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Dark St Benedict One Decade Catholic Rosary

DeMar St Benedict -005 View

A beautiful, a dark and a light weight one decade catholic rosary.

Completely made of pure quality Black Onyx and a silver medal of St Benedict, the Dark St Benedict rosary becomes one with your deepest and sincere prayers.  

Additional Uses: 

When time is not a luxury of yours and yet you wish to dedicate a prayer, a one decade rosary is what you need to have at your disposal.

Moreover, you can use it as a talisman by placing it in your car, in your bag, in your suitcase, in your office desk, in your house or around your wrist.

1 Decade Rosary

Prayer Beads:
10 (1 decade)
1 bead representing our Holy Father


Base Materials:
Triple-A high quality Pure Black Onyx gemstones, a gemstone made pure Black Onyx Cross and a silver stainless Steel medal of St Benedict. 

ca 28 cm --- Cross: ca 3 cm --- Medal: 2 cm 

Lava Stone beads:
6 mm, 8 mm and 10 mm

By,DeMarThis design is Copyright by DeMar © 2019


Trough Darkness Military 550 Paracord Wrist Rosary

DeMar Ros-Wrist-08-Black View

Trough Darkness Military 550 Paracord Wrist Rosary is an exclusive, special and very powerful Paracord Rosary.

It has been created for individuals that have to take upon missions (high-risk and covert) missions and require their existence to remain concealed. 

In regards to the beads. The beads are triple-A high quality Natural Black Agate; completely cleansed and purified.

Second, its cross: made of 304 stainless unbreakable steel with our Father's main point (both sides have symbols on them) that also symbolize to never lose faith and to never give up due to adversity.

Third, the Through Darkness Military 550 Paracord Wrist Rosary has been officially blessed by the church - bringing with it the blessings of the heavens.

Next, the specific handmade rosary has been made by experts and during its creation protective prayers were used for each bead and is tightly knotted.

The Through Darkness Military 550 Paracord Wrist Rosary is a rosary that is made to last. It is a very durable and strong Paracord Rosary specifically designed for the military individuals, for people on heavy duty, for navy seals, for first responders or for outdoorsmen.

Wrist Rosary, Our Father 


Base Materials:
Triple-A high quality Natural Black Agate, 304 Stainless Steel Cross and has been blessed by the church.

max. ca 30 cm --- Cross: ca 4 cm

Natural Black Agate Stone beads:
14 X 8 mm

By,DeMarThis design is Copyright by DeMar © 2019


St Benedict Military 550 Paracord Wrist Rosary

DeMar Ros-Wrist-33-Wood View

St Benedict Military 550 Paracord Wrist Rosary is an exclusive, special and very powerful Paracord Rosary.

It has been created for individuals that have to take upon missions (high-risk and covert) missions and require their existence to remain concealed. 

In regards to the beads. The beads are triple-A high quality Pure Natural Wood; completely cleansed and purified.

Second, its cross medal: made of 304 golden stainless unbreakable steel with Saint Benedict as its main point (both sides have symbols on them) that also symbolize to never lose faith and to never give up due to adversity.

Third, the St Benedict Military 550 Paracord Wrist Rosary has been officially blessed by the church - bringing with it the blessings of the heavens.

Next, the specific handmade rosary has been made by experts and during its creation protective prayers were used for each bead and is tightly knotted.

The St Benedict Military 550 Paracord Wrist Rosary is a rosary that is made to last. It is a very durable and strong Paracord Rosary specifically designed for the military individuals, for people on heavy duty, for navy seals, for first responders or for outdoorsmen.

Wrist Rosary, Saint Benedict 


Base Materials:
Triple-A high quality Pure Natural Wood, 304 Golden Stainless Steel Cross Medal of St Benedict and has been blessed by the church.

max. ca 30 cm --- Cross: ca 2.5 cm

Pure Natural Wood beads:
12 X 8 mm

By,DeMarThis design is Copyright by DeMar © 2019


Carnelian Military 550 Paracord Wrist Rosary

DeMar Ros-Wrist-07-CA View

The Carnelian Military 550 Paracord Wrist Rosary is an exclusive, special and very powerful Paracord Rosary.

It has been created for individuals that have to take upon missions (high-risk and covert) missions and require their existence to remain concealed. 

In regards to the beads. The beads are triple-A high quality Natural Carnelian ; completely cleansed and purified.

Second, its cross: made of 304 stainless unbreakable steel with our Father's main point (both sides have symbols on them) that also symbolize to never lose faith and to never give up due to adversity.

Third, the Carnelian Military 550 Paracord Wrist Rosary has been officially blessed by the church - bringing with it the blessings of the heavens.

Next, the specific handmade rosary has been made by experts and during its creation protective prayers were used for each bead and is tightly knotted.

The Carnelian Military 550 Paracord Wrist Rosary is a rosary that is made to last. It is a very durable and strong Paracord Rosary specifically designed for the military individuals, for people on heavy duty, for navy seals, for first responders or for outdoorsmen.

Wrist Rosary, Our Father 


Base Materials:
Triple-A high quality Natural Carnelian, 304 Stainless Steel Cross and has been blessed by the church.

max. ca 32 cm --- Cross: ca 4 cm

Natural Carnelian beads:
14 X 8 mm

By,DeMarThis design is Copyright by DeMar © 2019


Hecate's Eye - the Protection against the Evil Eye

DeMar Bracelet - 001 View

(Please Note: The bracelet is Handmade and of high quality! The Design and the creation of the bracelet is exclusively done by DeMar). 


Hecate's Eye
Have you ever felt like nothing in your life goes the way you wanted it to go?Have you ever felt that while you are working very hard in your job, trying to keep a happy family or that there are people around you that are jealous of you; no matter how much you are supporting them?Have you ever felt as if there are “vampires” around you that constantly feed on your energy; leaving you exhausted in every turn of your life?Have you ever felt that you need something to protect you from all of this?Do you want to increase your health, to increase your wealth and power as well as to increase your sharpness?If your answer to all the above questions is yes… than you definitely need Hecate’s Eye! The basics:The bracelet of Hecate’s Eye has been designed to “stand” elegant in the wrist of both male and females.It is handmade and its created by utilizing a series of long protective chants, protective charms and is “energy infused” by following specific types of evocations.The two main gemstones that were used are the Black Onyx and the Tiger’s Eye (for more details about what these gemstones do – when infused with specific kinds of energies – click on the relevant tabs).

To an uninitiated person, Hecate’s Eye may appear as just a beautiful and elegant bracelet but… it is purposely created like this so as to hide the power that it brings with it!Remember that Hecate was the goddess of Magic, Witchcraft, Enhancements and Mystery… as a matter of fact Hecate was purposely so enigmatic that no one could actually comprehend and recognize her “disguise”. And that exactly is the point of Hecate’s Eye… that no one except you will be aware of Hecate’s power! Advanced Description: Before we begin, allow us to give you just one example, to help you understand, of how Hecate’s Eye has been created:The energy vibration of the Tiger’s Eye is: 4 and 8 (click the tab called: “Tiger’s Eye Chart”).Hecate’s Eye, consists of 16 gemstones divided in 2… that gives you 8 (one of the energy vibrations of the Tiger Eye)!Also, if you add the Enhanced Protective Eye, the above number becomes 17; which again gives you 8!The Black Onyx Gemstones are 14, divided by 2; which gives you 7 X 7… and by a type of evocation, the black onyx is enhanced with the power of 7 by 7. That makes 49 which will give you 13 (the original zodiacs) and in turn becomes 4 (the first of the Tiger’s Eye energy vibration)!This example was brought forth to illustrate to you that nothing is done by chance while shaping Hecate’s Eye.

Going one step further:From a mystical standpoint Hecate’s Eye combines the following aspects (for more details click on the tab called “Mysteries”):The power of Colours: Black, Gold, White and Blue (4: vibration of the Tiger’s Eye). The power of Numbers:1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 (6: vibration of the Black Onyx) Protection against the Devil’s Eye:Specific “energy infused” protection, and charm, against the “Devil’s Eye”.

Enchantments – Energy Infusion

During the entire creation process, protection chants and protection spells are utilized so as to additionally infuse the bracelet’s gemstones with specific types of energies. Consequently, Hecate’s Eye turns into the absolute protection for you. As a Side Note:If you want to go completely Overkill against all negativity (etheric and negative astral entities, toxic people, to boost your energies in a significant manner, to influence the Karma of your life and to step into the fields of clairvoyant... combine our bracelets with our orgonites and witness it all).Please Notice:Our bracelets and orgonites are to protect and to support, in their endeavours, people that have not succumbed into the “dark side”. For instance, if you are a toxic person than the spells and charms will turn against you and protect the ones that are meant to be protected by them. About the Quality of our products:
We use quality materials in our products (i.e. bracelets) such as a good grade of genuine natural gemstones and stainless-steel wire and clasps. Because our jewelry is not manufactured, we take the time to give you excellent beading and inspection. We keep you in mind as we design our products so the finished product is both durable and beautiful.Finding your size and ordering a specific size:
To find your size lay a loose cord around your wrist and then lay on a flat ruler.
Consequently, if you wish for a specific size send us a message (or a note) when you order.


Odysseus Quest - Energy Charged Power Bracelet

DeMar Bracelet - 004 View

(Please Note: The bracelet is Handmade and of high quality! The Design and the creation of the bracelet is exclusively done by DeMar). 


Odysseus Quest - Bracelet

Odysseus Quest is an elegant bracelet that is specifically designed for people that prefer to go unnoticed.Similar to the Ancient Greek Hero Odysseus, who most of the times tried to go unnoticed yet was one of the most effective heroes of Ancient Times, similarly, Odysseus Quest’s bracelet is designed to go as much unnoticed as possible.Nevertheless, do not confuse something: this bracelet is a highly effective and a very powerful bracelet; do not let its “simple design” fool you.Moreover, as Odysseus was considered one of the most intellectual heroes of Ancient Times similarly, Odysseus Quest focuses on the Third-Eye and the Crown Chakra.Odysseus Quest focuses its energies in opening and helping you to grow the Third-Eye and the Crown Chakra. In other terms, it is a bracelet that is designed for people that want to successfully grow their spiritual faculties, as well as, to successfully explore the spiritual realms.

Odysseus Quest will aid you in a tremendous manner in your explorations.
 (for more details on how Odysseus Quest works, click on the tab called: Principles) Advanced Description:Before we begin, allow us to give you just one example, to help you understand, of how Odysseus Quest has been created:Odysseus Quest invokes the triple powers of 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9; (2 and 3: Energy Vibration of Howlite and Amethyst).Also, since the main focus of Odysseus Quest is to support you spiritual growth and advancement, as well as to help you to navigate through the spiritual realms:2 - focuses on the balance of all aspects.3 – connects the physical, mental and the spiritual faculties.7 - focuses on your ascension towards the spiritual realm.8 – focuses on the unity of the two aforementioned powers.9 – focuses on the powers deriving from the spiritual realm towards you.Going one step further:From a mystical standpoint Odysseus Quest combines the following aspects (for more details click on the tab called “Mysteries”):The power of Colours:Violet and White (Spirituality, connection to higher self, higher realms). The power of Numbers:2, 3, 7, 8 and 9 (2 and 3: Energy Vibration of Howlite and Amethyst). Spiritual Growth and Advancement:Odysseus Quest energy infusion focuses on boosting the powers of your Third-Eye and the Crown. It is the ideal bracelet for spiritual growth and advancement, for exploring the astral and spiritual realms and to extend into advanced spheres of consciousness.

Enchantments – Energy Infusion:During the entire creation process, protection chants and protection spells are utilized so as to additionally infuse the bracelet’s gemstones with specific types of energies. Consequently, Odysseus Quest turns into the absolute protection for you.

Three Initial Key Points on Protection:Firstly, know that love is the greatest protector. Protection involves utilizing love in as purer form as possible, for with love you can effectively construct a brick wall around you that negative forces cannot penetrate. Furthermore, negative entities cannot stand when positive vibrations hold strong because they start to polarize toward the positive (they turn positive), and that's the last thing they want. So, always approach protection with the highest intent in love and light, because using negative emotion will act like a magnet for further darkness to feed upon. For example, if you shout back at an angry person then the argument escalates. Behave calmly and with love toward an angry person and they will likely calm down. The negative energy diffuses and dissipates.Secondly, know that in higher realms of existence (that's higher densities and within time-space) thoughts become reality. Thought-forms can be created through visualization such as walls or protective bubbles of light, doorways for negative entities to leave though, or in-streaming healing energy into your body. All these have a high probability of manifesting through your strong intent and effective visualization - they manifest on the other side and are used in this physical reality seen through your third eye.Thirdly, also know that coupled with visualization; intention (or belief) is key - they work together to create thought forms and manifestations that can be used for spiritual protection. For example, you visualize a glowing white protective orb around you and your intention is for it to protect you from negative forces. Without the intention, the visualization is merely a pretty orb - you must assign it a purpose.  As a Side Note:If you want to go completely Overkill against all negativity (etheric and negative astral entities, toxic people, to boost your energies in a significant manner, to influence the Karma of your life and to step into the fields of clairvoyant... combine our bracelets with our orgonites and witness it all).Please Notice:Our bracelets and orgonites are to protect and to support, in their endeavours, people that have not succumbed into the “dark side”. For instance, if you are a toxic person than the spells and charms will turn against you and protect the ones that are meant to be protected by them. 

About the Quality of our products:
We use quality materials in our products (i.e. bracelets) such as a good grade of genuine natural gemstones and stainless-steel wire and clasps. Because our jewelry is not manufactured, we take the time to give you excellent beading and inspection. We keep you in mind as we design our products so the finished product is both durable and beautiful.Finding your size and ordering a specific size:
To find your size lay a loose cord around your wrist and then lay on a flat ruler.
Consequently, if you wish for a specific size send us a message (or a note) when you order.


The Tigers Garnet elite 5 Decade Catholic Rosary

DeMar Rosary-Z-33S View

The Tigers Garnet is a unique radiating 5 Decade Catholic Rosary that is based on the foundation of sparkling Garnet and Natural Red Tigers Eye (all stones have been purified and cleansed).

On top of that, the beautiful Tigers Garnet rosary is created with a combination of high end materials so as to bring forth the hidden powers of your soul.

Moreover, the rosary has been officially blessed by the church. 

Finally, the Tigers Garnet Rosary stands for protection, luck, balancing the inner energies, strength, the third eye and survival. 

If you are looking for an elite line radiating rosary that differentiates itself from the rest, the Tigers Garnet Rosary is the one that you are looking for.  


Base Materials:
Triple-A high quality Garnet Gemstones and Natural Red Tigers Eye (cleansed and purified), which is combined with an Unbreakable Stainless Vintage Antique Silver Steel Cross.

ca 52 cm (completely open 104 cm) --- Unbreakable Stainless Vintage Antique Silver Steel Cross: ca 5 cm

4 mm to 15 mm

By,DeMarThis design is Copyright by DeMar © 2020


Anglican Light Blue Rosary - Our Holy Father

DeMar Anglican Light - 7I View

The Anglican Rosary called "our Holy Father" is a beautiful rosary that is based on the heavenly colors which radiate a calming effect while praying. 

The rosary is made of Agate, Black Onyx and Hematite gemstones (which have been cleansed and purified) while a 304 Stainless Silver Cross with the Lord's Prayer engraved on it completes the rosary.

Finally, the rosary has been blessed by the church. 

Anglican configuration


About the Rosary:
The Rosary has a Cross, an Invitatory bead, 4 sets of 7 beads that are called the Weeks, and 4 beads which separate the beads in the Weeks, called the Cruciform beads because they make the form of a cross.
The 7 beads in the Weeks section of the Rosary represent the 7 days of the week and also 7 is the number of spiritual perfection. The total number of beads is 33, which represents the number of years of Jesus' earthly ministry. In the 34 beads rosary the additional bead is also known as the Resurrection bead while in the 35 bead rosary it is focused on our Holy Father. 

Base Materials:
Triple-A high quality Agate, Black Onyx and Hematite gemstones, 304 Stainless Silver Cross with the Lord's Prayer engraved on it. 

ca 29 cm (completely open 58 cm) --- Cross: ca 4 cm 

Black Onyx beads:
10 mm

Agate beads:
8 mm

Hematite Beads:
4 mm

By,DeMarThis design is Copyright by DeMar © 2019

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