19 Unknown Ancient Greek Sky Gods and Deities (Unknown to most people)
19 Ancient Greek Sky Gods and Deities
19 Unknown Ancient Greek Sky Gods and Deities (Unknown to most people)
These deities or gods presided over the elements of sky, light and heavens.
They are related to the periods of the day and night, the winds, clouds, stars and planets. Sky deities are also associated with air, rain, snow and rainbows.
The 19 Ancient Greek Sky Gods and Deities presented in this video are: Aiolos (Latin: Aeolus), Aether, Anemoi (aka Winds), Arke (or Arce), Astraeus, Astra Planeti, Aurai (or Aurae), Chaos, Chione, Ersa (or Herse), Hemera, Hesperides, Iris, Menae, Nephelai, Pandia, Pleiades, Selene, Uranus (or Ouranos).