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Category: Videos
Gorgo Aix - the monstrous goat that Zeus fought during ...
Everything you need to know about Gorgo Aix!
Laelaps - the legendary dog that never failed to catch ...
Everything you need to know about Laelaps - the legendary dog!
The Sphinx - the legendary winged monster with the famo...
Everything you need to know about the famous Sphinx!
The Teumessian fox (aka, Cadmean Vixen) - the legendary...
Everything you need to know about the Teumessian fox (aka, Cadmean Vixen) - the legendary fox that was destined to never be caught...
Cerberus - the three-headed dog that guarded the entran...
Everything you need to know about Cerberus - the three-headed dog!
Griffin - the king of the beasts representing both Wisd...
Everything you need to know about the Griffin - the king of the beasts!
The famous Charybdis – the drowner of vessels and oppos...
Everything you need to know about Charybdis – the drowner of vessels and opposite of Scylla!
The Cercopes – the Monkey-like Trickster Spirits!
Everything you need to know about the Cercopes – the Monkey-like Trickster Spirits!
The Graeae - the three sisters who shared one eye!
Everything you need to know about the Graeae - the three sisters who shared one eye!
Geryon - the three-bodied giant that fought Hercules in...
Everything you need to know about Geryon - the three-bodied giant!
Pontus – the primeval god of the Sea!
Everything you need to know about Pontus – the primeval god of the Sea!
Argos Panoptes (or Argus Panoptes) – the 100 eye Giant!...
Everything you need to know about Argos Panoptes – the 100 eye Giant!