Tag: mythology 101
Cadmus – a hero, a brother of Europa, Husband to goddes...
The story of the famous hero and founder king Cadmus!
Persephone – the wife of Hades and queen of the Underwo...
The story of Persephone - the Queen of the Underworld!
Butes – an Argonaut and a lover of goddess Aphrodite!
The story of the hero Argonaut Butes!
Tantalus – the son of Zeus who caused an enormous curse...
The story of the famous Tantalus!
Antiope – the famous Amazon Queen, wife of Theseus and ...
The story of Antiope – the famous Amazon Queen!
Antenor - a wise counsellor of Troy before, and during ...
The story of Antenor - a wise counsellor of Troy!
Acamas - a son of the Trojan elder Antenor and defender...
The story of the Trojan Hero Acamas!
Thrasymedes - a son of Nestor and a named Achaean hero ...
The story of the hero Thrasymedes - a son of Nestor!
Leda, queen of Sparta – wife of King Tyndareus and moth...
The story of Leda, queen of Sparta!
King Thestius – the father of Leda and father-in-law of...
The story of the famous King Thestius – the father of Leda!
Alcmene - granddaughter of the hero Perseus, wife of Am...
The Story of the famous Alcmene - Heracles mother!
Amphitryon - husband of Alcmene and the stepfather of t...
The story of the famous king Amphitryon!