Tag: Artemis

Tantalus – the son of Zeus who caused an enormous curse...

The story of the famous Tantalus!

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Leda, queen of Sparta – wife of King Tyndareus and moth...

The story of Leda, queen of Sparta!

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King Thestius – the father of Leda and father-in-law of...

The story of the famous King Thestius – the father of Leda!

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Pelionides – the famous nymphs of Mount Pelion and daug...

The story of the famous Pelionides!

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Melanippe –the daughter of the famous centaur Chiron!

The story of the famous Melanippe!

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Princess Iphimedeia – the mother of the famous giants O...

The story of the famous Princess Iphimedeia!

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Autolycus - the master thief and grandfather of Odysseu...

The story of the famous master thief Autolycus!

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Alcathous of Elis – a king of Megara and the grandfathe...

The story of king Alcathous of Elis!

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Syrinx – the reason why Pan created his famous pan flut...

The story of Syrinx – the reason why Pan created his famous pan flute!

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King Hyrieus - famous for being extremely wealthy, and ...

The story of King Hyrieus; Orion's father!

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King Daedalion – the story of the Hawk!

The story / myth of the Hawk!

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Althaea - the mother of Meleager and queen of Calydon!

The story of the famous queen Althaea!

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