Tag: Golden Fleece
King Perses of Colchis – the brother of Aeetes, Aloeus,...
The story of King Perses of Colchis!
Acastus – king of Iolcus, an Argonaut and a hunter of t...
The story of the famous king Acastus!
Dardanus – the founder of the city of Dardanus and gran...
The story of the famous Dardanus!
The Naiad nymph Aegina - the nymph of the island that b...
The story of the Naiad nymph Aegina!
Nisos or Nisus – the king of Megara, grandfather of Bel...
The story of king Nisos or Nisus!
Salmoneus – the famous king of Elis, father of Tyro and...
The story of king Salmoneus!
Tyro – a Thessalian princess, the grandmother to many A...
The story of princess Tyro!
King Aeson – the father of Jason and why the Argonauts ...
The story of the famous king Aeson!
King Aeetes – Medea’s father and king of Colchis!
The story of the famous King Aeetes!
Chrysomallus (the complete story) – the flying golden r...
Everything you need to know about the mythology of the Golden Fleece and Phrixus and Helle!
The Khalkotauroi (aka, Colchis Bulls) – the fire-breath...
Everything you need to know about the Khalkotauroi in one video!
Menoetius - the titan god of violent anger, rash action...
All about the Titan God Menoetius in one Video!