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Titan god of violent anger, rash action, and human mortality

Menoetius was a Titan god, son of Titans Iapetus and Clymene, and brother of Atlas, Prometheus and Epimetheus. His name derives from the Ancient Greek words "menos" (might) and "oitos" (doom), meaning "doomed might".

Based on the descriptions of various resources, he may have been the Titan of violent anger, rash action, and human mortality, and he often committed hubris, having superfluous pride. During the Titanomachy, Zeus killed Menoetius and banished him to Tartarus.

Menoetius Is also called Menoitios.


Menoetius, the Argonaut and father of Patroclus

The heroic Menoetius was the son of Actor, King of Opus, and the nymph Aegina; Opus being the main city of Eastern Locris. Via Aegina, Menoetius was thus half-brother to Aeacus, king of the island of Aegina.

Menoetius would gain his title of hero because of the fact that he was universally named as one of the Argonauts, the band of heroes who accompanied Jason to Colchis.

Despite the agreement of the presence of Menoetius during the Quest for the Golden Fleece, none of the main versions written down in antiquity tell of Menoetius doing anything of note during the adventure.

Subsequent to the voyage of the Argo, Menoetius does not appear in the list of Calydonian Boar hunters, the next gathering of heroes in Greek mythology.

​Thus, rather than any heroic deeds, Menoetius becomes famous for his family line.

There is no agreement in the ancient sources about whom the wife of Menoetius was; some call Menoetius' wife Philomela, an unknown woman; or Sthenele, daughter of Acastus, a fellow Argonaut; or Periopis, a daughter of Pheres; or Polymele, a daughter of Peleus, and another fellow Argonaut.

The wife of Menoetius though, would bear to her husband a famous son, for Menoetius was said to have been father to Patroclus, an Achaean hero who fought at Troy.

Additionally, Menoetius might have been father to a daughter as well, Myrto, who became a lover of Heracles.

Menoetius, and Patroclus, would be forced to leave Opus, when the young Patroclus killed Clysonymus, son of Amphidamas, during a game of dice.

Menoetius would find sanctuary in the home of Peleus in Phthia, where the sons of the two Argonauts quickly became friends, for these two sons were of course Patroclus and Achilles.

Little more about Menoetius is said thereafter, but Menoetius was said to have given sage words to Patroclus in the build-up to the Trojan War, telling his son that he must become the wise counsel for Achilles, to always give sound advice and to guide his friend.


    Hesiod, Theogony 507–516

    Apollodorus, 1.2.3

    Scholia to Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound 347

    Smiley, Charles N (1922). "Hesiod as an Ethical and Religious Teacher". The Classical Journal. 1922: 514.

    Apollodorus, 2.5.10.

    Homer, Iliad 11.785, 16.14.

    Scholia on Pindar, Olympian Ode 9 & 107

    Apollodorus, 3.13.8

    Plutarch, Aristides 20.6

    Pindar, Olympian Ode 9.65 ff

    [1] "Greek Mythology"