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Category: YouTube
Princess Deianira – the wife of Heracles and the cause ...
The story of the famous Princess Deianira!
Krotos - the one who invented archery, illumination whi...
The story of the famous Krotos!
Autolycus - the master thief and grandfather of Odysseu...
The story of the famous master thief Autolycus!
Arce – the messenger goddess of the Titans during the T...
The story of Arce – the messenger goddess of the Titans!
Alcathous of Elis – a king of Megara and the grandfathe...
The story of king Alcathous of Elis!
Athamas – a king of Beotia (or Boiotia), brother to Sal...
The story of Athamas – a king of Beotia (or Boiotia)!
Cretheus – the famous king and founder of the city Iolc...
The story of Cretheus – the king and founder Iolcus!
Tiphys – the famous Argonaut and the first pilot of the...
The story of Tiphys – the famous Argonaut!
Tereus – the cruel Thracian king and the retribution ag...
The story of Tereus – the cruel Thracian king!
Styx - the goddess of the famous river!
The story of Styx - the goddess of the famous river!
Syrinx – the reason why Pan created his famous pan flut...
The story of Syrinx – the reason why Pan created his famous pan flute!
Scamander – the famous River God!
The story of Scamander – the famous River God!