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Princess Iphimedeia – the mother of the famous giants Otus and Ephialtes; aka, the Aloadae!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #iphimedeia #poseidon #otus #ephialtes #triopas #pancratis #canace #hiscilla #myrmidon #erysichthon #phorbas #giants #gigantomachy #hera #apollo #artemis #aphrodite #zeus #athena #eros #gods #goddesses #titans #mountolympus #hesiod #mythology #history #ancientgreekmythology #valhalla #playstation5 #ancientgreekhistory #ancientgreece #delphi #story #top5 #top10 #spartans #sparta #athens #300spartans #athena #achilles #thetis


Princess Iphimedeia – the mother of the famous giants Otus and Ephialtes; aka, the Aloadae!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #iphimedeia #poseidon #otus #ephialtes #triopas #pancratis #canace #hiscilla #myrmidon #erysichthon #phorbas #giants #gigantomachy #hera #apollo #artemis #aphrodite #zeus #athena #eros #gods #goddesses #titans #mountolympus #hesiod #mythology #history #ancientgreekmythology #valhalla #playstation5 #ancientgreekhistory #ancientgreece #delphi #story #top5 #top10 #spartans #sparta #athens #300spartans #athena #achilles #thetis


King Icarius – the brother of king Tyndareus and the father of Penelope, the wife of Odysseus!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #icarius #penelope #odysseus #tyndareus #ithaca #perseus #odyssey #sparta #messenia #perieres #gorgophone #oebalus #bateia #hippocoon #periboea #perileos #thoas #damasippus #imeusimus #aletes #iphthime #alyzeus #leucadius #polycaste #lygaeus #dorodoche #ortilochus #asterodia #eurypylus #amasichus #phalereus #thoon #pheremmelias #perilaos #laodice #laodamia #erymede #damasiclus #elatus #taenarus #heroes #woodenhorse #troy #trojanwar #zeus #hera #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained


King Icarius – the brother of king Tyndareus and the father of Penelope, the wife of Odysseus!

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Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #icarius #penelope #odysseus #tyndareus #ithaca #perseus #odyssey #sparta #messenia #perieres #gorgophone #oebalus #bateia #hippocoon #periboea #perileos #thoas #damasippus #imeusimus #aletes #iphthime #alyzeus #leucadius #polycaste #lygaeus #dorodoche #ortilochus #asterodia #eurypylus #amasichus #phalereus #thoon #pheremmelias #perilaos #laodice #laodamia #erymede #damasiclus #elatus #taenarus #heroes #woodenhorse #troy #trojanwar #zeus #hera #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained


Princess Deianira – the wife of Heracles and the cause of his death!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #deianira #iole #hercules #heracles #hyllus #glenus #onites #ctesippus #macaria #eurytion #lichas #poeas #philoctetes #marriage #oechalia #eurytus #antioche #king #queen #princess #clytius #iphitus #molion #toxeus #nessus #centaur #lovepotion #megara #apollo #calydon #lernaeanhydra #heraclides #cleodaeus #evaechme #apotheosis #mountolympus #zeus #poison #immortality #greekmythology #ovid #sophocles #seneca #bibliotheca #meleager #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #mythologyforkids #historyforkids #history101 #mythology101


Princess Deianira – the wife of Heracles and the cause of his death!

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Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #deianira #iole #hercules #heracles #hyllus #glenus #onites #ctesippus #macaria #eurytion #lichas #poeas #philoctetes #marriage #oechalia #eurytus #antioche #king #queen #princess #clytius #iphitus #molion #toxeus #nessus #centaur #lovepotion #megara #apollo #calydon #lernaeanhydra #heraclides #cleodaeus #evaechme #apotheosis #mountolympus #zeus #poison #immortality #greekmythology #ovid #sophocles #seneca #bibliotheca #meleager #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #mythologyforkids #historyforkids #history101 #mythology101


Krotos - the one who invented archery, illumination while hunting, applause and the myth behind the constellation Sagittarius!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #krotos #crotus #pan #eupheme #muses #youngermuses #constellationsagittarius #constellationmyths #dionysus #archery #inventor #applause #illumination #nurse #wetnurse #zeus #nymph #naiad #hippocrene #mounthelicon #huntingbow #orpheus #satyr #satyrs #dionysus #meniades #sileni #silenus #maenads #bacchantes #nymphs #fauns #bacchus #greekhistory #ancientgreece #athena #ancientrome #athens #gods #goddesses #mountolympus #hesiod #ancientgreekmythology #hera #hermes #apollo


Krotos - the one who invented archery, illumination while hunting, applause and the myth behind the constellation Sagittarius!

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Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #krotos #crotus #pan #eupheme #muses #youngermuses #constellationsagittarius #constellationmyths #dionysus #archery #inventor #applause #illumination #nurse #wetnurse #zeus #nymph #naiad #hippocrene #mounthelicon #huntingbow #orpheus #satyr #satyrs #dionysus #meniades #sileni #silenus #maenads #bacchantes #nymphs #fauns #bacchus #greekhistory #ancientgreece #athena #ancientrome #athens #gods #goddesses #mountolympus #hesiod #ancientgreekmythology #hera #hermes #apollo


Autolycus - the master thief and grandfather of Odysseus!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #mythology #history #autolycus #master #thief #odysseus #parnassus #hermes #apollo #chione #artemis #philammon #amphithea #neaera #mesta #anticleia #polymede #heracles #hercules #eurytus #iphitus #sisyphus #laertes #ithaca #argonauts #argo #sinon #thessaly #jason #homer #hesiod #apollodorus #ovid #hyginus #pausanias #tryphiodorus #eustathius #ancientgreekmythology #greekhistory #ancientgreece #mythology101 #history101 #mythologyexplained #historyexplained #sophocles #iphigeniaataulis #iphigeniaintauris


Autolycus - the master thief and grandfather of Odysseus!

Watch it here:

Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #mythology #history #autolycus #master #thief #odysseus #parnassus #hermes #apollo #chione #artemis #philammon #amphithea #neaera #mesta #anticleia #polymede #heracles #hercules #eurytus #iphitus #sisyphus #laertes #ithaca #argonauts #argo #sinon #thessaly #jason #homer #hesiod #apollodorus #ovid #hyginus #pausanias #tryphiodorus #eustathius #ancientgreekmythology #greekhistory #ancientgreece #mythology101 #history101 #mythologyexplained #historyexplained #sophocles #iphigeniaataulis #iphigeniaintauris
