7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 1) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 2) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 3) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 4) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 5) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 6) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 7) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet. 71.92€ 89.90€
7 Chakra Bracelet (Ver. 8) – Chakras balancing and Energy Healing Bracelet.
71.92€ 89.90€
The Tigers Eye Pocket Rosary
79.92€ 99.90€
The Crucifix Lava Knotted 5 Decade Rosary
103.92€ 129.90€
The Black Crow Catholic Rosary
135.92€ 169.90€
White Dove Military 550 Anglican Paracord Rosary
119.92€ 149.90€
The Rosicrucian Cross Chain Rosary
119.92€ 149.90€
Death Flower of the Soul - Volcanic Charm Bracelet
71.99€ 89.99€
The Anglican Moonstone Carnelian Rosary 119.92€ 149.90€
Death Flower of the Soul, Volcanic Lava Stone, special energy infused gemstone bracelets
71.99€ 89.99€
------------------------------ Developer’s Note ----------------------------
(Application’s Details are listed below, after the developer’s note)
Dear All,
The current application is enormous, literally huge. In order to make it user friendly the app is divided mainly in two sections.
The first section:
explores the Ancient Greek Sites, Ancient Greek Monuments and Museums that focus on Ancient Greece (covering the ENTIRE Greek region).
The second section:
walks you through Ancient Greece’s Mythology, AND Ancient Greek History, with everything surrounding their main events.
Also, integrated is a GOOGLE – Style In App Search Engine, and
by typing just a letter, or two, the Search Engine will directly filter all results; so as for you, to be able, to jump immediately to the section of your choice.
Moreover, Google Maps
are integrated into the application so as to direct you straight to the point of each Site, Museum and Monument.
I hope that you will enjoy the current app.
Sincerely yours,
------------------------------ End of Note ----------------------------
The first part of the application focuses on:
- Ancient Greek Sites
- Ancient Greek Museums
- Ancient Greek Monuments
Each Site, Museum and Monument is supported with:
- Historical Data
- Pictures of the Site, Museum, Monument
- With one button click, GOOGLE MAPS are opening for you and the maps are focusing straight to the point of the Site, Museum or Monument.
- Description (historical and facts) of the Site, Museum, Monument
- With one button click you are immediately directed to their official website
- With one button click all contact details will appear before you
All Archaeological Sites, Museum and Monuments that are listed, cover the ENTIRE Greek Peninsula
(Main Land and Islands Region).
- The Top Ten Choices
The Second Section of the application focuses on:
- Timeline
(Mythological and Historical), supported with all Historical Data and Dates like the times of: Gods and Titans, Ogygia, Heroic Age, The period of Atlantis, Mesolithic to Bronze, Minoan to Mycenaean Period straight down to the Hellenistic and Greco-Roman Period.
- The Twelve Olympian Gods of the Greek Pantheon
(like Zeus, Athena, Apollo, Hermes, Aphrodite etc.).
- Ancient Greece’s Heroes (for instance Hercules, Jason, Odysseus, Achilles, Bellerophon, Perseus, Theseus, Orpheus, Diomedes and the list goes on and on).
- Heroes vs Monsters Section.
- Ancient Greece’s Legendary Monsters (such as: Lamia, Minotaur, Centaur, Cyclops, Cerberus, Chimera, Sirens, Echidna, Typhon, Ichthyocentaurs, etc. etc. etc.).
- Ancient Greece’s Memorial Love Stories.
- Atlantis vs Athens (The Mythical Battle that became Legendary).
- Ancient Greek Philosophy
(From the Presocratics, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle straight down to Scepticism and Neoplatonism).
- The Ancient Greek Alphabet
(covering ALL Ancient Greek Regions, like Athens, Corinth, Argos, Crete and so forth).
- The Ancient Greek Numerical Values (Which are also used in the known: Holy Geometry).
- Ancient Greek Mythology in a Nutshell
(like The Titanomachy, The Gigantomachy, The Five Ages, Prometheus, Pandora, The Three Great Floods and so forth).
- Ancient Greece’s Mythology Major Themes and Myths Section.
Each Part of the Second Section is supported with:
- Pictures
- The myth, description and story behind each character, hero, god, monster or period.
- The historical Facts and Dates.
- Timetables and depictions of each main event that occurred during that time period.
- Android OS tested on:
JELLY BEAN, KITKAT and LOLLIPOP (Android APK’s System: 4.1 to 5.1.1, or 16 – 22).
- Devices tested on:
Samsung, HTC, Sony, Nexus, LG, Tablets (7'' - 10'' inches)
*The application will be constantly updated with new sections
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