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Laius – king of Thebes, husband to Jocasta and the father of Oedipus!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #laius #oedipus #jocasta #labdacus #polydorus #nycteis #nycteus #antiope #lycus #polybus #periboea #chrysippus #sevenagainstthebes #epigoni #diomedes #history #mythology #polynices #polyneices #eteocles #thersander #thebes #antigone #ismene #creon #tiresias #argos #aeschylus #euripides #zeus #hera #hercules #heracles #athena #mountolympus #history #mythology #ancientgreece #greekmythology #aphrodite #gods #goddesses #historyforkids #mythologyforkids #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101 #polynices #adrastus #eriphyle #amphiaraus #hippomedon #parthenopeus #tydeus


Laius – king of Thebes, husband to Jocasta and the father of Oedipus!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #laius #oedipus #jocasta #labdacus #polydorus #nycteis #nycteus #antiope #lycus #polybus #periboea #chrysippus #sevenagainstthebes #epigoni #diomedes #history #mythology #polynices #polyneices #eteocles #thersander #thebes #antigone #ismene #creon #tiresias #argos #aeschylus #euripides #zeus #hera #hercules #heracles #athena #mountolympus #history #mythology #ancientgreece #greekmythology #aphrodite #gods #goddesses #historyforkids #mythologyforkids #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101 #polynices #adrastus #eriphyle #amphiaraus #hippomedon #parthenopeus #tydeus


Iobates (king) – father of Stheneboea and Philonoe, and the father-in-law of the famous hero Bellerophon!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #iobates #bellerophon #pegasus #philonoe #stheneboea #poseidon #eurynome #glaucus #athena #goldenbridle #seer #polyeidus #amazons #solymi #mountolympus #gadfly #queen #princess #king #lycia #erinyes #hero #proetus #anteia #tiryns #proetus #megapenthes #argos #iphianassa #iphinoe #lysippe #astydamia #acastus #peleus #phereboia #polyboia #greekmythology #gaelicmythology #zeus #hera #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained


Iobates (king) – father of Stheneboea and Philonoe, and the father-in-law of the famous hero Bellerophon!

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Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #iobates #bellerophon #pegasus #philonoe #stheneboea #poseidon #eurynome #glaucus #athena #goldenbridle #seer #polyeidus #amazons #solymi #mountolympus #gadfly #queen #princess #king #lycia #erinyes #hero #proetus #anteia #tiryns #proetus #megapenthes #argos #iphianassa #iphinoe #lysippe #astydamia #acastus #peleus #phereboia #polyboia #greekmythology #gaelicmythology #zeus #hera #history101 #historyforkids #historyexplained #mythology101 #mythologyforkids #mythologyexplained


Icarius of Athens – the man who was placed among the stars by the gods!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #mythology #history #icarius #erigone #phanothea #maera #dionysus #zeus #athens #pandion #clementofalexandria #hexameter #winemaker #winemaking #ceos #aristaeus #aristaios #apollo #cyrene #beekeeping #constellations #virgo #boötes #bootes #star #procyon #sky #nightsky #constellationmyths #etesian #winds #greekmythology #greekhistory #ancientgreece #mythology101 #history101 #mythologyexplained #historyexplained


Icarius of Athens – the man who was placed among the stars by the gods!

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Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #mythology #history #icarius #erigone #phanothea #maera #dionysus #zeus #athens #pandion #clementofalexandria #hexameter #winemaker #winemaking #ceos #aristaeus #aristaios #apollo #cyrene #beekeeping #constellations #virgo #boötes #bootes #star #procyon #sky #nightsky #constellationmyths #etesian #winds #greekmythology #greekhistory #ancientgreece #mythology101 #history101 #mythologyexplained #historyexplained


Glaucus – the famous sea-god!

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Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #mythology #history #glaucus #sea #seagod #poseidon #nereus #scylla #circe #nymphs #seanymphs #prophecy #cronus #helios #herb #grass #sicily #immortality #zeus #argo #argonaut #heracles #hercules #jason #orpheus #merman #oceanus #tethys #telamon #sparta #syme #delos #nereids #ariadne #theseus #dionysus #naxos #deiphobe #aeneas #hydne #cumaeansibyl #sibyl #greekmythology #greekhistory #ancientgreece #mythology101 #history101 #mythologyexplained #historyexplained


Glaucus – a grandson of Bellerophon, defender of Troy and a famous captain of the Lycian army!

Watch it here:

Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #mythology #history #glaucus #hippolochus #bellerophon #sarpedon #diomedes #troy #trojanwar #lycia #army #captain #commander #sarpedon #patroclus #achilles #ajaxthegreat #armour #zeus #hera #athena #apollo #aeneas #oeneus #iliad #homer #odysseus #odyssey #greekmythology #greekhistory #ancientgreece #mythology101 #history101 #mythologyexplained #historyexplained
