Tag: athens
Ambrosia and Nectar - The Food and Drink of the Gods an...
The food and drinks that lead to immortality!
Hecate – the goddess of Magic, Witchcraft, the Night, M...
The Goddess that Witches, Magicians and Esoteric Scientists worship!
Pheme / Fama / Ossa – The Goddess of Fame and Renown ...
The goddess that today's News Media and Paparazzi worship!
Phobos and Deimos – The Gods of Fear and Dread (Video)...
In this video we will look into these two lovely chaps, showcase their stories and how they affected everything; always based on A...
Pheme – The Goddess of Fame and Renown
Have you guys ever wondered if in ancient Greece there has been a god or a goddess that was the representation of fame and renown?
How Athens got its name in Ancient Times
Solon’s Seisachtheia – The famous Ancient Greek Economi...
Seisachtheia Explained simple for everyone to understand!
Sparta’s clash against the City States
Education in Ancient Greece
Greek education was vastly "democratized" in the 5th century BCE, influenced by the Sophists, Plato and Isocrates.
Athenian Democracy: a brief overview
This article was originally written for the online discussion series “Athenian Law in its Democratic Context”...