Tag: naiad
Butes – an Argonaut and a lover of goddess Aphrodite!
The story of the hero Argonaut Butes!
Melanippe –the daughter of the famous centaur Chiron!
The story of the famous Melanippe!
Krotos - the one who invented archery, illumination whi...
The story of the famous Krotos!
Tereus – the cruel Thracian king and the retribution ag...
The story of Tereus – the cruel Thracian king!
Syrinx – the reason why Pan created his famous pan flut...
The story of Syrinx – the reason why Pan created his famous pan flute!
Io – the amazing story of the famous nymph!
The amazing story of the famous nymph Io!
Dardanus – the founder of the city of Dardanus and gran...
The story of the famous Dardanus!
Aesacus - son of king Priam and his prophecy about Pari...
The story of the Trojan prince Aesacus and his prophecy!
The Naiad nymph Aegina - the nymph of the island that b...
The story of the Naiad nymph Aegina!
Ilus – the king of and founder of Troy!
The story of king Ilus!
Assaracus – the king of Dardania; the kingdom that gave...
The story of Assaracus – the king of Dardania!
Tithonus – the lover of Eos, the Goddess of the Dawn!
The story of Tithonus the lover of the goddess Eos!