Tag: Theseus
The six labours of the famous hero Theseus!
The six labors of Theseus!
The famous bandit Sinis – Theseus second heroic labour!...
The story of the famous bandit Sinis!
Epeius of Phocis – the Achaean hero who build the Troja...
The story of the famous Epeius of Phocis!
Pandion II – a legendary King of Athens, a son and heir...
The story of the legendary king Pandion II !
Glaucus – the famous sea-god!
The story of Glaucus – the famous sea-god!
Minthe (Naiad nymph) – Hade’s lover and the myth behind...
The story of the famous Minthe (Naiad nymph)!
Minthe (Naiad nymph) – Hade’s lover and the myth behind...
The story of the famous Minthe (Naiad nymph)!
Persephone – the wife of Hades and queen of the Underwo...
The story of Persephone - the Queen of the Underworld!
Persephone – the wife of Hades and queen of the Underwo...
The story of Persephone - the Queen of the Underworld!
Antiope – the famous Amazon Queen, wife of Theseus and ...
The story of Antiope – the famous Amazon Queen!
Periphetes – the famous Club-Bearer thief that was kill...
The story of Periphetes – the famous Club-Bearer thief !
King Aegeus – the father of Theseus and from whom the A...
The story of the famous King Aegeus!