Tag: Constellations
King Perieres – husband to Gorgophone, the daughter of ...
The story of the famous King Perieres!
Astra Planeta – the 5 “wandering stars”!
The story of the Astra Planeta – the 5 “wandering stars”!
Heleus – the son of the famous couple Perseus and Andro...
The story of Heleus – the son of Perseus and Andromeda!
Gorgophone – the daughter of Perseus and Andromeda; the...
The story of princess Gorgophone – the daughter of Perseus and Andromeda!
Amphion – the legendary king of Thebes and husband to t...
The story of the legendary king Amphion!
The Meliads or Meliae - the nymphs of the ash tree!
The story of the nymphs of the ash tree!
Aristaeus - the god of Bee-Keeping, Herding, Cheese mak...
The story of the god Aristaeus!
The famous three Judges of the Underworld - Rhadamanthu...
The story of the three Judges of the Underworld!
The famous Amalthea’s horn; also known as Cornucopia or...
Everything about the famous Amalthea’s horn!
The famous Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (with his...
Learn everything about the famous Seven Wonders of the Ancient World!
The famous lovers, the couple Pyramus and Thisbe – the ...
Pyramus and Thisbe – the original ancient case of Romeo and Juliet!
The famous lovers, the couple Hero and Leander – the do...
Hero and Leander – the doomed lovers!