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The ancient sea creature that was half serpent and half cow

Ophiotaurus was a creature that was part bull and part serpent. It's entrails were said to grant the power to defeat the gods to whoever burned them.

The Ophiotaurus (Ταυρος Οφις) whose name means cow serpent was a creature that had the head and front legs of a black bull and the tail of a serpent.

Its physical appearance makes its name and other names for it (Stygian Bull, Serpent Bull, and Tauros Ophis) self evident. The Moirai (The Fates) warned Zeus that whoever slew this beast and sacrificed its entrails in the flames would obtain the power to destroy Olympus.

For this reason an ally of the Titans killed this beast during the Titanomachy. The Titans however were unsuccessful because Zeus sent an Eagle who retrieved the entrails before they were sacrificed.