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Alcathous of Elis – a king of Megara and the grandfather of famous heroes!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #alcathous #alcathousofelis #pelops #hippodamia #atreus #thyestes #pyrgo #euaechme #ischepolis #callipolis #iphinoe #periboea #automedusa #pausanias #euippus #megareus #lionofcithaeron #apollo #artemis #cretans #crete #walls #hercules #heracles #calydonianhunt #calydonianboar #acropolis #lyre #sound #ajax #ajaxthegreat #telamon #iolaus #thalesofmiletus #ancientgreece #greekmythology #gods #goddesses #historyforkids #mythologyforkids #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101


Athamas – a king of Beotia (or Boiotia), brother to Salmoneus, Sisyphus and Cretheus; and husband to Nephele, Ino and Themisto!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #athamas #nephele #ino #themisto #goldenfleece #chrysomallus #constellationaries #aries #ixion #phrixus #helle #hellespont #colchis #aeetes #chalciope #cytisorus #presbon #athamanean #mountains #cretheus #tyro #poseidon #deluge #aeolus #hellen #deucalion #aeolia #thessaly #enarete #aeolicrace #salmoneus #sisyphus #gulf #pegasae #aeson #amythaon #pheres #hippolyte #acastus #tectamus #neleus #pelias #chiron #pylos #argonauts #jason #medea #hercules #heracles #goldenfleece #chrysomallus #constellationaries #aries #ancientgreece #greekmythology #gods #goddesses #historyforkids #mythologyforkids #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101


Athamas – a king of Beotia (or Boiotia), brother to Salmoneus, Sisyphus and Cretheus; and husband to Nephele, Ino and Themisto!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #athamas #nephele #ino #themisto #goldenfleece #chrysomallus #constellationaries #aries #ixion #phrixus #helle #hellespont #colchis #aeetes #chalciope #cytisorus #presbon #athamanean #mountains #cretheus #tyro #poseidon #deluge #aeolus #hellen #deucalion #aeolia #thessaly #enarete #aeolicrace #salmoneus #sisyphus #gulf #pegasae #aeson #amythaon #pheres #hippolyte #acastus #tectamus #neleus #pelias #chiron #pylos #argonauts #jason #medea #hercules #heracles #goldenfleece #chrysomallus #constellationaries #aries #ancientgreece #greekmythology #gods #goddesses #historyforkids #mythologyforkids #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101


Cretheus – the famous king and founder of the city Iolcus; and the grandfather of Jason!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #cretheus #tyro #poseidon #deluge #aeolus #hellen #deucalion #aeolia #thessaly #enarete #aeolicrace #athamas #salmoneus #sisyphus #gulf #pegasae #aeson #amythaon #pheres #hippolyte #acastus #tectamus #neleus #pelias #chiron #pylos #argonauts #jason #medea #hercules #heracles #goldenfleece #chrysomallus #constellationaries #aries #ancientgreece #greekmythology #gods #goddesses #historyforkids #mythologyforkids #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101


Cretheus – the famous king and founder of the city Iolcus; and the grandfather of Jason!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #cretheus #tyro #poseidon #deluge #aeolus #hellen #deucalion #aeolia #thessaly #enarete #aeolicrace #athamas #salmoneus #sisyphus #gulf #pegasae #aeson #amythaon #pheres #hippolyte #acastus #tectamus #neleus #pelias #chiron #pylos #argonauts #jason #medea #hercules #heracles #goldenfleece #chrysomallus #constellationaries #aries #ancientgreece #greekmythology #gods #goddesses #historyforkids #mythologyforkids #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101


Tiphys – the famous Argonaut and the first pilot of the Argo!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #mythology #history #tiphys #athena #helmsman #argonauts #argo #pilot #thefirst #iolcus #thespian #hagnias #phorbas #elis #hyrmine #epeius #augeas #actor #siphai #tipha #agniades #idmon #apollo #mariandyni #colchis #kingaeetes #medea #khalkotauroi #colchisbulls #aeetes #ares #jason #colchis #goldenfleece #goldenram #theseus #heracles #hercules #labourofheracles #greekmythology #zeus #hera #gaia #kingeurystheus #argonautica #apolloniusrhodius #atlas #titan #constellationdraco #history101 #mythology101 #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #hesiod #theogony #historyforkids #mythologyforkids


Tereus – the cruel Thracian king and the retribution against him!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #tereus #ares #naiad #nymph #bistonis #dryas #procne #itys #philomela #thracianking #thrace #thebes #labdacus #athens #pandion #lynceus #lathusa #olympiangods #birds #hoopoe #hawk #swallow #nightingale #hyginus #fabulae #transformation #thucydides #bibliotheca #sophocles #philocles #thebirds #aristophanes #shakespeare #zeus #hera #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained


Tereus – the cruel Thracian king and the retribution against him!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #tereus #ares #naiad #nymph #bistonis #dryas #procne #itys #philomela #thracianking #thrace #thebes #labdacus #athens #pandion #lynceus #lathusa #olympiangods #birds #hoopoe #hawk #swallow #nightingale #hyginus #fabulae #transformation #thucydides #bibliotheca #sophocles #philocles #thebirds #aristophanes #shakespeare #zeus #hera #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained


Styx - the goddess of the famous river!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #styx #zeus #riverstyx #riversoftheunderworld #acheron #cocytus #lethe #phlegethon #oceanus #tethys #nymph #oceanid #3000 #nyx #night #erebus #darkness #nike #victory #zelos #rivalry #kratos #strength #bia #power #pallas #titanomachy #olympians #titans #hesiod #achilles #apollo #achillesheel #iris #oath #charon #nyx #hydra #kerberos #pluto #semele #helios #phaethon #underworld #tartarus #hades #persephone #demeter #echidna #phorcys #ceto #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained #greekmythology
