Tag: Odysseus

Hector – the famous prince of Troy!

The full story of prince Hector of Troy!

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Helenus of Troy – a prince of Troy, twin brother of Cas...

The story of Helenus of Troy – prince of Troy!

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Princess Comaetho – who was executed for treason!

The story of Princess Comaetho!

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Pisidice of Methymna – a princes of Lesbos that was sto...

The story of princess Pisidice of Methymna!

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Automedon – the charioteer of Achilles and Neoptolemus ...

The story of Automedon – the charioteer of Achilles!

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Circe – one of the most powerful enchantresses of Greek...

The story of the famous enchantresses Circe!

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Calypso – the nymph who lived on the island of Ogygia, ...

The story of the famous nymph Calypso!

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Gorgophone – the daughter of Perseus and Andromeda; the...

The story of princess Gorgophone – the daughter of Perseus and Andromeda!

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Lycomedes of Scyros – king of the Dolopians, father of ...

The story of king Lycomedes of Scyros!

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The famous princess Andromache – the wife of prince Hec...

The story of the famous princess Andromache!

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Sisyphus - the king that was punished to roll a boulder...

The story of the famous king Sisyphus!

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Tiresias - the famous blind prophet of Apollo!

Tiresias - a blind prophet of Apollo in Thebes, famous for clairvoyance and for being transformed into a woman for seven years!

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