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Periphetes – the famous Club-Bearer thief that was killed by Theseus (Theseus’ first labour)!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #mythology #history #periphetes #club #firstlabour #aethra #theseus #labor #bellerophon #hephaestus #helen #helenoftroy #helenofsparta #castor #pollux #poseidon #pittheusoftroezen #clymene #aegeus #plutarch #pittheus #plutarch #delphi #oracleofdelphi #menelaus #agamemnon #trojanwar #homer #aegisthus #hermione #sparta #athens #mycenae #zeus #demophon #acamas #elysiumfields #gods #goddesses #titans #mountolympus #hesiod #ancientgreekmythology #greekhistory #ancientgreece #mythology101 #history101 #mythologyexplained #historyexplained


King Aegeus – the father of Theseus and from whom the Aegean Sea got its name (Complete Version)!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #mythology #history #aegeus #aethra #theseus #bellerophon #helen #helenoftroy #helenofsparta #castor #pollux #poseidon #pittheusoftroezen #clymene #aegeus #plutarch #pittheus #plutarch #delphi #oracleofdelphi #menelaus #agamemnon #trojanwar #homer #aegisthus #hermione #sparta #athens #mycenae #zeus #demophon #acamas #elysiumfields #gods #goddesses #titans #mountolympus #hesiod #ancientgreekmythology #greekhistory #ancientgreece #mythology101 #history101 #mythologyexplained #historyexplained


King Aegeus – the father of Theseus and from whom the Aegean Sea got its name (Complete Version)!

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Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #mythology #history #aegeus #aethra #theseus #bellerophon #helen #helenoftroy #helenofsparta #castor #pollux #poseidon #pittheusoftroezen #clymene #aegeus #plutarch #pittheus #plutarch #delphi #oracleofdelphi #menelaus #agamemnon #trojanwar #homer #aegisthus #hermione #sparta #athens #mycenae #zeus #demophon #acamas #elysiumfields #gods #goddesses #titans #mountolympus #hesiod #ancientgreekmythology #greekhistory #ancientgreece #mythology101 #history101 #mythologyexplained #historyexplained


Pelionides – the famous nymphs of Mount Pelion and daughters of the famous centaur Chiron!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #pelionides #nymphs #chiron #centaur #centaurs #mtpelion #chariclo #apollo #dionsyus #cronus #zeus #asclepius #aristaeus #ajax #aeneas #actaeon #caeneus #theseus #achilles #jason #peleus #telamon #perseus #oileus #phoenix #hercules #heracles #hades #persephone #history #mythology #greekhistory #ancientgreece #athena #ancientrome #sanctuary #ancientgreekmythology #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #mythologyforkids #historyforkids #olympians #melanippe #hippe #endeis #ocyrhoe #artemis #philyra #πηλιονίδες


Pelionides – the famous nymphs of Mount Pelion and daughters of the famous centaur Chiron!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #pelionides #nymphs #chiron #centaur #centaurs #mtpelion #chariclo #apollo #dionsyus #cronus #zeus #asclepius #aristaeus #ajax #aeneas #actaeon #caeneus #theseus #achilles #jason #peleus #telamon #perseus #oileus #phoenix #hercules #heracles #hades #persephone #history #mythology #greekhistory #ancientgreece #athena #ancientrome #sanctuary #ancientgreekmythology #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #mythologyforkids #historyforkids #olympians #melanippe #hippe #endeis #ocyrhoe #artemis #philyra #πηλιονίδες


Panopeus – a close friend of Amphitryon and one of the heroes in the Calydonian boar hunt!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #meleager #phocus #asteria #asterodia #crisus #proetus #acrisius #telamon #peleus #aegina #pterelaus #taphians #heleus #cephalus #curse #alcmene #epeius #boxer #mechanic #achaean #leaders #troy #woodenhorse #sackoftroy #plutarch #aegle #theseus #ariadne #naxos #ovid #calydon #boar #historictown #phocis #boeotia #pausanias #zeus #gods #ares #athena #mountolympus #zeus #historyforkids #mythologyforkids #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101


Panopeus – a close friend of Amphitryon and one of the heroes in the Calydonian boar hunt!

Watch it here:

Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #meleager #phocus #asteria #asterodia #crisus #proetus #acrisius #telamon #peleus #aegina #pterelaus #taphians #heleus #cephalus #curse #alcmene #epeius #boxer #mechanic #achaean #leaders #troy #woodenhorse #sackoftroy #plutarch #aegle #theseus #ariadne #naxos #ovid #calydon #boar #historictown #phocis #boeotia #pausanias #zeus #gods #ares #athena #mountolympus #zeus #historyforkids #mythologyforkids #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101


Oicles – king of Argos and father to Amphiaraus, one of the leaders of the Seven against Thebes and husband to Eriphyle!

Watch it here:

Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #oicles #king #amphiaraus #sevenagainstthebes #eriphyle #hercules #heracles #diomedes #argos #troy #troad #laomedon #ships #sophocles #epigoni #mythographer #apollodorus #thebes #alcmaeon #pausanias #megalopolis #arcadia #homer #odyssey #antiphates #melampus #diodorussiculus #zeuxippe #hippocoon #catalogueofwomen #hypermnestra #iphianeira #endeos #diodorus #polyboea #gods #athena #mountolympus #zeus #historyforkids #mythologyforkids #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101
