The Snake... Primordial Creator God
Ophion was ruler of Olympus long before the Titans or Olympians.
Fumbling around in chaos at the beginning of time Ophion became so frustrated that his temperature shot up and he accidently set fire to the void. From the flames sprang his soon-to-be-wife Eurynome, and they got busy creating world eggs with yolky earth and creatures and marshmallowy skies and heaven.
Apparently there are seven tablets in existance, sometimes claimed by Phanes, that Ophion engraved with hints and tips for oracles aswell as the fate of the entire universe. However, they didn't impress the up and coming Titans and Ophion's reign as first king of Olympus was shortlived as Cronus and Rhea unceremoniosly booted him from Mount Olympus into the world stream.
Ophion was never quite the same after this little incident and some say he changed his name to Oceanos as this version of creation was locked away in the Orphion mysteries on the grounds of much frowned upon planetary issues.