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King Sthenelus – a son of Perseus, and the father of Eurystheus!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #mythology #history #sthenelus #andromeda #perseus #perses #alcaeus #heleus #mestor #electryon #gorgophone #pterelaus #zeus #hera #heracles #nicippe #amphitryon #aclmene #perseids #eurystheus #pelopides #hyllus #labors #laborsofheracles #mycenae #tiryns #argos #pelops #hippodamia #megapenthes #king #ancientgreekmythology #greekhistory #ancientgreece #mythology101 #history101 #mythologyexplained #historyexplained #ovid


Sinon – an Achaean warrior and a key player responsible for the downfall of Troy!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #mythology #history #sinon #odysseus #trojanhorse #woodenhorse #trojanwar #laomedon #iphigenia #cassandra #laocoon #agamemnon #achilles #electra #clytemnestra #orestes #pleiades #pylades #aeschylus #sophocles #euripides #homer #laodice #aulis #aegisthus #atlas #pleione #oracleofdelphi #delphi #menelaus #helen #hermione #sparta #mycenae #erinyes #zeus #hera #hephaestus #ares #aphrodite #serpents #elysiumfields #gods #goddesses #titans #mountolympus #hesiod #ancientgreekmythology #greekhistory #ancientgreece #mythology101 #history101 #mythologyexplained #historyexplained


Sinon – an Achaean warrior and a key player responsible for the downfall of Troy!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #mythology #history #sinon #odysseus #trojanhorse #woodenhorse #trojanwar #laomedon #iphigenia #cassandra #laocoon #agamemnon #achilles #electra #clytemnestra #orestes #pleiades #pylades #aeschylus #sophocles #euripides #homer #laodice #aulis #aegisthus #atlas #pleione #oracleofdelphi #delphi #menelaus #helen #hermione #sparta #mycenae #erinyes #zeus #hera #hephaestus #ares #aphrodite #serpents #elysiumfields #gods #goddesses #titans #mountolympus #hesiod #ancientgreekmythology #greekhistory #ancientgreece #mythology101 #history101 #mythologyexplained #historyexplained


Princess Danae – daughter of King Acrisius and the mother of the famous hero Perseus (Complete Version)!
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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #acrisius #danae #perseus #zeus #poseidon #proetus #argos #tiryns #lycia #abas #aglaea #ocaleia #danaus #eurydice #lacedaemon #sparta #oracleofdelphi #delphi #mountolympus #bronzetower #seriphos #polydectes #megapenthes #stheneboea #iobates #king #queen #hero #ancientgreece #athena #ancientrome #sanctuary #ancientgreekmythology #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #mythologyforkids #historyforkids #history101 #mythology101


Princess Danae – daughter of King Acrisius and the mother of the famous hero Perseus (Complete Version)!
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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #acrisius #danae #perseus #zeus #poseidon #proetus #argos #tiryns #lycia #abas #aglaea #ocaleia #danaus #eurydice #lacedaemon #sparta #oracleofdelphi #delphi #mountolympus #bronzetower #seriphos #polydectes #megapenthes #stheneboea #iobates #king #queen #hero #ancientgreece #athena #ancientrome #sanctuary #ancientgreekmythology #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #mythologyforkids #historyforkids #history101 #mythology101


Polydectes – king of Seriphos, the king who would command the hero Perseus to obtain the head of Medusa!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #polydectes #perseus #dictys #danae #medusa #hippodamia #acrisius #history #mythology #gorgon #gorgons #perseus #athena #hermes #pegasus #bellerophon #chrysaor #danae #sthenno #euryale #heracles #hercules #phorcys #ceto #echidna #ladon #graeae #homer #iliad #trojanwar #hera #zeus #argonauts #jason #odyssey #persephone #hades #demeter #mountolympus #hyginus #ovid #fabulae #ancientgreece #greekmythology #aphrodite #gods #goddesses #historyforkids #mythologyforkids #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101


Polydectes – king of Seriphos, the king who would command the hero Perseus to obtain the head of Medusa!

Watch it here:

Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #polydectes #perseus #dictys #danae #medusa #hippodamia #acrisius #history #mythology #gorgon #gorgons #perseus #athena #hermes #pegasus #bellerophon #chrysaor #danae #sthenno #euryale #heracles #hercules #phorcys #ceto #echidna #ladon #graeae #homer #iliad #trojanwar #hera #zeus #argonauts #jason #odyssey #persephone #hades #demeter #mountolympus #hyginus #ovid #fabulae #ancientgreece #greekmythology #aphrodite #gods #goddesses #historyforkids #mythologyforkids #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101


The famous Cyclops Polyphemus – most famously known for his appearance in the Odyssey vs Odysseus and his crew!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #cyclopes #cyclops #giants #odysseus #odyssey #polyphemus #homer #poseidon #thoosa #io #acis #galatea #phorcys #arges #steropes #brontes #uranus #gaea #greekmythology #zeus #hera #gaia #mythology #history #history101 #mythology101 #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #hesiod #theogony #historyforkids #mythologyforkids #callimachus #euripides #virgil #aetna #blacksmiths #hephaestus #etna #aeneas #achaemenides #theocritus #seagod #nymph #nereid #cave


The famous Cyclops Polyphemus – most famously known for his appearance in the Odyssey vs Odysseus and his crew!

Watch it here:

Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #cyclopes #cyclops #giants #odysseus #odyssey #polyphemus #homer #poseidon #thoosa #io #acis #galatea #phorcys #arges #steropes #brontes #uranus #gaea #greekmythology #zeus #hera #gaia #mythology #history #history101 #mythology101 #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #hesiod #theogony #historyforkids #mythologyforkids #callimachus #euripides #virgil #aetna #blacksmiths #hephaestus #etna #aeneas #achaemenides #theocritus #seagod #nymph #nereid #cave


Princess Procris – wife of Cephalus and the great-grandmother of Odysseus!
Watch it here:

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #procris #cephalus #eos #odysseus #laertes #laelaps #teumessianfox #zeus #europa #minos #crete #pasiphae #oreithya #creusa #metion #cecrops #clymene #athens #thebes #phocis #amphitryon #mycenae #taphians #teleboans #ancientgreece #plutarch #apollodorus #pausanias #hyginus #diodorus #ovid #history101 #mythology101 #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #hesiod #theogony #historyforkids #mythologyforkids
