Tag: Hesiod
King Agamemnon – the famous Greek leader in the great T...
The story of King Agamemnon!
Myrina – the most famous Amazon Queen who lived in the ...
The most famous Amazon Queen - Myrina!!!
The famous Ajax the Great and Ajax the Lesser!
The stories of Ajax the Great and Ajax the Lesser!
Tithonus – the lover of Eos, the Goddess of the Dawn!
The story of Tithonus the lover of the goddess Eos!
Thestor – the father of the famous seer Calchas and the...
The story of the famous Thestor!
Theiodamas – the king the Dryopes VS Heracles and his f...
The story of king Theiodamas!
Orithyia, the goddess of the cold mountain winds who wa...
The story of Orithyia, the goddess and wife of the North Wind god Boreas!
Orithyia, the goddess of the cold mountain winds who wa...
The story of Orithyia, the goddess and wife of the North Wind god Boreas!
Plemnaeus, the king of Sicyon best known for the favour...
The story of king Plemnaeus!
Amphion – the legendary king of Thebes and husband to t...
The story of the legendary king Amphion!
King Aeetes – Medea’s father and king of Colchis!
The story of the famous King Aeetes!
King Aegyptus and the story of the 50 Danaids!
The story of King Aegyptus and the 50 Danaids!