed gifted us with many treasures. But there’s one stone that stands tall, simply because it’s a part of the earth’s womb, itself. And that is the volcanic lava stone. Once it arises to the surface and cools it is used and designed for fashion and spiritual use. The black lava stone has been around for centuries and various indigenous tribes and communities have used black lava stone beads. Although not as attractive as jewelry made from precious stones, a volcanic stone bracelet makes up for their earthy appearance with their spiritual mystique. So, you may still ask yourself, what is lava stone? To break it up to you, lava stone or volcanic beads as we use them are precious stones that now a day are mostly used either as volcanic rock jewelry or as talismans, and are quite popular as accessories. There’s a special bond between the black lava rock beads and our beloved planet. Knowing the fact that it comes directly from Earth’s core, the lava beads meaning is of grounding and connecting with nature. Native Americans would wear a piece a lava mineral before war for where it is believed lava rock energy would bring them courage and strength. Thus why, it’s more common to see mens lava stone bracelets.
Lava Rock Properties It’s believed that emotional and spiritual lava healing properties can be obtained by each person that wears a real lava stone bead bracelet, because of their strong association with the Earth. Due to this earthly connection, volcanic rock beads are seen as symbols of fertility, endurance and strength. From a spiritual perspective, a lava gemstone is great for grounding the root chakra and starting your day off with a slight pump into some mindfulness meditation. For better absorption of their lava stone healing properties, it is recommended to wear volcanic lava beads close within the skin. Moreover, they are considered as healing stones to bringing peace into the mind and spirit. It’s believed that wearing an authentic black lava stone bracelet will allow the wearer to access energy freely, allowing a clear flow and use of lava stone healing to nurture themselves physically as well as spiritually. Furthermore, some cultures also believe that lava stone energy offer stability and courage during troublesome times, since they strengthen the wearer’s relationship with that of the planet.
Lava Stone Benefits Traditionally, lava bead jewelry is said to have lava rock healing properties and they keep people warm in cold climates. These volcanic stones have made their journey, straight from the earth’s core, they are associated with spirituality and universality. However, they offer more than just an aesthetic lava bead bracelet beauty; this stabilizing effects of a real black lava stone bracelet extends into the emotional and spiritual spheres by eliminating strong negative emotions, providing clarity and offering hope during difficult and emotional times. Most people use these lava stone bracelet benefits for their anxiety and mood swings, lava rock beads really help each person ground themselves and control their excessive thinking.
Whereas gold is the metal of the sun, silver is the metal of the moon. Like the moon and water, silver is reflective and used to mirror the soul bringing people calm and balance. Silver is used to 'draw down the moon' during lunar ceremonies, giving the wearer use of the moons energy and protecting them from negativity. Silver's connection to the spiritual life is mostly seen in traditional cultures where people live in union and deep respect for the earth. For example, the Tibetans spiritual silver jewelry is often combined with gemstones and crystals which then resonate their healing vibrations more strongly. Another aspect of the silver natural healing belief is that wearing this jewelry brings the wearer more in tune with the vibrations and flow of the universe. It is the metal of emotions, love and healing. Silver's properties are strongest during the new and full moon.
Silver Metaphysical Properties and Silver Mystical Properties
Silver in Healing Wearing silver jewelry is said to help heal and calm the mind, to help clear the lungs and throat, to increase circulation and purify the blood, to balance hormones and to slow the progression of degenerative brain diseases. Just wearing silver is said to help draw negative energy from the body to make way for positive energy. Any stone used for healing will benefit from being set into silver. Silver is a great conductor of energy, including magic. Any stone set in silver will be amplified and its energy more easily directed.
Dragon Blood Jasper is a member of the quartz family (chalcedony). It is a fantastically patterned gemstone with deep red tones of matrix joined with a combination of forest green hues. Dragon Blood Jasper is found only in western Australia. Local legend there says that the stone is the remains of deceased ancient dragons – the green being the skin and the red the blood.
Metaphysical Meaning: Enhances life force; healing; balance, opening of the third eye, explore past lives Source: Australia Mohs Hardness Scale: 7 Chakra: Heart Source: Australia Astrological: Leo Healing Qualities: Enhances Life Force, courage, strength and vitality. Brings joy to community interactions. Helps you achieve goals. Draws money and love to the wearer. Good for diagnosing illness and preventing illness. Physical: Good for nerves, bladder, spleen, stomach, kidneys, liver, bile ducts, mineral balance and sense of smell. Provides physical heart healing. Helps bronchitis, backache, cramps, colds, flu, jaundice and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Useful during fasting. Emotional / Spiritual: Grounds spiritual energy through the heart chakra. Forms a 3-foot (ca. 1 meter) barrier around the wearer for protection against negative people. A stone with a strong pattern of physical vitality, capable of bringing more energy into the auric field and the physical self. It calls forth the gentle strengths of love, forgiveness, and compassion - the only energies that can tame the inner dragon. Helps loneliness and keeps your spirits up. Good for yin/yang balance and the aura.
Robert Simmons writes: "Dragon Stone is a strengthener of the physical and etheric bodies, and it works very well for knitting the two of them together, when illness or other negative conditions have brought one's vitality down. Its influence assists the body in the spiritual purification of the blood, and of the cells. It is a wellspring of prana, and it can help one find one's inner ‘reset,' so that one's body and energy fields regain their resonance with a pattern of health, stability and emotional wellbeing. It works steadily rather than rapidly, like most Jaspers, although the exceptional potency of Dragon Stone makes it one of the most powerful and dynamic of the stones in this family”. It has been said that the best way of breaking an old habit is to introduce a new one. That is Dragon Stone's special talent. If one has––through being buffeted by life's events, through confusion or fear, or through self-indulgence––fallen into unhealthy, debilitating patterns, Dragon Stone offers a strong, self-affirming template to follow. Emotionally, Dragon Stones helps one develop self-confidence, a stronger will, an open expression of feeling and affection, a willingness to help others for the greater good, and the persistence required to make real and effective change. Physically, it seems to aid endurance, and to inspire one to work hard to be well. This includes diet and exercise regimes for getting in shape. It also feels to me that it can aid those who are working to repattern one's cellular habits for regeneration and rejuvenation, all the way down to the DNA. The twisting, snakelike DNA molecule is, after all, something of a Dragon itself! Spiritually, Dragon Stone can inspire one to place one's self-serving tendencies into service of the well-being of the world. Yet it does not make one into a weak rule-follower. Rather, it encourages fierceness and loyalty to what seems in one's heart to be the Good, and it teaches one to protect and defend that Good with a power and strength one may never have known one even had! A dragon is not a domesticated animal. It is a wild, sentient journeyer among many realms––an excellent ally and a worthy opponent. To carry Dragon Stone is to invite such qualities into oneself.
By default, your Rosary, before being shipped to you, it is sent directly to the Catholic Church to be officially blessed. Once the Catholic Church has decided that your Rosary is ready, we will ship it to you (we will always keep you posted about every step of the process).