Tag: Aphrodite
The 10 most desirable Hetairai – aka, Courtesans of Anc...
The 10 most desirable Hetairai (part 2)!
The 10 most desirable Hetairai – aka, Courtesans of Anc...
The 10 most desirable Hetairai in Ancient Greece!
Priam – the famous king of Troy!
The story of the famous king Priam!
Hecuba or Hecabe – the famous queen of Troy!
The story of the famous Trojan Queen Hecuba!
Oedipus – king of Thebes!
The story of the famous Oedipus – king of Thebes!
Jocasta – queen of Thebes, the wife of Laius and mother...
The story of the famous queen Jocasta!
Laius – king of Thebes, husband to Jocasta and the fath...
The story of the famous Laius – king of Thebes!
Labdacus – king of Thebes, a grandson of Cadmus and the...
The story of the famous king of Thebes Labdacus!
Minthe (Naiad nymph) – Hade’s lover and the myth behind...
The story of the famous Minthe (Naiad nymph)!
Persephone – the wife of Hades and queen of the Underwo...
The story of Persephone - the Queen of the Underworld!
Butes – an Argonaut and a lover of goddess Aphrodite!
The story of the hero Argonaut Butes!
Sinon – an Achaean warrior and a key player responsible...
Sinon – an Achaean warrior during the Trojan War!