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Pentheus – a king of Thebes, grandson of Cadmus and who enraged Dionysus (… Dionysus revenge)!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #pentheus #dionysus #king #thebes #spartoi #agave #cadmus #goddess #god #harmonia #epeiros #bacchae #euripides #agave #autonoe #ino #semele #polydorus #illyrius #athamas #cadmea #mountcithaeron #tiresias #maenads #menoeceus #creon #jocasta #lataeans #actaeon #niobids #apollo #artemis #oedipus #sevenagainstthebes #illyria #lycotherses #troy #trojanwar #argonauts #zeus #hera #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained


Pentheus – a king of Thebes, grandson of Cadmus and who enraged Dionysus (… Dionysus revenge)!

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Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #pentheus #dionysus #king #thebes #spartoi #agave #cadmus #goddess #god #harmonia #epeiros #bacchae #euripides #agave #autonoe #ino #semele #polydorus #illyrius #athamas #cadmea #mountcithaeron #tiresias #maenads #menoeceus #creon #jocasta #lataeans #actaeon #niobids #apollo #artemis #oedipus #sevenagainstthebes #illyria #lycotherses #troy #trojanwar #argonauts #zeus #hera #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained


Thersander – king of Thebes, one of the Epigoni and his role in the Trojan War!

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Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #thersander #king #thebes #epigoni #polynices #oedipus #argea #adrastus #eteocles #seven #against #thebes #eriphyle #alcmaeon #laodamas #tisamenus #oathoftyndareus #aulis #telephus #heracles #achaeans #heroes #woodenhorse #protesilaus #peneleos #troy #trojanwar #argonauts #zeus #hera #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained


Thersander – king of Thebes, one of the Epigoni and his role in the Trojan War!

Watch it here:

Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #thersander #king #thebes #epigoni #polynices #oedipus #argea #adrastus #eteocles #seven #against #thebes #eriphyle #alcmaeon #laodamas #tisamenus #oathoftyndareus #aulis #telephus #heracles #achaeans #heroes #woodenhorse #protesilaus #peneleos #troy #trojanwar #argonauts #zeus #hera #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained


Telamon – the king of Salamis, a hero, the father of Ajax the Great and Teucer; and a close friend of Heracles (plus the song of Telamon and the Telamons in architecture)!

Watch it here:

Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #telamon #hercules #heracles #ajaxthegreat #teucer #hesione #priam #trambelus #peleus #amazons #achilles #king #princess #queen #aeacus #actaeus #glauce #salamis #cychreus #periboea #alcathous #laomedon #tros #trojanwall #apollodorus #podarces #songoftelamon #troy #trojanwar #argonauts #calydonianboar #zeus #hera #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained #architecture #telamons #colossal #malefigures #columns #atlas #atlantes #atlantids #caryatids


Telamon – the king of Salamis, a hero, the father of Ajax the Great and Teucer; and a close friend of Heracles (plus the song of Telamon and the Telamons in architecture)!

Watch it here:

Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #telamon #hercules #heracles #ajaxthegreat #teucer #hesione #priam #trambelus #peleus #amazons #achilles #king #princess #queen #aeacus #actaeus #glauce #salamis #cychreus #periboea #alcathous #laomedon #tros #trojanwall #apollodorus #podarces #songoftelamon #troy #trojanwar #argonauts #calydonianboar #zeus #hera #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained #architecture #telamons #colossal #malefigures #columns #atlas #atlantes #atlantids #caryatids


The love story of king Pygmalion and Galatea (with historical background)!

Watch it here:

Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #pygmalion #galatea #lovestory #cyprus #kingofcyprus #king #queen #statue #sculpture #goddess #aphrodite #temple #bringtolife #ovid #metamorphoses #amathus #venus #propoetides #propoetus #studio #prayer #paphos #decypro #philostephanus #bibliotheca #pseudoapollodorus #renaissance #wsgilbert #georgebernardshaw #eliza #troy #trojanwar #argonauts #zeus #hera #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained


The love story of king Pygmalion and Galatea (with historical background)!

Watch it here:

Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #pygmalion #galatea #lovestory #cyprus #kingofcyprus #king #queen #statue #sculpture #goddess #aphrodite #temple #bringtolife #ovid #metamorphoses #amathus #venus #propoetides #propoetus #studio #prayer #paphos #decypro #philostephanus #bibliotheca #pseudoapollodorus #renaissance #wsgilbert #georgebernardshaw #eliza #troy #trojanwar #argonauts #zeus #hera #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained


Nisos or Nisus – the king of Megara, grandfather of Bellerophon and his part in the war of Athens vs Minoan Crete!

Watch it here:

Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #nisos #nisus #king #queen #megara #isthmusofcorinth #corinth #minos #minoan #athens #scylla #metion #aegeas #pallas #lycos #pandion #sciron #oracle #aeacus #aegina #onchestus #crete #cretanfleet #fleet #athensvscrete #theseus #herakles #hercules #jason #goldenfleece #troy #trojanwar #argonauts #zeus #hera #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained
