Tag: Amphitryon
Alcmene - granddaughter of the hero Perseus, wife of Am...
The Story of the famous Alcmene - Heracles mother!
Amphitryon - husband of Alcmene and the stepfather of t...
The story of the famous king Amphitryon!
King Sthenelus – a son of Perseus, and the father of Eu...
The story of the famous King Sthenelus!
Princess Procris – wife of Cephalus and the great-grand...
The story of the famous Princess Procris – wife of Cephalus!
Panopeus – a close friend of Amphitryon and one of the ...
The story of the hero Panopeus!
Heleus – the son of the famous couple Perseus and Andro...
The story of Heleus – the son of Perseus and Andromeda!
Princess Comaetho – who was executed for treason!
The story of Princess Comaetho!
Tiresias - the famous blind prophet of Apollo!
Tiresias - a blind prophet of Apollo in Thebes, famous for clairvoyance and for being transformed into a woman for seven years!
The creation of the Milky Way in Greek and Roman Mythol...
The creation of the Milky Way based on Greek and Roman Mythology!