Tag: Hercules

Polydectes – king of Seriphos, the king who would comma...

The story of Polydectes – king of Seriphos!

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Polynices – a son of Oedipus and Jocasta, brother to Et...

The story of the famous Polynices – a son of Oedipus and Jocasta!

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King Perieres – husband to Gorgophone, the daughter of ...

The story of the famous King Perieres!

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Pelionides – the famous nymphs of Mount Pelion and daug...

The story of the famous Pelionides!

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Oicles – king of Argos and father to Amphiaraus, one of...

The story of Oicles – king of Argos!

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Melanippe –the daughter of the famous centaur Chiron!

The story of the famous Melanippe!

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King Medus – the son of Medea and his rise to power!

The story of the famous King Medus!

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Iphitus prince of Oechalia – one of the Argonauts and t...

The story of Iphitus prince of Oechalia!

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Princess Deianira – the wife of Heracles and the cause ...

The story of the famous Princess Deianira!

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Autolycus - the master thief and grandfather of Odysseu...

The story of the famous master thief Autolycus!

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Alcathous of Elis – a king of Megara and the grandfathe...

The story of king Alcathous of Elis!

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Athamas – a king of Beotia (or Boiotia), brother to Sal...

The story of Athamas – a king of Beotia (or Boiotia)!

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