Tag: titans
The Hecatonchires - the hundred hands giants!
Everything you need to know about the famous Hecatonchires - the hundred hands giants!
The famous Alcyoneus – Hercules’ opponent during the Gi...
Everything you need to know about the famous Alcyoneus – Hercules’ opponent during the Gigantomachy!
The famous Laestrygones - the man-eating giants!
Everything you need to know about the famous Laestrygones - the man-eating giants!
The famous Antaeus - the wrestler giant!
Everything you need to know about Antaeus - the wrestler giant!
Ophiotaurus - the ancient Sea Creature that was half se...
Everything you need to know about the Ophiotaurus in one video!
Lamia - the child-eating daemon!
Everything you need to know about Lamia in one video!
Empousai - the real vampire queens!
Everything you need to know about Empousai in one video!
Orthrus - the two headed, serpent-tailed dog and brothe...
Everything you need to know about Orthrus in one video!
Kampe - the first Warden of Tartarus before Cerberus!
Everything you need to know about Kampe in one video!
Mormo - the Ancient Greek Bogeyman!
Watch the video and learn about the ancient Bogeyman!
Dione - the titan goddess of healing and the Oracle of ...
All about the Titan Goddess Dione in one Video!
Dione - the titan goddess of healing and the Oracle of ...
All about the Titan Goddess Dione in one Video!