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Antenor - a wise counsellor of Troy before, and during the Trojan War, as well as the founder of Patavium (Padua in Italy)!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #acamas #antenor #theano #agenor #archelochus #antheus #helicaon #iphidamas #laodamas #laodocus #troy #trojanwar #priam #patavium #padua #italy #cisseus #ajaxthegreat #philoctetes #promachus #meriones #molus #deucalion #homer #iliad #quintussmyrnaeus #athena #mountolympus #gods #goddesses #hesiod #ancientgreekmythology #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101 #historyforkids #mythologyforkids #odysseus #menelaus #agamemnon #achilles


Acamas - a son of the Trojan elder Antenor and defender of Troy during the Trojan War!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #acamas #antenor #theano #agenor #archelochus #antheus #helicaon #iphidamas #laodamas #laodocus #troy #trojanwar #priam #cisseus #ajaxthegreat #philoctetes #promachus #meriones #molus #deucalion #homer #iliad #quintussmyrnaeus #athena #mountolympus #gods #goddesses #hesiod #ancientgreekmythology #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101 #historyforkids #mythologyforkids


Acamas - a son of the Trojan elder Antenor and defender of Troy during the Trojan War!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #acamas #antenor #theano #agenor #archelochus #antheus #helicaon #iphidamas #laodamas #laodocus #troy #trojanwar #priam #cisseus #ajaxthegreat #philoctetes #promachus #meriones #molus #deucalion #homer #iliad #quintussmyrnaeus #athena #mountolympus #gods #goddesses #hesiod #ancientgreekmythology #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101 #historyforkids #mythologyforkids


Thrasymedes - a son of Nestor and a named Achaean hero during the Trojan War!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #thrasymedes #nestor #pylos #achilles #odysseus #telemachus #trojanwar #troy #woodenhorse #suitorsofhelen #helen #aulis #agamemnon #heracles #heraclides #memnon #antilochus #aphareus #deipyrus #lycomedes #eurydice #anaxibia #peisistratus #pisidice #polycaste #perseus #stratichus #aretus #echephron #epicaste #sillus #alcmaeon #greekmythology #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101


Thrasymedes - a son of Nestor and a named Achaean hero during the Trojan War!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #thrasymedes #nestor #pylos #achilles #odysseus #telemachus #trojanwar #troy #woodenhorse #suitorsofhelen #helen #aulis #agamemnon #heracles #heraclides #memnon #antilochus #aphareus #deipyrus #lycomedes #eurydice #anaxibia #peisistratus #pisidice #polycaste #perseus #stratichus #aretus #echephron #epicaste #sillus #alcmaeon #greekmythology #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101


Leda, queen of Sparta – wife of King Tyndareus and mother to Helen of Troy, Clytemnestra, Castor, and Pollux!

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#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #thestius #king #leda #swan #zeus #tyndareus #helenoftroy #clytemnestra #castor #pollux #dioscuri #agamemnon #menelaus #icarius #sparta #althaea #queen #calydon #meleager #cleopatra #hercules #heracles #atalanta #calydonianboar #artemis #ares #curetes #underworld #calydonianboarhunt #oeneus #moirai #prophecy #thestius #calydon #hypermnestra #fire #mountolympus #gods #goddesses #hesiod #greekmythology #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101


Leda, queen of Sparta – wife of King Tyndareus and mother to Helen of Troy, Clytemnestra, Castor, and Pollux!

Watch it here:

Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #thestius #king #leda #swan #zeus #tyndareus #helenoftroy #clytemnestra #castor #pollux #dioscuri #agamemnon #menelaus #icarius #sparta #althaea #queen #calydon #meleager #cleopatra #hercules #heracles #atalanta #calydonianboar #artemis #ares #curetes #underworld #calydonianboarhunt #oeneus #moirai #prophecy #thestius #calydon #hypermnestra #fire #mountolympus #gods #goddesses #hesiod #greekmythology #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101


King Thestius – the father of Leda and father-in-law of the Spartan King Tyndareus!

Watch it here:

Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #thestius #king #leda #zeus #hippocoon #tyndareus #icarius #sparta #althaea #queen #calydon #meleager #cleopatra #hercules #heracles #atalanta #calydonianboar #artemis #ares #dionysus #poseidon #deianira #hades #persephone #curetes #underworld #calydonianboarhunt #oeneus #ageleus #clymenus #eurymede #gorge #melanippe #periphas #thyreus #toxeus #moirai #atropos #prophecy #thestius #aphares #calydon #hypermnestra #fire #mountolympus #gods #goddesses #hesiod #greekmythology #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101


King Thestius – the father of Leda and father-in-law of the Spartan King Tyndareus!

Watch it here:

Enjoy! :-)

#ancientgreecereloaded #history #mythology #thestius #king #leda #zeus #hippocoon #tyndareus #icarius #sparta #althaea #queen #calydon #meleager #cleopatra #hercules #heracles #atalanta #calydonianboar #artemis #ares #dionysus #poseidon #deianira #hades #persephone #curetes #underworld #calydonianboarhunt #oeneus #ageleus #clymenus #eurymede #gorge #melanippe #periphas #thyreus #toxeus #moirai #atropos #prophecy #thestius #aphares #calydon #hypermnestra #fire #mountolympus #gods #goddesses #hesiod #greekmythology #historyexplained #mythologyexplained #history101 #mythology101


Alcmene - granddaughter of the hero Perseus, wife of Amphitryon and the mother of Heracles (Complete Version)!

Watch it here:

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#ancientgreecereloaded #mythology #history #amphitryon #alcmene #rhadamanthys #eurystheus #heracles #iphicles #sthenelus #andromeda #perseus #perses #alcaeus #heleus #mestor #electryon #gorgophone #pterelaus #zeus #hera #heracles #nicippe #perseids #eurystheus #pelopides #hyllus #labors #laborsofheracles #mycenae #tiryns #argos #pelops #hippodamia #megapenthes #king #ancientgreekmythology #greekhistory #ancientgreece #mythology101 #history101 #mythologyexplained #historyexplained #ovid
